Super God Kindergarten

Chapter 184 What? ! !

Chapter 184 What? ! !

Seeing Liu Xiaolong's face glowing like a fanatic, Qin Guoqiang was taken aback.

Having superpowers doesn't mean that the brains are as flawed as iron dogs, right?Possessing superpowers and becoming a mentally ill guy are two different concepts, okay?Why is this guy talking like a god, and still communicating with gods?Why didn't he say that God gave him a dream?
To tell the truth, although he has obtained superpowers, the deep-rooted "scientific concept" formed by his education from childhood has not changed. Qin Guoqiang does not believe in the existence of gods and ghosts in his bones.

If it is superpowers, he is more inclined to the existence of 'Spiderman' and 'Batman'. The former is due to chemical mutations, and the latter is the use of technology to change the existence of life. To exaggerate, there has been some kind of change in nature. It has led to the accelerated evolution of human beings, which is already the limit that his thinking can accept.

So Liu Xiaolong's words made Qin Guoqiang very disdainful, and even began to think about whether to stay away from this guy, why is it so unreliable.

"I can communicate with gods!"

Liu Xiaolong said the same words again, then put his hands together, and made a very strange movement on his chest, like putting his hands together, but a few fingers turned up strangely, his eyes were closed tightly, and his head shook slightly uncontrollably , muttering in his mouth, but he couldn't make out what he was saying.

Lao Gao suddenly raised one foot, and then stomped hard on the ground...

"Please take the upper body?" Qin Guoqiang's eyeballs are about to fall out. This guy's behavior is exactly the same as the god who invited the upper body in the popular zombie movies in Hong Kong, and he almost didn't say anything in his mouth. Liu Xiaolong sincerely worshiped and invited a certain great god to kill demons and demons with his upper body.

Crazy, fuck it, met the Crazy.

Qin Guoqiang's originally slightly warm heart suddenly turned cold to his buttocks. He thought he would meet someone of the same kind, and he could discuss and cooperate with each other, but he turned out to be a guy with a sick mind... Maybe he and Tie Gou were sick friends in the first place. Otherwise, how could Tiegou listen to him?
Sighing, he was about to leave when he suddenly felt the ground under his feet tremble slightly.

He was taken aback for a moment, and then found that it was not an earthquake, but because Liu Xiaolong stepped on the ground. With his nervous behavior, every time he stepped on the ground, his strength became stronger and stronger. The ground outside shook.

Boom, stepping on it again, Qin Guoqiang's feet swayed slightly, and his whole body was a little unsteady. When he looked down, the concrete floor under his feet showed some signs of cracking!

"Huh?" Qin Guoqiang was so surprised that his stomach swelled from eating recently. It was an eye-opener. The iron dog with amazing teeth bite just now, and now Liu Xiaolong is even more exaggerated, even the ground can shake.

The current mental hospital is probably in disrepair for a long time, and the quality of the original project is not good. The concrete floor is relatively thin and there are many damages. If he punches the ground hard with his big fist, he is sure to break through the concrete directly. , punch a big hole.

But no matter what, he couldn't punch the place where he was standing, but it cracked the ground a few meters away, making the person standing on it unstable.

"Get up!" Liu Xiaolong, who was begging God, finally uttered a human language that he could understand, rolled his eyelids, and a khaki color like that of jaundice patients flashed in his eyes, and he yelled!
"What's going on... Oh, I..."

Qin Guoqiang didn't even have time to react, he felt his center of gravity suddenly lost, his body lightened, as if he was pushed up from below by something, he flew obliquely for several meters, and fell to the ground in a volley.

There was a big hole in the cement floor where he was standing, and a 'stone pile' protruded from the bottom, which was pushed up by this thing.

"Hey, hey, you don't want to complete the whole scene. Just tell me what's going on!" Qin Guoqiang was so excited that his hometown dialect came out.


Liu Xiaolong separated his hands, stood still again, withdrew his supernatural powers, and let out a deep breath. It seemed that such a move to make a stone pillar pop out from the ground a few meters away was quite exhausting for him, hehe After taking a few breaths, he said: "When I am fully concentrated, I can use the power of the gods to manipulate the earth and rocks of nature and change the ground environment."

Qin Guoqiang saw this with his own eyes, manipulating the earth and rocks of nature. A section of stalagmite popped out from the ground. Fortunately, it was not sharp, or it would have almost killed him. But what does this have to do with communicating with the gods?
However, Liu Xiaolong showed such a trick, but it greatly shook Qin Guoqiang's previous "scientific superpower theory". It seems that the changes in body functions can barely be explained scientifically, and the manipulation of natural elements is separated by a few meters... How can this be explained?Magician, element messenger, force of nature?
It's like playing a game!
"To tell you the truth, I can't carry out large-scale terrain changes at present, and I have already used a lot of strength just now." Liu Xiaolong showed a proud smile: "I also relied on this ability when I took you away. "

Qin Guoqiang looked at the 'soil bamboo shoots' that had collapsed into a pile of mud again, and felt terrified. He was thrown out just now, and he had a very intuitive understanding of Liu Xiaolong's seemingly strange ability: it is useless alone, such a The soil and rocks in a small area cannot be used to build a house, and it is difficult to dig a well, but if it is used unexpectedly, it can cause huge troubles for the opponent and change the situation of the battle in an instant.

