Super God Kindergarten

Chapter 190 Everyone is an actor

Chapter 190 Everyone is an actor
"how is it going?"

As soon as Jiang Xuan came out of the room, Chang Xiaotu and the others surrounded Jiang Xuan, pointing at the room mysteriously.

"Go to Xiaotu's room and talk." Jiang Xuan blinked.

Walking into Chang Xiaotu's room, Jiang Xuan closed the door, and then said in a serious low voice: "I tell you, Susu really has something wrong with her mind, you don't dare to be angry with her in the future, you have to follow along, you know?" ?”

"Is there really something wrong?" Chang Xiaotu looked surprised, thought for a while, and said, "Okay, then I won't bully her in the future."

"No way, she's so pretty, but she's mentally ill, hey, what a pity." Gou Ritian sighed for a long time.

"Master, don't worry, even if she has nothing wrong with her mind, as a fellow student, I will take care of her." Jiang Gang's three views are the most correct, and after speaking, he glanced at Chang Xiaotu, and added: "Tao Yao, what do you say?" right……"

"Hey, it's so pitiful, such a young person actually has such a disease." After Chang Xiaotu heard that Susu was ill, her previous hostile attitude turned 180 degrees at once, and she looked very sympathetic. They were all entangled together, turned around and looked out the window, as if afraid of being heard by the outside, on tiptoe, carefully asked Jiang Xuan: "Can it be cured?"

"Yes!" Jiang Xuan nodded affirmatively: "Just say more good things and make her feel happy."

"Oh, that's easy, don't worry, I will definitely treat her as a queen in the future!" Chang Xiaotu said.

"Huh?" Both Jiang Xuan and Gou Ritian couldn't help looking over with curious eyes, and carefully sized Chang Xiaotu.

This is wrong, the rabbit monster has become a sheep spirit?Although Chang Xiaotu is not as good as Susu, but she is also afraid of chaos in the world, not to mention that she had conflicts with Susu before, why did she hear that Susu was mentally ill, instead of sarcasm and ridicule, she deserved it Haha or something, on the contrary, he looked sympathetic and compassionate, as if he really cared about Susu?

"Oh, please don't look at me like that! I'm also a rabbit who sees the big picture!" Chang Xiaotu put up a thumbs up, pointed at herself very manly, and said, "Susu is also a member of us. It's not good for us if she's sick, besides there are so many weird things happening now, one more helper, one more strength, one more friend is better than one more enemy!"

"Rabbit demon, I think what you said is very good, I want to write down this sentence!" Jiang Qiang took out the small book that recorded the 'Quotations from Master' from his trouser pocket, and scribbled.

"Huh?" Jiang Xuan and Gou Ritian were even more astonished, they glanced at each other a little nervously, thinking that it was Chang Xiaotu who was really sick?

Jiang Xuan's flickering, in fact, Gou Ritian, a monster who grew up in the city, knows in his heart that there is something wrong with Susu. It is probably because Jiang Xuan and Susu have reached some kind of agreement or something, but no matter what, the reality of Chang Xiaotu A smart guy shouldn't have guessed it. Even if he guessed it, he wouldn't be able to say what a political commissar would say in a TV series.

"Rabbit demon, you won't secretly kill her while we're not paying attention, will you?" Gou Ritian said worriedly.

"Oh, can you keep pace with the times? The core values ​​of socialism are shown on TV every day, but you don't even watch it!" Chang Xiaotu asked back.

"What does monster fighting have to do with socialist values?" Jiang Xuan couldn't understand this time.

"Why doesn't it matter? Listen!" Chang Xiaotu snapped her fingers and said like a few treasures: "Prosperity, democracy, civilization, harmony, freedom, equality, justice, rule of law, patriotism, dedication, integrity, and friendliness, listen to and say How wonderful! For poor monsters with disabilities, we must be friendly and equal, so that we can build a harmonious and civilized kindergarten! How could I bully a vixen with a sick mind?"

Gou Ritian and Jiang Gang were dumbfounded.

"Look at you, the gap has come out. You also often watch TV on the Internet. Jiang Jian knows what martial arts and fitness guides to watch, and Gou Ritian knows how to find porn, and then look at Xiaotu!" Jiang Xuan patted Chang Xiaotu got a shoulder: "That's right, I gave you so many snacks. It looks like our kindergarten is going to set up a party branch!"

"Okay, okay, I'll be the secretary!" Chang Xiaotu said.



The facts of the next few days proved that everyone, or every creature, has a side of drama in their bodies. When it comes to 'curing' Susu's disease, everyone showed enthusiasm and creativity beyond Jiang Xuan's imagination.

"Susu, you are so beautifully dressed today!" Jiang Qiang is the kind of child who is not very good at expressing. Don't look at his little flattery when he praises Jiang Xuan, but it is because he admires him sincerely, but Facing Susu, speaking nice things for the sake of saying nice things, he is a bit awkward, and the compliments he can give are also very routine. It is not something like "you are so beautiful today", or "you are so beautifully dressed today". At the end of the day, I really run out of words, so it becomes 'Susu, you are so beautiful in the morning', 'You are even more beautiful at noon', 'You are also very beautiful in the evening'...

