Chapter 24 Eat a Good Meal

"Hello, post-90s new mothers, active children do not necessarily mean ADHD. Your son's condition should be that he is more active in nature. It may have something to do with your busy work and lack of time to pay attention to him. This is another way that children use Seeking attention……"

'Oh, I see, thank you Director Jiang'

【Post-90s Mommy sent a big bottle of Coke】

'Mr. Jiang, my baby will spit up milk every time I feed him. I'm so anxious, I'm so worried about choking the trachea. Another parent asked in the live broadcast room.

'It's too wasteful, give me a drink! '

'It must be too much milk! '

Immediately, many people started booing.

If it wasn't the anchor, but an ordinary audience, Jiang Xuan would also like to boo.

In order to maintain a clean personality in the live broadcasting world, Jiang Xuan said solemnly: "There are many possibilities for this. The biggest possibility is that you drank too quickly and brought in air when you drank milk. Next time you Soothe for a few minutes before feeding, and pay attention to the posture, try to choose a posture that does not inhale air." Jiang Xuan said.

'Oh, I'll try next time, thank you teacher. '

"Let me tell you about that. I am not a professional pediatrician. My words can only be used as suggestions and references for everyone to discuss together. Out of a responsible attitude towards children, if parents encounter difficult problems, they should still go to the The hospital consults a professional doctor."

At the end of every live broadcast, Jiang Xuan would routinely emphasize this sentence, he didn't want to be labeled as a charlatan one day.

Turn off the live broadcast, and check the background income as usual.

During this period, it has been approaching the 250 mark every day. Although the improvement is not as fast as it was initially, it has been growing steadily.

Two messages came from the background.

One is Li Muxue's best friend, the 'Ghostly Pretty Shadow' who was added as a friend last time.

After I added a friend last time, the other party was very attentive, and often came to 'ask' how to attract more fans, and invited Jiang Xuan to watch his live broadcast to increase mutual fans.

Jiang Xuan has seen her supernatural live broadcast. In fact, it is some tourist attractions such as haunted houses, horror theme parks, and horror cities. There is nothing really scary. Less than one-tenth.

To be honest, Jiang Xuan is not good at live broadcasting, other popular anchors know how to mobilize the atmosphere, how to coax and even ask for gifts, he can't do these things.

The reason why the results are not bad now is that, on the one hand, there are few live broadcasts for young children, the field is blank, and there is almost no competition;

Every kindergarten in the country counts as one. Which one can have children like Chang Xiaotu?

Not to mention the children, but Chang Xiaotu's appetite, once she let go, those big anchors on the live broadcast platform who rely on food to attract fans are not as good as her.

So he couldn't talk about teaching Guimei Liangying anything, so as not to delay others, out of taking care of Li Muxue's face, he replied a few words, probably suggesting that the live broadcast content is worthy of the name.If you do a live broadcast of horror and ghosts, the content is not scary at all, so of course you can't keep the audience.

The second message is official: 'Congratulations you have reached the signing criteria, please contact the official account'.

"Huh?" Jiang Xuan was stunned. Isn't the standard for signing a contract a daily income of more than 300?

Contacting the official account, it turns out that my data has grown rapidly in various aspects during this period, especially the gold content of fans. Although it is less than [-], the number of gifts has exceeded most anchors with [-] to [-] fans. Moreover, the online time is relatively long, and it is officially recognized as a "potential anchor", who can sign a contract in advance and enjoy the signing treatment.

The competition in the live broadcast industry is fierce. Every excellent anchor is a valuable resource, and every platform wants to recruit it.

This is of course a good thing. There will be an extra 1800 yuan a month, including the current gift income. Even if there is no increase in the future, the monthly income will almost reach [-]!

Not to mention the relatively poor and unpopular kindergarten majors, even if they are popular computer and law majors, they may not have an income of 1 yuan after graduation, and their monthly salary is tens of thousands. In Binhai, a second-tier city, it can be regarded as high-end. income.

Not only can you eat and drink enough, but you can live a well-off life with good food and drink.

"Little Rabbit, why are you squatting at the door of the chicken coop?"

In the yard, Little Rabbit Chang stooped to pull out the eggs from the chicken coop, then squatted at the door of the chicken coop, refusing to leave, looking at the coop anxiously.

"Can we eat a chicken?!" Chang Xiaotu asked greedily.

Although fried rice with eggs is delicious, if it is a staple food every day, no matter how delicious it is, I will get tired of eating it.And in the final analysis, no matter how delicious egg fried rice is, it is still egg fried rice, and it is impossible to turn it into braised hoof or roasted kidneys.

"What kind of chicken are you eating? Let's go to a restaurant in the city!" Jiang Xuan said.

"Okay! But... the restaurants in the city are very expensive, are you sure?" Chang Xiaotu asked uncertainly.

During this period of time, Chang Xiaotu, who used to be carefree and carefree, also began to be contaminated by the fireworks of the world. Sitting on the Wangyou swing, there will be an extra black air in his head, "how to make more money".

"Don't worry, I'm going to go all out today, find a good restaurant, and you can eat it!" Jiang Xuan laughed, and the same sentence, life can't be rich by being stingy, after signing the contract today, it will be as small as 2000 yuan a month Well, let's celebrate it.

After descending the mountain, take the bus and go directly to Wanda Plaza in the city.

On the third floor, the food street in the city.

"Wow, so many delicious foods!" Chang Xiaotu looked at the restaurants on both sides of the food street, and her mouth was watering.

What Han Gongyan charcoal fire barbecue, steam seafood, Tanyu specialty grilled fish, Chaoshan beef hot pot, Hong Kong-style tea restaurant... all kinds of exquisite things are unheard of by Chang Xiaotu, a local monster from the mountains.

When she first became a monster, among the limited monster inheritance, the most delicious food was nothing more than a large piece of bloody human flesh, two catties of rotten boiled beef, and so on. Much food.

Jiang Xuan took her to restaurants, but they were all small restaurants in front of the school, such as beef vermicelli and duck blood soup.

Occasionally adding ten yuan of beef, Chang Xiaotu would wonder whether Jiang Xuan hadn't woken up for a long time.

"What to eat! It's so tangled!" Chang Xiaotu suffered from difficulty in choosing!
I also want to eat barbecue, but also want to eat seafood, and I also want to eat cold cuts, fruit salad, ice cream, etc... But there is only one chance to choose.

Jiang Xuan is also looking for it. Although there are many things in Wanda, not all of them are suitable for taking Chang Xiaotu to eat. Some places are really open to eat. More than 1000 yuan can’t beat it at all, so I still have to find a place to compare Cheaper place.

His eyes flickered, and he landed on a well-decorated store not far away.

Six shocking characters: seafood barbecue buffet.

 Thanks to the book friends in the book review area for their suggestions. I have used this stalk as a good one. In the future, if you have good ideas, you can also post them in the book review area.

(End of this chapter)

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