For example, if he was fighting with the iron dog just now and was suddenly overturned by this stalagmite, the iron dog could take the opportunity to kill him.This is still a relatively orthodox idea. If Liu Xiaolong was more insidious and had a better ability to manipulate the earth and rocks, it would not be impossible for a sharp stalagmite to directly stab him to death from the ground.

"Awesome!" Qin Guoqiang gave a thumbs up and asked curiously: "Brother, can this super power be improved?" After a pause, he added: "I think my strength seems to be so much stronger than before. a little bit."

"of course can!"

Liu Xiaolong nodded and said, "When I first discovered that I had this ability, I could only control less than one third of a cubic meter of soil. Now, it has multiplied several times, and the power is much greater."

"Cultivated?" Qin Guoqiang asked.

For superpowers, the enhancement of ability is more important than anything else. The greater the ability, the greater the responsibility. He is not sure, but one thing is certain, the greater the ability, the more power and wealth.

If Liu Xiaolong can control a mountain by stomping his feet now, then he is definitely not hiding in this remote and desolate abandoned mental hospital, or he has become a guest of the country, an important figure, or he is the overlord of a party, calling himself the king and ancestor.

The source of Qin Guoqiang's own power is some strange energy in the air that he hadn't noticed before, but it belongs to "passive" growth. An active cultivation method, increasing speed, is more precious than any wealth at the current stage.

This Liu Xiaolong seems to be more than one step ahead of him on the road of superpowers, maybe there is a similar method.

Unexpectedly, Liu Xiaolong shook his head and said, "I don't know, this is what I've been looking for."

"Have you found any results?" Qin Guoqiang asked.

"Not yet, so I saved you for this purpose. As a superpower, we can discuss it together. I think Mr. Qin must have a much better brain than Iron Dog. But..." Liu Xiaolong suddenly After a pause, he said, "That kindergarten may have what we need!"

"Jiang Xuan has a way to cultivate?" Qin Guoqiang was shocked: "Are you sure?!"

"I'm not sure, but in terms of time, Jiang Xuan obtained superpowers much earlier than us, and there are several children who also have superpowers around me, so I think there are definitely some children in that kindergarten who are helpful to us." Things exist, maybe it’s the method of cultivation, maybe it’s something else, in short, it’s all helpful to us.” Liu Xiaolong said.

Qin Guoqiang pondered for a moment, nodded, and said, "That's right, knowledge is power. For those of us who only have abilities and have no superpowers, even a little bit of advanced ideas and experience are precious."

Liu Xiaolong couldn't help but twitched his mouth, thinking how these scholars became superpowers and still had a sour tone.

"Then, shall we go to test that kindergarten?" Qin Guoqiang felt itchy.

"Not yet." Liu Xiaolong said, "After all, there are many people in the kindergarten. If there is a conflict, we can't guarantee a short-term victory. Besides, you are a fugitive, and the identity of the iron dog is not clean. If there is a big trouble, it will be very difficult. It is easy to attract the attention of the authorities."

"Then what shall we do next?" Qin Guoqiang actually still wants to take the route of "whitewashing". With the emergence of superpowers, the country definitely needs such "talents". If an agreement can be reached with the country, the matter of Wu Yuansun is likely to be exposed. , I have transformed myself, with a national background, and my future is limitless.

"Boss Qin, I know what you're thinking." Liu Xiaolong shook his head as if he could read people's hearts and said, "Because I also had such a plan at first. But I suggest you put aside this unrealistic idea for the time being."


"It's very simple, we are too weak!" Liu Xiaolong said: "With our current strength, we can't help the country at all, and we don't even have the ability to cultivate talents. If we cooperate with the government, the greatest value is to become a research object , Slicing or something, I don’t think so, but there is definitely no personal freedom, at most it’s just a little mouse with nothing to worry about.”

"You mean, wait for us to be stronger?"

"Of course, to be honest, I don't want to fight against the government. No matter how powerful an individual is, he can't fight against the state apparatus. Besides, why should we fight against the country?" Liu Xiaolong said with a smile: "If we can be a good person, we can enjoy Everything, no one wants to do bad things, what do you say."

"Yes. But we are like this now. To improve our strength, we have to wait until the year of the monkey to have enough capital?" Qin Guoqiang said.

"President Qin, there are so many barren mountains and wild mountains. Guess why I chose this abandoned mental hospital to hide?" Liu Xiaolong smiled mysteriously: "Even if it is abandoned, it used to be a man-made building after all. Hiding here is still exposed." Risky."


"Because there can be something that makes us stronger!" Liu Xiaolong said.

(End of this chapter)

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