Chapter 20
The swing is not high, and Jiang Xuan's feet can just touch the ground.

Standing on the ground, swaying back and forth.

Although this thing is small, but the weight is not low at all, sitting on it is very stable.

It is quite cool in the mountains at night, there seems to be a gentle breeze blowing past the ears, and the vines on the swing have a faint fragrance of plants.

But this time, the black mist on Jiang Xuan's head was much more than Chang Xiaotu's, it was thick and thick, and it was completely covered by black clouds.

In fact, don't look at him laughing and laughing all day long as if he is heartless, but really counting, there are still a lot of troubles.

A poor boy with a little monster who can eat, what should he do in the future?
What would you like to broadcast live tomorrow?
I've been single so lonely...

Little Rabbit Chang is so annoying, last time she almost smashed her dick...

Damn it, the price of rice has risen again...

There is a thick and thick black line at one end, and all kinds of negative troubles are bursting in my heart!

Young people with both parents and outstanding family background will have all kinds of troubles. Jiang Xuan is an orphan who depends on himself for everything. Recently, he encountered a strange incident like a monster.

However, sitting on the swing, the black lines on the head were quickly blown away by the wind, and those troubles seemed to gradually go away with the wind, and disappeared from the mind little by little.

It is not appropriate to say that it disappears. It should be said that the troubles still exist and have not been forgotten, but when on the swing, the negative emotions and pressure caused by these troubles will be reduced to the minimum, and some small good things in life will bring you happiness. The positive emotions that came were magnified.

"Hehe... so happy... life feels so happy... Xiaotu, are you happy? I am very happy!" Jiang Xuan said to himself with blurred eyes.

Chang Xiaotu gnawed on the chocolate, looked at Jiang Xuan worriedly, and thought that he must be stupid, right?

After playing for a while, I jumped off the swing and thought about those annoying things just now. In fact, they still exist, but it seems that the pressure is not as great as before.

"Sure enough, it's the Wangyou swing." Jiang Xuan thought happily, this thing is really easy to use, it is simply a super psychological counselor, who can solve people's troubles.

If it's not too big of an annoyance, trivial annoyances like Chang Xiaotu's can be resolved immediately.

Relatively large negative emotions can also be continuously resolved by swinging.

Most importantly, Wangyou Swing is not to make people 'forget', but to resolve!If you rely on amnesia to make people forget their worries, it is no different from brainwashing, and it is definitely not a good thing. Resolution is different, similar to psychological counseling.


In the next few days, the live broadcast will continue as usual. Although there will be no support from the girl group, the live broadcast style of "Indecent Kindergarten Director Jiang" has stabilized. The number of people in the live broadcast room has finally exceeded the 200 mark, and the stable income has also reached the living standard. The basic standard required is [-] yuan.

The Cola platform has a rule that any anchor with an average daily income of more than 300 yuan per month can become a "contracted anchor".

Jiang Xuan found the data of many contracted anchors and looked at the data. The anchors who can achieve a daily income of 300 yuan have at least [-] fans, and many even have [-] or [-] fans.

For an anchor with only 200 fans, the daily live broadcast income is [-] yuan. It can be said that the gold content of fans is very high.

After signing the contract as an anchor, the monthly income is close to 15000, and the life is completely worry-free, getting rid of poverty and going to a well-off life.

After finishing today's live broadcast, I was about to take Xiaotu out for a stroll, when a text message came from the backstage: a host named 'Ghost and Pretty Shadow' asked to add me as a friend, saying that she was Li Muxue's best friend.

At the dinner party that day, Li Muxue, the cultural and sports committee member, heard that she was doing a live broadcast in Coke. She mentioned that a girlfriend of hers was also doing a live broadcast in Coke, and she could share experiences. Later, she forgot about this problem, but she did not expect the other party to add her first.

Click to pass the authentication, click on the profile picture of the 'ghosty pretty shadow' grimace to go in and watch a few of her videos, it seems that they specialize in supernatural events and adventures, but the number of fans is smaller than myself, so I only nodded a thousand.

Beep beep...the background message from 'Ghost Ghost Shadow': "Director Jiang, are you online? I'm Li Muxue's best friend, smiling face. '

'Hello, I was introduced by Li Muxue last time, and I'm planning to add you. '

"Brother Jiang, I see your stats. It should be close to the signing standard. You are so powerful with only [-] fans. You will definitely be a popular anchor in the future. Take care of my little girl." 'Ghost Mei Yingying sent another message, with a very accommodating tone.

Jiang Xuan started this live broadcast. He never thought of becoming an Internet celebrity. It was purely for living expenses. Later, he found that Chang Xiaotu’s receiving gifts can increase the value of Guaiguai. When the money is enough in the future, or there is a better source of Guaiguai’s value, he may not return it. keep doing it.

So I simply replied: 'I'm also a novice, let's learn more together. '

After chatting for a while, they turned off the platform and took Chang Xiaotu to go out.


In Lianhua Town, a Mercedes-Benz GLS off-road vehicle slowly passed through the market, and finally stopped at the small intersection up the mountain. The road is only more than one meter wide, and the off-road vehicle cannot get on it.

When the car door opened, Su Yao was the first to jump out of the back row, turned around and took out a little boy who was only four or five years old from the car.

A man and a woman came out of the front door, both in their 40s. The man's name was Su Dingkang, Su Yao's father, the boss of the listed company Dingkang Real Estate; The deputy director of the Women's Federation in the city.

The little boy is Su Yao's younger brother, Su Yuting.

All four members of the Su family, a well-known wealthy family in Binhai City, came here.

"Why do you live in such a remote place?"

Bai Xiuping looked up at the rugged and difficult mountain road and frowned, then turned around and hugged her precious son Su Yuting, "Come on, mommy will carry you."

"No!" The little boy Su Yuting pouted and hid behind his sister Su Yao, seeming to be estranged from his mother.

"This child, how did he become like this?" Su Dingkang sighed inwardly.

During this period of time, the son who had always been smart and obedient suddenly seemed to be a different person. He was unwilling to eat, listless and sick all day long, and his personality became very weird. He especially resisted communicating with adults. He didn't even look good.

Going to the hospital for an examination didn't show any results. My daughter, Su Yao, was a preschool teacher. She said it was anorexia in young children. She starved him a few times, but it still didn't work.

Two days ago, when Su Yao came home, she said that a classmate's egg fried rice was very delicious, and she insisted on bringing Su Yuting to try it.

Su Dingkang smiled at this, what good has this precious son never eaten?How can the skill of an ordinary student be better than that of a national super chef?
Besides, the son's current state may not necessarily be anorexia.There should be other reasons, and some religious friends even suspect that it may be bewitched.

If that's the case, it would be too troublesome. For the Su family, problems that can be solved with money are basically not problems, but some things, such as people's hearts, such as supernatural events, are useless no matter how much money they have.

He and his lover have been under a lot of psychological pressure during this period, and Su Yao insisted on coming to try it. Su Dingkang thought it was just a family outing to relax, so he had this trip.

(End of this chapter)

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