Super God Kindergarten

Chapter 181 The Children from the Village

Chapter 181 The Children from the Village

Dressed like a village girl, the vixen, under Jiang Xuande's special 'care', held a big basin and squatted in the corner to eat, with her head buried in the basin.

Jiang Xuan’s initial thought was not bad at all. This group of monsters counts once in a while. In fact, when they first entered the modern society, they were quite pitiful, but they ate and drank less. It's crazy, even Susu, a noble monster lady with background, status and background, is no exception.

This is not her first meal. She had the meal last night, plus today's daytime meal and this afternoon's meal. It is already the fourth time she has started a meal in the kindergarten, and she still eats like a wolf.

After apprenticeship, Susu's Taoism, like other monsters, increased to a speed of three days a day, which made her confidence in Jiang Xuan's "Hundred Years Plan" suddenly increased a lot, and her resistance was also relieved a lot.

"It's so delicious, woo woo woo, it's even better than my mother's..."

"Little Rabbit Chang, you cook for me every day, and I won't eat you..."

"What did the child say?" Su Yao pulled Jiang Xuan aside.

"She had a conflict with Chang Xiaotu," Jiang Xuan said.

"Oh, kid, it's normal to have conflicts. But where did you get your cousin from?"

Su Yao was very puzzled. What did Jiang Xuan do? He brought back a child every now and then, either a cousin or a distant relative. The origin of this big dog is also very suspicious. Jiang Xuan said that he picked it up, but when Gou Ritian came here, he was fleshy and energetic, and he didn't look like a stray dog.

And these children, although they are indeed very strange to the city, for example, when Jiang Kucai came here, they couldn't even use the toilet and water heater, but they didn't have the stage fright of children from remote places, and everyone They all have their own characteristics, and their personalities are very distinct and public.

"Why didn't she come from the countryside? Look at her outfit, she looks like a village girl." Jiang Xuan held back a smile and pointed at Susu.

Susu was still dressed in the same way, big rubber shoes, flowery trousers, the flowery padded jacket was gone, replaced by a big flowery pullover, with a flowery scarf wrapped around her head.

"I'm not discriminating..." Su Yao didn't believe it, and said in a low voice: "The living conditions in the countryside are not as good as those in the city, and the children in the city are spoiled and spoiled. There must be a difference at first glance. Your cousin is white and tender, and her skin is better than mine , how could it be from the countryside?"

"Elder sister, what kind of old ideas are you talking about? Now the living conditions in rural areas are not worse than those in cities, okay? The cosmetics you use can be bought and used online." Jiang Xuan hooked his fingers at Su Su and asked: "Su Su Su, did you live in the mountains before?"

"Yeah, what are you doing?" Susu raised her head and glanced at Jiang Xuan, then quickly withdrew her eyes and buried her head in her meal.

It's so annoying, the more I look at this demon, the more pleasing it is to my eyes!

"Here, right." Jiang Xuan smiled at Su Yao.

"Forget that I have nothing to say!" Su Yao was speechless, "But since they have all defected to you, you can't dress her up. Why are you still dressed like this?"

"Girls can't dress up too well to attract bad guys!" Jiang Xuan said solemnly. Dressing like a village girl like Susu can easily arouse evil thoughts. Got it?
The key is that I feel uncomfortable looking at it, so I just let her keep her true nature as a village girl.

"You just don't have aesthetics!" Regardless of so much, Su Yao touched Su Su's head and said, "Su Su, will my sister take you to buy clothes after dinner?"

As a nine-tailed fox, Su Su is actually a very contradictory individual. On the one hand, she likes beautiful things, and on the other hand, she has great resistance to females who are also beautiful. What's more, Su Yao is still a human being. Seeing her stretch her hand Touching her head, Susu subconsciously wanted to bite her.

Her mouth was all open. When she heard the second half of the sentence about buying clothes, Susu was taken aback. She liked the new clothes. This set of ugly and rustic clothes would be uncomfortable for a second, so she opened her mouth. The mouth froze in place.

"Look, how pitiful this child is." Su Yao patted Su Su's cheek with distress, "When I heard about buying clothes, I couldn't close my mouth with joy."

"Big sister, I beg you, don't take her to the streets to show off!" Jiang Xuan slapped his forehead, Su Yao herself has a physique of causing trouble. During college, she often asked herself to help because of men and women. Back then, school sports The few muscular men in the department almost got into a fight with her because of her.

This time with the addition of Susu, these two young ladies went shopping together, and the building could be overturned by them.

"You are in charge of the world, and you can still manage girls' shopping? It doesn't cost you! Susu, don't listen to him, my sister will take you there!"

"Okay!" Susu nodded.

Li Muxue was on the side, and said with a smile: "Jiang Xuan, don't worry, Su Su is not young, and Su Yao is not a child either, I'll go with them, what else can happen in the mall."

Li Muxue is an honest child, Jiang Xuan can rest assured that she is with her.

Hearing the word'accident', Su Yao seemed to remember something, got up and winked at Jiang Xuan, and said, "Come here, I'll tell you something." After speaking, she walked into a room first An empty classroom.