Susu was stunned at first, but after she was stunned, she giggled and said lightly, "Thank you, Jiang Jian, you are so cool today", although her face was calm, but every time Being able to dance a little obediently is worth it, it betrayed her heart that was secretly happy.

Gou Ritian was smarter, Jiang Qiang praised Susu's beautiful clothes, Gou Ritian shook his head and shouted loudly: "Fart! Jiang Qiang, you are talking nonsense!"

"What did you say?!" Jiang hardened his face.

"Say it again!" Susu narrowed her eyes.

"Cough cough cough... I mean, this dress is not bad, but it's because it's worn on Susu's body, it will look beautiful! Ordinary vulgar powder, no matter how good the clothes are, it will make people feel very beautiful. Disgusting, but a monster like Susu looks good in anything!" Gou Ritian said solemnly.

Jiang Gang is so stupid, monster, how can he be so shameless!

Susu was stunned, and suddenly she covered her mouth and giggled until her flowers trembled, and finally she replied shyly, "Oh, I can't say that like you!"

Obediently worth +4...

However, what really makes people feel refreshed is not from well-intentioned praise and flattery, but from the failure and frustration of former enemies.

Every time Chang Xiaotu sees Susu these days, her expression immediately changes. A second ago, she was grinning with Jiang Xuan and eating melon seeds nonsense. As soon as Susu appeared, her ears drooped, A listless look.

"Rabbit demon, what do you mean? I heard you laughing just now. Why did you put on a bad face when you saw me? Who are you showing it to?" Susu asked in a neutral tone.

"Hey..." Chang Xiaotu sighed, glanced at Susu, and muttered, "Seeing you upset..."

"Ah?! Say it again!" Susu's eyes narrowed, and her claws were about to burst out.

"Hey, I'm so upset. Every time I see you, I think of myself." Chang Xiaotu dragged her cheeks and said sadly, "You are from the majestic Qingqiu Mountain, and I'm just an earth monster in a small mountain in the world. , you are the beloved Nine-Tailed Fox, I am just an ordinary wild rabbit, by the way, your cultivation speed is faster than mine, if you continue like this, soon I will not be your opponent at all!"

After finishing speaking, there was another long 'hey'.

Su Su obediently is worth +8!

"Eh..." Susu's eyes stopped squinting, her claws stopped popping out, and the corners of her mouth twitched a few times. She couldn't help laughing wildly, but after thinking about it, she probably felt that it was inappropriate, so she pulled a small bench , sitting next to Chang Xiaotu, said a little awkwardly: "Ahem, in fact, everyone is a monster, don't worry, I, um, this, I will cover you."

"Hey, monsters are better than monsters, you're so mad at monsters!" Chang Xiaotu turned her head and glanced at Susu's breasts, and said enviously, "Aren't your nine-tailed foxes all in such good shape?"

"Well... um... haha... wahahaha..." Susu finally couldn't hold back anymore, "It's so-so, I'm just a very ordinary nine-tailed fox, hahahaha..."

Susu obediently is worth +10...

Seeing Susu laughing wildly and looking up to the sky, Chang Xiaotu sighed again and shook her head.

"She's gone, why are you pretending?" Jiang Xuan handed Chang Xiaotu a small half bowl of melon seeds, and said, "You did a good job just now, I'll reward you!"

"Hee hee hee, I want to eat walnuts next time!" Little Rabbit Chang swallowed half a bowl of melon seeds into her mouth, chewed them a few times, and then shook her head, saying sympathetically: " Susu is seriously ill, her intelligence is almost negative, she will become an idiot sooner or later! Hey... hey? Don't be idle, give me some melon seeds to eat."

"Fuck me, my teeth are about to collapse. By the way, have all your front teeth grown, let me see if you open your mouth."

"Ah..." Chang Xiaotu raised her neck and opened her mouth. The half of the broken tooth that was snapped off by Jiang Xuan when she turned her head and then got dentures and then demonized and collapsed, has grown gratifyingly after a few months. There is only a small gap left, and there is no leakage of speech.

"Not bad." Jiang Xuan nodded, but frowned slightly, looking into the distance.

"Do you have something on your mind?" Chang Xiaotu took a pistachio nut from her big pocket, pulled it away, and handed it to Jiang Xuan, "here, here you go."

"Do you remember where you were born?" Jiang Xuan asked.

"Huh? Where was I born? I can't remember. My memory before becoming a monster is vague. I remember being chased by a big bad wolf once, and I almost peed in fright." Chang Xiaotu shook her head.

"I mean... well, the mental hospital where I met you." Jiang Xuan said, "Susu suggested that we go to all the places where you became monsters, maybe we can find something abnormal."

"Oh, that's it. Okay, I still remember that the mental hospital is on the other side of the mountain." Chang Xiaotu nodded indifferently, and hummed: "There is a group of Smurfs on the other side of the mountain and the other side of the sea." ..."

(End of this chapter)

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