Super God Kindergarten

Chapter 220 Bomb

Chapter 220 Bomb
"What's the sound? It's going to thunder again?"

Not only Jiang Xuan heard it, but the little monsters present also heard it clearly. There was a faint and violent vibration sound in the distant air, as if something was approaching here at high speed from the clouds. It was similar to the dreary atmosphere before thunderstorms in summer.

There was thunder just now, and Chang Xiaotu was chopped back to its original shape, but in comparison, the thunder that came out of the clouds of the Yin Demon just now, and the sound coming out of the sky now are incomparable in every respect. In comparison, little is nothing.

At this moment, three planes appeared in the distant sky. They were flying smoothly, but they were not as high above the ground as usual passenger planes, so the sound could be heard clearly.

"Oh, it turned out to be an airplane!"

"Jiang Xuan, I haven't been on a plane yet, someday will you take us on a plane!"

A few monsters are quite curious, looking with their necks up. As the special ability of big monsters, flying, they can't even touch it at all, but now ordinary humans can fly in the air through technology, which is still very impressive. The little monsters are envious.


Jiang Xuan narrowed his eyes and looked at it, but was taken aback!
These three planes, Nima are not ordinary passenger planes at all!Jiang Xuan didn't know the models of the two planes on both sides, but they had pointed heads and flat wings. They were obviously the kind of fighter jets commonly seen on TV!
The one in the middle was similar in shape to a passenger plane, but it was one size smaller. It had a big belly and looked a little bloated, which was probably one of the reasons why it was not flying fast.

This damn is a bomber!

You must know that the army is stationed and performed far away from the city. Usually in the city, you don’t talk about combat weapons such as fighter jets, bombers and tanks, even if you rarely see military vehicles or soldiers in military uniforms.

But these three planes suddenly appeared in the sky near Binhai City, what does this mean?
Could it be that there is actually a hidden military base in Nanping Mountain?Just in time for the plane to come out for training?
It's too late to say it's fast, no matter how slow the plane flies, it's still compared with the speed of sound, and it's over their heads in the blink of an eye.

A violent roar was heard clearly, and the living dead scattered all over the ground raised their heads one after another, looking at the sky blankly.

"I'm stupid, no, no, dodge!" Jiang Xuan suddenly realized something, his face turned pale with fright, and he jumped up and roared.

But it was too late. The bomber flying in the middle opened its belly, like laying eggs, and dropped a series of bombs of unknown type.

"This is the end!"

Jiang Xuan was so depressed that he let out a tragic roar. No matter how powerful they are, if they were blown up by modern high-tech aerial bombs, what would happen?

Obviously, these bombs were not aimed at them, but the destroyers of the mental hospital. However, the mountain where they are located is actually only a few hundred meters away from the mental hospital. This distance is acceptable in the face of modern weapons of mass destruction. negligible.

In his busy schedule, Jiang Xuan didn't even think about it. He grabbed Su Yao, who was the weakest, and pressed her under him. With the other hand, he pulled Chang Xiaotu's ear to her, and shouted, "Lie down!" '

No way, among the monsters, Jiang Gang has the strongest self-protection ability, Susu is the farthest away from him, Gou Ritian will be fine if he doesn't die, but Chang Xiaotu was cut out of the prototype, and only the weakest two can be protected. indivual.

Unexpectedly, Jiang Xuan lay on the ground for a few seconds, but nothing happened.

"Huh? Didn't explode?"

Jiang Xuan raised his head unexpectedly.

I saw that the three planes had already left, but Susu and the others didn't look at themselves, they looked up at the black clouds not far away.

"Master, the bomb dropped by the plane just now disappeared into the clouds!" Jiang Qiang said.

"Ah? Is there such a thing?" Jiang Xuan was taken aback, squinting his eyes to look at the clouds.

It looks the same as before, but if you look closely, you will find that the rolling is more violent, as if some monster is wriggling in the clouds, and the whole big cloud is bulging like a cotton candy, as if it will explode at any time of.

It exploded as soon as it was said, and it only took a while, the black cloud layer puffed, and it really exploded!
It used to be that the black cloud only shrouded the mental hospital, but at this time the scale suddenly expanded several times, covering the mountain where Jiang Xuan and the others were. Not only did the volume become larger, but the color also became deeper. The smell hit the face, and the thunder and lightning could be faintly seen flashing in the clouds.

Below, the undead looking up at the sky seemed to have been inspired by some kind of encouragement, and screamed wildly.

"Huh? I was blown up by a bomb, and it seems to have become more violent. What's going on?!"

Jiang Xuan was wondering, when suddenly another thunderbolt fell from the clouds, and he subconsciously carried it with the crouching demon seal, but who knew that the thunder that could be easily held just now was much more powerful at this time Suddenly, a big hole was cut in the crouching seal, and the stone flakes flew around. Jiang Xuan, who was using the crouching seal, also felt that there was a huge force pressing down on him, and he was almost unable to control it. It was knocked over to one side.

