Super God Kindergarten

Chapter 242 Water and Land 2 Uses

Chapter 242 Amphibious Use
In the basement of the small temple in the mountain, Master Broken Shoes, who had a broken arm, turned on a videophone with a pale face after emergency bandaging.

A middle-aged man with the appearance of a secretary appeared on the opposite side. Seeing Master Broken Shoes, who was missing an arm, the middle-aged man frowned: "Master, what's wrong with you?"

"Hey, it's hard to say. Secretary Liu, do you have time now, I have an important report." Master Broken Shoes asked.

"I just finished the meeting and I have time, so I'll transfer it to you. Master, please seize the time. In 15 minutes, the chief will attend another meeting." Secretary Liu said.

"Okay, I understand." The broken shoe master thought it was not easy, the chief looked high above him, but this life may not be as comfortable as ordinary people, even if he is an ordinary office worker, at least he still has spare time after get off work. time.

Those who have reached the level of chief executives do not need to worry about any personal problems, but it means that they have no personal life.

I was thinking about these things in my mind, and when the videophone screen changed, an old man with white temples appeared on the opposite side. Unlike the hale and hearty ones that often appeared in the media, he was obviously tired.


"Master, what's the matter with your arm?" The chief straightened his expression slightly when he saw Master Broken Shoes' severed arm for the first time.

"Hey, it's hard to say." Facing Secretary Liu, one can go on and on, but when facing the chief, no matter how hard it is, Master Broken Shoes has to keep a long story short.

Tell me about Commissioner Xiang who suddenly awakened to a powerful superpower, and then went schizophrenic and killed more than N of his own people.

"Chief, I am responsible for this matter. I am negligent, and I will accept punishment." Master Broken Shoes said.

"This is not a matter of punishment, let's not talk about it." The chief waved his hand: "Where is Xiang Dingtian?"

"Ah... ran away." Master Broken Shoes said in a difficult tone.

This is the biggest thing he really wants to report today. After the second insanity attack, Commissioner Xiang killed several people, and then returned to normal after a while, asking honestly, "What did I do too?" ’, what else can the master of broken shoes say?
Commissioner Xiang, who knew the truth, burst into tears, roared loudly, turned around and ran away, and soon disappeared without a trace.Probably because I feel that I have no face to say goodbye to the organization.

Letting such a large unstable factor in society is more troublesome than monsters.Guys like Xiao Guangtian, although they are not good things, and their thinking is probably different from ordinary people, but at least they have their own unique logical thinking, and they will not kill randomly at every turn.

But Commissioner Xiang is different, he demonizes, well, because of the banner of the magic word behind him, Master Broken Shoes temporarily transforms him into a negative situation, which is called demonization.After being demonized, Master Broken Shoes could feel the murderous aura on Commissioner Xiang, as if he existed entirely for killing.

If such a guy is placed among the masses, the masses simply cannot bear it!
"According to the final monitoring, Xiang Dingtian once appeared at the intersection of the two provincial highways, and then entered the nearby mountains. I wonder if the local armed police should bring police dogs into the mountains to search." The broken shoe master bite the bullet Say.

This suggestion is actually not good. When I encountered it, ordinary armed police and big wolf dogs would be a dead end, but when things come to this kind of place, they can't do nothing.

The chief pondered for a moment, then said: "No, don't send anyone there, it won't help, and you will die in vain."

"But chief, Xiang Dingtian's current state is too dangerous." Master Broken Shoes said.

The chief stood up, put his hands behind his back and thought for a while, then sat down, and said to Master Broken Shoes: "Master, I don't understand superpowers, but I believe that the reason why human beings can exist on the earth until now must be He has his uniqueness. If you want to say what this uniqueness is, I think it is a spirit. Old Xiang is an old comrade. I know him very well. I believe that he will seriously consider it when he is sober. These problems, at this time, we don’t need to let people go, not to mention dying in vain, it may even stimulate Lao Xiang. Now what we can do with Lao Xiang is trust, we must trust our comrades!”

Master Broken Shoes was silent for a moment. It is reasonable for the chief to think this way. Indeed, in terms of human strength, spirit is something that cannot be ignored and can even create miracles. The reason why human beings become advanced creatures is to rely on various the spirit of.

"Master, the top priority now is to increase the cultivation and construction of our own superpower team. Superpower, in the final analysis, is a kind of powerful force, no different from building an army. Now there are some threats to the country and the people. If you are the "superpowers" of the masses, then we will build a stronger army of people's children. This is the focus of your inspectors' work in each province. On the one hand, train yourself; on the other hand, recruit willing Superpowers that serve the country; thirdly, for non-hazardous superpowers, methods of appeasement and monitoring should be adopted for effective management.”

