Super God Kindergarten

Chapter 211 No one can fool me!

Chapter 211 No one can fool me!

The saboteur put down the shriveled skin of the woman, grinned and showed a mouthful of rotten teeth, and said to Jiang Xuan and the others: "Everyone who has nothing to do with them is dead, it's time to talk about the things between us."

"You're quite calm!" Jiang Xuan said, rubbing his chin.

"The demons are all mentally ill, and they have problems with their brains. It doesn't make sense for them to be calm or not." Susu interjected, covering her little nose, and said, "Jiang Xuan, hurry up and kill him, this guy is too ugly!"

"Kill me? Hahaha!" The short arms on both sides of the saboteur's body shook rapidly, its big eyes rolled around, and it suddenly made a movement that no one could have imagined.

I saw his legs bent backwards, his hind legs bent, and he knelt down on the spot, his four pairs of arms clasped into four fists in front of his waist, and he kept bowing.

"Several gods, please forgive me. I'm just a little devil. I don't care what the devil's purpose is. Since I've come to this world of flamboyance, I won't offend you for the shit of the devil! I It can be seen that these immortals are all profound in Taoism, I dare not go against them, so just let me go like a fart!"

Although the voice of the Destroyer is still ugly, like the friction of broken iron, but the tone is very humble, almost flattering and shameless, "As long as you can let me go, I will be a cow and a horse for a few people in the future. What do you want me to do? Just do it, how about it?! In this colorful world, there are very few existences that can deal with me!"


Jiang Xuan and the others never expected that the style of painting would change so quickly.

He really is a devil, he has no integrity at all.

However, his proposal is really so attractive.

The destroyer's big eyeballs rolled around, as if he had caught the hesitation in Jiang Xuan's eyes, and he immediately said with a strange smile: "My god, at first glance, you are young and promising, and you have a bright future! Limited, in this world of flowers and flowers, no fairy world or demon world can control us. As long as you can cultivate to a certain level, you are the highest existence in this world. However, in this world, there are still some things that can hurt you now. If you have a helper like me, your future will only be smoother."

"What he said seems to make sense." Gou Ritian said.

"Do you know my background?" Jiang Xuan took two steps, carefully sizing up the ugly guy in front of him.

"Hehehe, of course I don't know, but I can probably guess one or two." The deformed little arms on both sides of the destroyer's body, or small claws, swayed slightly like the belly of a lobster, not tight. He said without hesitation: "Monsters have always been lackeys of the fairy world. There are so many monsters around you, so you must be related to the fairy world. You are the spokesperson for the gods in the sky. If I guessed correctly, you are here to destroy us demons." right?"

"Go ahead." Jiang Xuan nodded.

"There are many demons in this world, and I'm just one of them. However, for those gods who are high in the fairy world, I, a humble little demon, still know a lot of information about other demons. Yes, with my help, you will definitely be able to complete the task faster, better, and more safely, and by then, you will be able to perform meritorious service in the fairy world and get rewards, and you will also be able to quickly improve your own strength."

The Destroyer was just like a neurotic who didn't have a clear mind, but now he talked freely and said one set: "You know, among the demons who came to this world, there are still some very powerful guys. With your current strength, you can't deal with it at all, but I, who is also a devil, understand their weaknesses, and even... Hehehe, I can even act as an undercover agent, break into their interior, and take advantage of their inattention , The inside should cooperate with the outside!"

"Fuck, you really don't have any stance and integrity, the devil, that's with you." Jiang Xuan said.

"We saboteurs are just born in the demon world. If we were born in the fairy world, or the territory of the demon clan, then we belong to the fairy world. So, I don't think a creature should be judged by its place of birth. position. Besides..."

The destroyer Jie Jie laughed and said: "Don't you think it's an extremely pleasant thing to cheat the trust of the former similar demons, and then to catch them by surprise and ruthlessly slap them behind the scenes, to kill them, and to see their surprised expressions Well!"

"Oh, yes, you saboteurs like to do such things." Jiang Xuan nodded.

"How about it, let's make a deal, don't worry, I will work hard for you loyally and become your best fighter!" The destroyer's tone seemed very excited, and he couldn't wait, the four pairs of arms and eight hands on his abdomen were entangled together Rubbing, "Shangxian, if I'm not mistaken, you monster kids are not suitable for fighting and killing. From now on, leave all the dark, shameless and bloody things to me. We devils are better at doing these things, hahaha!"

"What you said still makes sense, but..." Jiang Xuan put his hands behind his back and looked down at the destroyer: "How can I be sure that you are not lying to me?"

Just as the destroyer was about to say something, Jiang Xuan moved.

Two gusts of strong winds came, one came from Jiang Xuan, and the other came from Jiang Gang, who was farther away, standing beside the Destroyer.