"What's the matter, you dragged me in stealthily, didn't you want to take advantage of me?" Jiang Xuan followed, and asked with a smile.

"Close the door." Su Yao raised her eyebrows.

"Huh?" Jiang Xuan was taken aback, looked back at the yard, and said with a smile: "You really want to take advantage of me and let's go to the hotel, and I will not resist. This place is not soundproof, and it is useless to close the door. Besides, child They're still outside..."

"I said, are you a little upright? You can have some fun!" Su Yao stared angrily, came over and closed the door by herself, and said, "I came here to tell you about this, but seeing Susu interrupting me like this forget."

"What's going on, it's so secretive, you can't say it in public." Jiang Xuan asked.

"Isn't there a child? I'm afraid to scare the children. Li Muxue is also timid. He will probably be too scared to sleep when he hears it." Su Yao said.

Scaring the kids?Jiang Xuan laughed, who can scare these kids?Just yesterday Chang Xiaotu was clamoring to strip Susu's fur to make a coat, and Susu is still clamoring to eat Chang Xiaotu today. This is not a joke or an exaggerated wording, but very realistic.

Li Muxue is rather timid, but after becoming a 'mom and daddy', this girl who looks soft and weak actually became a lot stronger inside without knowing it.

"What's the matter?"

"Qin Guoqiang, do you remember?" When Su Yao said this name, her face turned pale, and there was obvious nervousness in her eyes.

"Remember, didn't you get raped by a dog? This is the stain of Gou Ritian's life. Don't mention this name in front of Gou Ritian in the future. Beware of it biting people madly." Jiang Xuan laughed and said, "What's wrong with Qin Guoqiang?"

"He killed someone and arrested him!" Su Yao said in a low voice.

Su Yao's father has a friend who works in the provincial department. He learned that just a few days ago, Qin Guoqiang strangled to death his former boss and classmate Wu Yuansun in the office, and escaped through the window surrounded by special police.

"Huh? Such a big event, no online newspapers reported it? No way." Jiang Xuan thought to himself, regardless of the reason, this is a shocking case. It's bloody enough. Why is there no sound from the media at all.

"Inside information!" Su Yao said, "It is said that Qin Guoqiang may be a master of martial arts. He strangled that man to death. A team of special police with live ammunition couldn't stop him. Now the police force is being deployed to search. Tell me, will he kill him?" Will you run back to trouble us?"

Know martial arts?Can't catch a pair of SWAT?
Jiang Xuan's brows twitched slightly, is martial arts really useless these days?Hooligans know martial arts, so it's useless in front of special police.He had seen a real martial arts master, a true heir of Bajing Bajiquan, but in terms of actual combat ability, Jiang Xuan estimated that two or three well-trained special police officers could easily subdue him.

Running away under the noses of a group of special police with live ammunition, this is no longer a question of martial arts.

Even Jiang Xuan himself, after such a long period of starlight tempering, dare not say that he will be able to escape in that situation. Just kidding, rifle bullets can still pose a fatal threat to him, and a pistol can also kill half of him. up.

Of course, the premise is that he doesn't use the weird things that he got in the lottery in the space. The prizes of the lottery are a bit beyond Jiang Xuan's comprehension. have a certain effect.

"Well, pay more attention, it shouldn't be a big problem." Jiang Xuan thought for a while, and said relaxedly: "Qin Guoqiang is a man of culture and has a brain. He killed someone. Even if he escapes, he must know that he is now the key arrest target. There are all kinds of nets waiting for him, so he should definitely find a place to hide at this time, avoid the limelight, and he should not come back to make trouble."

"My dad's analysis is also the same. Your place may be the focus area." Su Yao nodded: "But it's better to pay more attention. Otherwise, go and borrow two big wolf dogs from the gym to see the nursing home."

"Forget it, a Teddy already made him crazy last time, this time with a few more dogs, hehehe, maybe something will happen." Jiang Xuan laughed.

He is pretending to be relaxed, lest Su Yao worry.

Whether Qin Guoqiang will come is actually not as simple as his analysis. What he said just now and Su Dingkang's thoughts are not wrong, but the premise is that Qin Guoqiang is a normal person.If he really possessed some special abilities, it would be hard to say. It can be said that he and the kindergarten are the greatest shame in his life. If he gets mad, he will really come for revenge or something.

But there is no need for the big wolf dog. Now there are four monsters in the kindergarten, and I have a monster leader, an elite monster. I am not afraid of him coming, but I am afraid that he will not come. Maybe Susu can take care of her by herself.

I tried it yesterday. The main ability of this little girl Susu is illusion. Fighting is not her strong point, but in terms of physical ability, she is actually stronger than Jiang Hard. In the case of her demonization, she can do harm to Jiang Hard. Seriously broke the defense, and Jiang Qian basically couldn't find her, and Jiang Xuan himself had nothing to do with her without other rewards, he could only be beaten.

In terms of real combat power, he is worthy of being the strongest little demon in three years of practice.

(End of this chapter)

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