This is amazing, Jiang Xuan put away the crouching demon seal without hesitation, put Su Yao on his back, and yelled, "Run, run!" '.

A group of people were so triumphant that they crossed their hips and cursed just now, but they didn't know that when the bomb exploded, the Yin Demon's strength increased instead of falling, and they fled out of the mountain in a panic like being chased by dogs.

Sit on the bun, turn on the ignition and start driving. After driving for more than ten kilometers, I felt relieved when I arrived in the city.

"What happened?" Su Yao looked blank. She is not a practitioner, so she can't feel any changes in it.

But there are many living dead in the mental hospital, she can see clearly, and now she believes that the world has undergone tremendous changes, and there is some panic in her words.

Jiang Xuan and Chang Xiaotu actually didn't understand what was going on, but they could sense that the Yin Demon's power had grown stronger.

"Yeah, what's going on, the bomb exploded and became more violent, isn't this Yin Demon too weird?" Jiang Xuan felt a headache, and had never encountered such a difficult situation. A particularly powerful existence, anyway, is far below the level of a big demon, but it is nested in a ravine, and there is nothing anyone can do about it.

Chang Xiaotu returned to human form again, but her originally white and tender face was black and black, and there was a big gash on her shoulder, bleeding outwards. Jiang Xuan took a look and saw the bones. The rabbit howled in pain.

"Come, come, eat this." Jiang Xuan took a small pill and handed it to Chang Xiaotu.

This is what Director Zhu left over from last time. The last time Director Zhu came to rescue them, he used this kind of small pills. It was packed in a small bottle. I don’t know what it is. It recovered at a speed visible to the naked eye.After Director Zhu was split into piglets by lightning, the bottle of medicine remained, and there were more than a dozen pills left. Jiang Xuan always carried it with him, just in case.

After taking a pill, Chang Xiaotu really felt itchy shoulders, and small granulation sprouted from the wound, which began to heal, but her little face was still dark.

"There's water in the trunk, Jiang Gang, take some mineral water and wipe her face." Jiang Xuan frowned, feeling ruthless.

In the space, the prototype blessing table of Fu Moyin was struck by the lightning and lost a corner. I don't know if it will have any impact on the future power. I finally got such a magic weapon. It's not serious yet. The scriptures have come in handy, and the first time I dealt with the devil, it was damaged.

"Jiang Xuan, I think there may be a big problem with this!"

Susu, who had been silent all this time, suddenly spoke in a serious tone that had never been heard before.

"What a big problem!" Jiang Xuan felt that there was no bigger problem now.

In fact, after thinking about it for a while, he relaxed a lot. This Yin Demon can't even deal with aerial bombs, which at least shows two points. First, it is definitely not a problem that he needs to consider now; second, the country has already noticed this existence. .

To put it simply, I don't have to worry about it for the time being. No matter how ruthless it is, it has nothing to do with me. If I confront the country head-on, how can a mere yin demon end well in the end?

"But Yin Demon can absorb modern weapons and make progress for itself!" Susu said: "It suddenly became stronger just now, it should have absorbed the energy in the bomb. If the country continues to use other modern weapons to deal with it, it will continue to attack it." It is not impossible to grow rapidly, and finally grow into a big monster, or even a devil king!"

"Damn it, it can absorb modern weapons again? Didn't it mean that the Yin Demon specializes in absorbing creatures to grow!" Jiang Xuan was taken aback.

"I'm guessing too." Susu frowned, and said with fingers: "Look, modern weapons, explosives, and nuclear fusion are essentially a kind of energy. It's just energy. It is more violent, and people and buildings can’t stand it, so spiritual energy, demonic energy, and demonic energy are actually a kind of energy.”

"You mean to say that the energy in the bomb is magic energy?" Jiang Xuan said unexpectedly.

"No, no, that's not necessarily the case. But what if the energy of modern weapons is not lethal to the devil?" Susu said, "For example, a person will be very painful and burned to death in the flames, but the phoenix in the flames However, fire is a kind of energy, no matter how big it is, no matter how high the temperature is, it will not pose any threat to the creatures that "adapt to this energy". If it is human beings, no matter how fresh the air is, oxygen No matter how much it is enough, people will not die, but will feel refreshed.”

Jiang Xuan understood a little bit, the aura and demonic energy, the temperature and even the pollution and shock waves produced by the bomb are essentially a kind of 'high energy'. Demons who also live in high energy are not afraid of these things. Weapons that can cause damage to entities can restrain demons, but Yin Demons seem to have no entities and are not afraid of bullets.

(End of this chapter)

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