Super God Kindergarten

Chapter 203 Blasting

Chapter 203 Blasting
Just when Jiang Xuan Kindergarten was struck by lightning and the big fat man turned into a little fat pig, near the mental hospital, on the hill where Principal Zhu led them to flee and temporarily settled, Commissioner Xiang was in the temporary headquarters, devastated.

The temporary headquarters was guarded layer by layer. On this commanding height on the hillside, the small headquarters was arranged like a battlefield. Barbed wire was pulled up and temporary defensive measures were set up. A whole company of armed police surrounded them with live ammunition.

Under the hillside, the remaining armed police surrounded the entire mental hospital layer by layer.

The well-trained and armed modern troops of Jinqian seem to be facing a big enemy for this seemingly empty mental hospital. They use the surrounding terrain to temporarily build layers of firepower, and simple sandbags can be seen everywhere. Defensive positions, detour trenches, and even military vehicles have been converted into makeshift bunkers.

But if you look carefully, the two battalions of armed forces brought by Commissioner Xiang seem to be incomplete at this time, and there are many vacancies.

"Is the drone ready?" Commissioner Xiang sat in the headquarters tent with an ugly face almost dripping.

It is no problem to drip water, in fact, his heart is already bleeding, and it has been dripping for a long time!

They arrived here yesterday. According to the plan of the commander who didn't know the truth, even if there was any abnormality in such an abandoned mental hospital, sending two companies to rush in directly would be enough to control everything.After all, this place is only so big, even if dozens of militants are hidden inside, it is not scary.

Commissioner Xiang came here on a mission, and he has far more contact with secrets than local comrades. Although he is not [-]% aware of the details of the mental hospital, he understands that what they are going to deal with is definitely not ordinary criminals.

Strong firepower, well-trained, and modern equipment may not necessarily have an absolute advantage in front of their opponents.

Everything should be on the safe side.

So from the beginning, he arranged for the armed forces to surround the mental hospital, and even followed the actual combat mode, and then established a temporary headquarters. Finally, after everything was ready, and after ensuring everything was safe, he sent a company of soldiers and divided them into several teams. Mental hospitals were searched separately.

A company with nearly a hundred people, it stands to reason that it is enough to search a mental hospital with only two yards in the front and back, and two buildings.

But unexpectedly, after this company entered the yard, it was like a stone sinking into the sea, and suddenly there was no news.

The scene at that time was very strange. The soldiers filed in. After entering the front yard, everything was normal except that there was always a cloud in the sky.This cloud did not attract much attention. In the mountains, it is normal for clouds and mist to curl up. If the altitude is a little higher, the entire mountain will be shrouded in clouds and mist. At first glance, it looks like a fairy cave.

The entire psychiatric hospital is divided into two buildings and a wall, the front yard and the back yard are separated by a building in the middle. After entering the front yard, the soldiers found that although it was very gloomy, everything was normal. They quickly searched the front yard and bypassed it. Floor to the backyard.

Once in the backyard, something weird happened.

There was a rustling sound from the communicator, and the communication seemed to be disturbed. Standing on a high place and looking through the telescope, the courtyard behind seemed to be shrouded in a layer of faint mist, which could only be seen faintly, but at all There was no sign of the person who entered.

After all, dozens of people went in, and they were all armed with guns and equipment. Although they lost contact for a while, it was not too nervous.

But not long after, dense gunshots suddenly erupted in the backyard. After the gunshots, there were loud shouts and howls. The gunshots could be heard clearly, but the human voices were indistinct, as if coming from a far away place. came.

In less than 10 minutes, everything calmed down again.

A whole company of people has completely disappeared, even if they can't be contacted, they can't be seen from a height.

A faint panic spread in the team. Today, all the fighters with firm minds and excellent skills are here, but this situation is beyond their understanding. Even if there are a large number of armed terrorists in a company, they will not be completely unscathed. The sound disappeared.

The dark clouds in the sky became denser, the color became obviously darker, and the range of coverage also expanded a bit.

Commissioner Xiang did not hesitate to send in another company, but this time, they were divided into squads and entered the backyard in batches.

As soon as the first squad entered, the scene just now was repeated, and they lost contact again. The remaining soldiers who stayed in the front yard heard a panic voice from the intercom, as if there was an invisible line between the front and back yards. Standing in their position and looking towards the backyard, the visibility was less than ten centimeters, and it was so foggy that they couldn't see anything.

Despite the fear, the officer leading the team still asked for instructions whether to go in for rescue.

"Get out! Get out immediately!" Commissioner Xiang ordered without hesitation.

