Super God Kindergarten

Chapter 29 Mass Burial Mound

Chapter 29 Mass Burial Mound

The next afternoon, as soon as Jiang Xuan came down from the live broadcast room, he heard someone knocking at the door.

When I opened the door, there was no one there, but there was a bamboo basket at the door, which contained several Chinese cabbages the size of a basketball, juicy and juicy, and it looked like it had just been picked.

"Huh? Chinese cabbage is falling from the sky!" Chang Xiaotu broke off a piece and stuffed it into her mouth, "It's so fresh, it's just right for the little rabbit to eat!"

Jiang Xuan looked around, but saw no one, thought for a while, and suddenly said loudly: "Li Tiezhu, I saw you, come out!"

"Where...why didn't I see it?"

As soon as Chang Xiaotu finished speaking, Li Tiezhu, a mentally handicapped man, came out of the nearby forest with some branches stuck in his neck, looking at Jiang Xuan and giggling.

"I knew it was you, come here and I'll give you the money." Jiang Xuan waved at him.

When Li Zhu saw the money, he waved his hand quickly, pointed at the Chinese cabbage, and then ran down the hill in a hurry.

"You idiot, run slowly, don't fall!"

Jiang Xuan looked at the Chinese cabbage and shook his head and smiled. According to legends, those who repay their kindness are beautiful vixen and snail girls. There are also various ways of repaying kindness. The more elegant Hongxiu Tianxiang reads at night, and the more casual ones help clean the house. Cooking, the vulgar one simply climbed into bed in the middle of the night and forced sex.

Why did he become a fool to give cabbage when it was his turn?

"This idiot is not bad, let's bring some back for him when we eat the buffet today." Chang Xiaotu said.

"You have a good idea. You thought you could bring it every time. You cook more fried rice in the future. When we go down the mountain, just give him some on the way."

"Okay, then I'll put an extra egg for him! I'll do it now, it will still be hot when I bring it down the mountain!" For Chang Xiaotu, being able to put an extra egg is a great honor. Su Yuting, who comes here every week for half a day, dare not say that he has this kind of treatment.

The idea of ​​the monster is very simple, if you treat me well, I will treat you well, if you treat me badly, or if I am hungry, I will eat you.

I went down the mountain with a basket, filled with hot fried rice with eggs and more than [-] local eggs, and went to Hao Jianguo first.

Hao Jianguo was not there, and the old lady was at home with her grandson. Contrary to Su Yao's family who had children early, Hao Jianguo had children very late, and gave birth to twins at 35.

I chatted with the old lady for a while, probably because of the star, the old lady looks pretty good recently, eats soundly and sleeps soundly, is very enthusiastic about Jiang Xuan, and pulls him to ask a lot of health care matters, finally Insisting on keeping the two of them to eat together, Jiang Xuan said a few polite words, left the eggs, and took Chang Xiaotu away.

Li Tiezhu's family lived in the east of the town, and Jiang Xuan's small courtyard happened to be east and west. When he opened the door and went in, Li Tiezhu was shirtless, sitting in the main room weaving bamboo baskets for fishing.

There is an old-fashioned 90s radio on the table, and it is playing the Little Tigers tape, 'string your heart and mine into a concentric circle...'

Seeing Jiang Xuan coming, Li Tiezhu was obviously very happy, put down the bamboo basket, stood up and smiled silly, then suddenly thought of something, ran to the back yard and took a handful of red bayberries, and stuffed them to Chang Xiaotu.

"Here, this is for you to eat." Chang Xiaotu handed the egg fried rice to Li Tiezhu.

Li Tiezhu was not polite either. He opened the lid in front of the two of them and started to eat voraciously. He smirked while eating, until the corners of his mouth were full of rice grains.

"It's delicious, I made it with my own hands! It's amazing!" Chang Xiaotu said proudly.

Li Tiezhu nodded vigorously, but he didn't know whether it was because the food was delicious or Chang Xiaotu was amazing.

Jiang Xuan found that fools and monsters have many similarities, they are simple-minded, straight-forward...and they eat a lot, and a box of lunch is gone in a blink of an eye. Li Tiezhu and Chang Xiaotu were taught by the same master. Licked the lunch box clean.

Jiang Xuan walked around his house, a main room, a bedroom, and a small yard at the back, with no furniture. It is not an exaggeration to say that the house is bare. The only modern tool is the old-fashioned radio. There are several tapes that are almost extinct in the city.

Listening to popular songs more than ten years ago is probably the greatest joy in Li Tiezhu's life.

Jiang Xuan had hoped that if Li Tiezhu had the qualifications to become a student, he would accept him. However, the system showed that Li Tiezhu was an ordinary human being and did not have the qualifications to become a student.

"We're leaving, and you're not allowed to send anything to my house in the future, or I'll be angry!" Jiang Xuan said with a straight face before leaving. Li Tiezhu's source of income depends entirely on those agricultural and sideline products. If you give him a share, his life will be a little more difficult. .

"Ho ho." Li Tiezhu smirked, not knowing if he understood.



"Uh..." Jiang Xuan and Chang Xiaotu hiccupped again, and walked out of the China Resources Mixc Food Street under the ghost-like eyes of several waiters.

This time, I ate a Korean-style barbecue buffet, which was quite expensive. It cost 180 yuan for two people including group buying and half price for children.

"Don't eat tomorrow, cook some porridge at home and drink something light, otherwise you will become high blood pressure sooner or later." Jiang Xuan said, picking his teeth.

"Yeah, I want to eat something light too." Chang Xiaotu walked with a figure of eight steps.

The two of them staggered to the elevator when they suddenly stopped at the same time.

There is a shop at the corner in front of it, the name of the shop is 'Yupin Self-service Seafood Congee Restaurant'.

There was a burst of wide-eyed stare.

"I feel quite embarrassed!" Chang Xiaotu covered her face and laughed wildly.

Jiang Xuan is also funny, how come there is such a thing as self-service porridge?
Just laughing like two idiots, the phone rang.

"Hey, what's the matter, monitor?" Wang Yao called.

"Jiang...Jiang Xuan, can you come to Dongsangang?" Wang Yao's voice was weak, and she sounded very scared.

"East Thirty Hills, what are you doing there?" Jiang Xuan was taken aback.

Outsiders don't know much about Dongsangang. Among the local population, there is another nickname: Mass Burial Mound.

(End of this chapter)

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