After the chief finished speaking, he looked at the time: "Master, I still have a meeting. Let's do this first. If you have any questions, you can tell Secretary Liu."

"Good chief."



On the kindergarten side, Jiang Xuan and the others rested for two days, and were going to Taihu Lake to look for the big crocodile.

Before departure, luck suddenly improved, and a particularly good reward was drawn.

Kindergarten School Bus Enhanced [-]nd Edition.

In the previous lottery draw, I got a school bus enhancement. Wuling Hongguang pasted colorful small animal drawings on the outside. The overall performance of the car has improved a lot at once. The speed is fast, the power is sufficient, and the safety is high, so that it collides with traffickers head-on. In the incident, there is nothing shit.

So I never changed the car.

In the past two days, Jiang Xuan drew another lottery, and actually drew a second enhancement: amphibious use.

This is coming at the right time. I thought about it before, Taihu Lake is so big, and my group of people really don’t have a water system. Whether it’s searching or fighting, they are at a disadvantage, and even won in the end. Hidden inside, there is no way at all.

This time it’s all right, with the amphibious Wuling, it’s a great help.

Surrounded by the small car, Jiang Xuan thought, and a blue light shrouded it.


The car is still the same car, it looks unchanged, but if you look closely, you will find that there are some light blue water-like ripples in several places in the small animal pattern around the original body.

"There's a big fish!" Chang Xiaotu pointed at the back of the car, and everyone turned around, and they saw a big whale on the glass of the car trunk, happily spraying water.

"that's all?"

This is the first time for Su Yao to see a car refurbished in anger. Seeing that there are only some more posters, it is inevitable that she will be a little disappointed.At first, she thought that the scene would be very shocking, like deformed steel, maybe a car could turn into a human, at least a few more big parts would be needed.But it doesn't look like much now, a few posters are sold at the canteen down the mountain, and you can post them yourself for a few dollars.

Don't go straight to waxing.

"Don't underestimate these posters, they are awesome." Jiang Xuan and the others are people with experience, so they naturally know that it will not be as simple as it seems on the surface.

As for why it is not simple, then find a place to experiment.

There is a small fish pond at the door, but it is too small, so a group of people drove directly to the river, found a place where the water flow was relatively gentle, and drove the car to the shore.

"Jiang Xuan, aren't you going to drive the car directly into the river?" Su Yao asked in surprise. No matter how good the amphibious use is, it's just that the off-road ability is relatively strong, and it can ford water, but a car is a car after all, not a boat. Did it sink in the river?

"You all get out of the car." Jiang Xuan waved his hand, drove the others out of the car, sat in the driver's seat, and said, "I'll try to drive down, and if it doesn't work, I'll escape."

"Well, be careful."

Beep beep, beep beep, Wuling slowly drove into the river on the cobbled tidal flats. After a while, the water line submerged the exhaust pipe, followed by the car window. .

Ordinary cars, even off-road vehicles, should turn off when the water reaches this position, but Jiang Xuan still feels that Wuling's power is full, and it doesn't decrease at all.

It seems to be effective.

Continue to drive forward, the water comes up little by little, through the glass boat, you can already see the underwater situation, but the very simple Wuling, but no water seeps in, and it drives very smoothly in the water. Go forward at a speed of ten kilometers.

When the car was completely submerged in the water, Wuling's steering wheel suddenly lit up, and three buttons appeared on it.

A headlight, a gas, and an up and down direction button.

Just by looking at the button, one can probably guess what it is for. Jiang Xuan pressed the headlight first, and the lights suddenly turned on. Under the low-visibility underwater, a line of tens of meters long was formed. The light path illuminates the front clearly.

A herring seemed to be frightened, illuminated by the light, and stopped in place foolishly.

With a bang, it happened to be hit straight, causing an underwater traffic accident!
Another gas button, after pressing it, bubbles suddenly bubbled out from both sides of the car door, Jiang Xuan only felt a slight shock.

Understand, this is oxygen. After the body is closed, the oxygen inside is limited. This button can generate oxygen.Pretty awesome.

The last button is the up and down direction, Jiang Xuan probably guessed something, held the steering wheel to keep facing forward, and then pressed the up button.

Sure enough, Wuling slowly raised his head, and drove obliquely towards the top of the water.

Su Yao and the others on the shore saw Wuling, who had been 'silent', popping up again on the river dozens of meters away, followed by the whole car surfaced, just like on land, from Turned around on the surface of the water and drove back to the shore.

(End of this chapter)

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