When the soldiers of the company withdrew to count the number of people, they found that apart from the squad that was the most advanced in the backyard, there were still 9 people who were inexplicably missing in a short distance of tens of meters.

There was no gunfire, no shouting, and even the enemy didn't see it. This mysterious deserted mental hospital has swallowed hundreds of soldiers with live ammunition. At this time, no matter how determined people are, they will begin to doubt and waver.

If in the West, at this time the leader of the team continues to forcibly order the soldiers to enter, it may even cause a mutiny. At this time, the remaining soldiers surrounding the mental hospital, in fear, were also ignited and led the team. Another battalion commander of the team took the initiative to ask for a fight.

"I don't believe it, such a big broken place can eat up a battalion!" The battalion commander gritted his teeth.

The area of ​​the backyard may not be able to stand even if a battalion stands there.

Commissioner Xiang's face was livid, and he realized that today's situation was even more serious than he expected, and it was not a problem of one or two superpowers at all.

According to the previous information, it is possible that the superpowers hidden here do have the ability to fight against thermal weapons, but it is absolutely impossible to silently make hundreds of soldiers with live ammunition disappear.

He could no longer send people in like headless chickens. He even felt that this mental hospital was like a monster that never knew how to be satisfied. No matter how many people there were, it couldn't satisfy its appetite.

A drone was finally debugged and buzzed into the sky, carrying a heat detector and a high-definition camera, and flew in through the gate of the mental hospital.

Everything is normal in the front yard. When entering the backyard, the drone is also wrapped in the light fog in the backyard. Looking down from a height, there is still no shadow of the drone.

The technology worked, and drone footage came back.

On the screen of the heat detector, there is no life around, but in the basement of the building in the backyard, there is a huge mass of energy;

"Our people have been found!" the technician operating the drone said excitedly.

I saw a leg appeared on the screen!

Looking at the style of the trousers, the military uniforms worn by the soldiers who lined up before the official, but the leg seemed to be fixed to the ground, motionless.

The drone slowly rose, and the screen swept across the soldier's calves, thighs, waist, chest...

"Ah!" The technician in front of the screen suddenly exclaimed.

In the picture of the drone, there is a face of a mummy. The skin and flesh on the face have lost all moisture, and the dry skin is tightly attached to the skull, which is like a skeleton.

And as the drone slowly rises, the angle of view becomes wider and wider, and a miserable scene like hell appears in the picture.

In the not-so-big backyard, there were hundreds of mummified corpses scattered all over the place. They even maintained their postures before they were alive, standing, squatting, and crawling, with steel guns in their hands.

Hundreds of soldiers who entered the backyard seemed to be drained by some force in an instant and lost their lives.

The present commissioner and several commanders were stunned and full of puzzlement at the same time.

Why is it that the miserable scene in the backyard can't be seen at all when standing on the mountain, but the camera of the drone can capture it?
What kind of scary thing is this?

"I'm stupid!" The officer leading the team was chilled all over, but he punched the table fiercely, his eyes were about to burst, and he asked for a fight angrily: "Chief, use explosives, I don't believe the fuck anymore, just let him go!" What a monster, blow him to pieces, and avenge my brothers!"

"Block the news! Don't disclose it for the time being, so as not to destabilize the morale of the army!" Commissioner Xiang issued an order in a trembling voice, and said to him: "Don't act recklessly now! Look..."

Pointing at the screen, "The only heat energy in the back comes from the basement. You arrange it so that the main force is placed next to the building behind, and then carry out fixed-point blasting, trying to go straight to the basement!"

"Chief, this...what the hell is this!"

Commissioner Xiang looked at the young officer, took a deep breath, glanced at several officers in the tent.

"Comrades, what we are facing today is a supernatural force, which has appeared in various places since more than half a year ago, some of which are harmless for the time being, but some of them have seriously threatened national security and people's lives. Our original task today was to catch two superpowers with anti-social tendencies and bloody cases, but I don't know how this happened."

He paused, and said: "The only thing that is certain now is that the stuff inside is too dangerous, and it must not be allowed to spread or escape. Fortunately, according to the information we have, the power of the superpowers that have appeared so far is It is basically not enough to deal with high-intensity thermal weapons, so we must concentrate our firepower, even if we use explosives to blast, we must kill the thing in the basement."

"Don't worry, chief, even if I rush in with explosives on my back, I will kill this bastard!"

The mobility of the modern army is astonishing. After only 10 minutes, the building behind has been installed with explosives from the outside. According to estimates, after the explosion, the wall will collapse towards the interior of the mental hospital, and the remaining soldiers can directly rush in. basement.

With a muffled sound, the small building shook a few times, and slowly fell to one side.

(End of this chapter)

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