The flying tiger leaped across the stream, and the two cubs brought a strong wind, and they rushed to the destroyer almost at the same time.


A roar, with the effect of a 'lion roaring a loudspeaker' in the sound waves, exploded from Jiang Xuan's mouth, directly hitting the destroyer's head.

"Pfft!" The saboteur spat out a mouthful of sticky green juice. He was dizzy from the shock, and the eight hands on his abdomen waved erratically.

"The tiger digs out its heart!"

Two fists rushed towards the head of the destroyer with thunderous force from different directions.

With a muffled sound, the Destroyer's head was immediately blown apart. This time there was no need to make a mosaic, because there was no flesh and blood in this monster's head at all, it was full of sticky green juice, which covered Jiang Xuan all over.

The Destroyer, who was talking eloquently just now, swayed and fell to the ground with his headless body.

"Fuck, I will believe you!" Jiang Xuan shook his hand full of sticky juice, pointed at his brain, and sneered at the corpse of the destroyer: "What do you think it is, watermelon? This is the brain Okay! The corpses of your parents are right there, can I fucking trust you as a psycho?"

Just now Jiang Xuan approached him, with his hands behind his back, and made a hand gesture to Jiang Qiang from behind, taking advantage of the saboteur thinking that he would miss his chance to relax his vigilance, he suddenly shot, and it hit him.

"Fufuhu, I thought you really wanted to promise him!" Susu patted her chest: "The devil is a cunning guy, I couldn't help reminding you just now!"

"Boss, you act like the real thing!" Gou Ritian said.

Chang Xiaotu was still gnawing bones and sticks, with an expression of 'I knew Jiang Xuan was fooling him'.

"It stinks, the devil's blood smells so bad, it's like poop." Jiang Xuan wiped his face with disgust, and then said: "Kids, let me tell you seriously, talking about conspiracy and tricks , the devil is not the opponent of human beings! As you imagine, the human body is the weakest, not as good as wild animals, but they can become the masters of this world. Why? You rely on this!"

Jiang Xuan nodded his temples, "So, at any time, don't take a human being lightly!"

"Master, you have spoken so well!" Jiang Gang took out a small notebook from his trouser pocket again, took out a pen as if by magic, and wrote down the quotations of Master on it.

"Okay, okay, let's record it when we go home." Jiang Xuan squatted next to the saboteur's corpse, touching it.

According to what Director Zhu said before, after killing the devil, he can use some method to let the devil fill the vacancy in the sky. This is also his current task.

But 'a certain method', what kind of method is it?

"Hey, in the sky, there's a dead demon here, do you want to use it!" Jiang Xuan raised his head and roared.

No response.

"Wait a minute!" Susu rubbed her head and said doubtfully, "It seems that there is something very important to tell you, but I can't remember it for a while."

Jiang Xuan looked back at her: "We'll talk about it when we go back..."

As soon as he finished speaking, he turned his head, and saw the Destroyer, whose head had been blown off, suddenly turned over, and two bone spurs like blades snapped left and right!
"I'll go, headshot and still alive?!"

But now is not the time to consider the survivability of the Destroyer, those two bone spurs can be easily inserted into concrete, Jiang Xuan didn't want to be caught by them, so he subconsciously leaned back!

Taking advantage of Jiang Xuan's evasive effort, the hundreds of arms in the Demon Destroyer's abdomen moved quickly, swishing down like a big centipede and walked out for several meters, then stretched out with its long hind legs, and jumped out of the window.

"Oh! By the way, I remembered that the real head of the destroyer is in the stomach, protected by eight hands. His head is actually the buttocks, which are used for excretion!" Susu suddenly yelled: "He There is a real face on the belly, you have to smash that face to kill him!"

" didn't say it earlier!"

Jiang Xuan can be considered to understand what those thick and foul-smelling 'green juices' are...

"Uh, it's disgusting, why are these monsters so perverted from the inside out!"

Jiang Xuan kept wanting to vomit, suppressed it, stretched out his head and looked out, and saw the destroyer lying on the wall outside, using both his front and back legs, pounding two rows of holes in the wall, facing towards the wall. Flee downstairs.

Downstairs, a police car had already parked, surrounded by many people.

"It's coming again!" Someone saw the destroyer jumping down from above, and pointed up and exclaimed.

The Destroyer was eager to escape, and the speed of going downstairs was so fast that he almost jumped directly. After a few pauses, he reached the ground and rushed into the crowd. Two bone spurs waved around, and the mosaic flew randomly, and the stumps and arms were all over the ground. .

Fortunately, his purpose was not to kill people. After rushing through the crowd, he quickly fled to the outside of the community, leaving behind a crowd of wailing wounded.


Jiang Xuan rushed into the elevator without hesitation. After all, the saboteur was seriously injured. Even Jiang Xuan could smell the strong demonic aura left in the air.

(End of this chapter)

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