Super God Kindergarten

Chapter 178 What to Do When the Bull Demon King Comes?

Chapter 178 What to Do When the Bull Demon King Comes?
The vixen became like this, which made Jiang Xuan feel very worried.

No matter who it is, as long as it is a normal male, or a male, whether it is a monster or a human, when encountering such a lethal vixen in front of him, I am afraid that he will not be able to maintain [-]% neutrality and calmness, and he will be more or less emotional. A little biased.

This is the typical me, I am beautiful and cute, so I am always reasonable and I am invincible!
Even Gou Ritian, who had a grudge against her, didn't look right, sticking out his tongue, spitting rough air in a flattering hahaha.

How can you talk about it like this, how can you talk about it?
What's more, this vixen is born to be good at acting, and also has some weird skills like illusion.

Daji was arrested in the list of gods, and Jiang Ziya wanted to cut off her head, but she smiled coquettishly at the executioner, and the executioner's body became limp. She would rather die by herself than kill her with a knife. Even a master of cultivation faced this The fox's heart was beating wildly, and he couldn't bear to kill him.In the end, Daoist Lu Ya used a gourd magic weapon to kill Daji with a cloud of 'no distinction between male and female'.

It can be seen that the charm of the vixen is great.

Among those present, except for Chang Xiaotu, probably no one could resist.

"I'm still..." Seeing that everyone was in a daze, the fox spirit wanted to speak again delicately.

"Wait a minute!" Jiang Xuan interrupted him, turned around and ran out of the basement, and came back after a while, holding a lot of things in his arms.

"Here, let's talk about it after I put it on!" I stuffed it to her through the gap in the cage.

"What's this, it's so ugly..." The vixen pouted dissatisfied.

"If Xiaotu doesn't wear it, you will shock her!" Jiang Xuan said.


After a while, the vixen took on a new look: a pair of baggy trousers with red and green floral patterns, a pair of yellow rubber shoes on the feet, a green bulging cotton jacket on top, and a big flower flower wrapped around the head. The scarf and a large cotton mask covered most of the face, except for two eyes.

Dress up like a country girl in the 80s.

"That's right, it looks much more pleasing to the eye!" Jiang Xuan looked him up and down, and said with satisfaction.

"It's so ugly, can I not wear it like this?" the vixen asked coquettishly.

"If you pretend to be a fox from Treasure Island again, I'll shock you! Speak well!" Chang Xiaotu threatened the vixen with an electric baton.

"What are you talking about, what's there to say!" The vixen shrank into the cage, looking a little scared, and rolled her eyes.

"Speak slowly from the beginning, but I can warn you, don't play tricks, if you dare to use illusion, I will yell at you again!" Jiang Xuan threatened.

When it comes to 'roaring', the fox really has lingering fears. Her knowledge is actually quite deep, at least a lot deeper than these guys in front of her. If she really comes face to face, even if she doesn't use illusion, she will definitely be able to It is absolutely no problem to win the opponent's strange combination of four people, but to run away.

Maybe, she still has the upper hand. After all, three years of Taoism and several months of Taoism are not on the same level. Before she was able to do so many tricks, she was caught again, largely because she underestimated the enemy , I feel that the other party has no ability to really do anything to her.

Including being caught in the end, the fox thought it was no big deal at the time. How could he know that when Jiang Xuan yelled at him to escape, he was dizzy, dizzy and had leg cramps? end.

The vixen is very afraid of the inexplicable but extremely astonishing roar of the guy in front of him.

"Whatever you want to ask, just ask!" the fox rolled his eyes and said.

Jiang Xuan and Jiang Jian are full of doubts now, full of curiosity about this mysterious three-year-old 'old demon' who has made them dizzy.

"What's your name?" Jiang Xuan thought for a while and asked first.

"Susu." The vixen said.

"What uncle? Now, you still want to take advantage!" Chang Xiaotu knocked on the iron cage with an electric baton, and said fiercely, "I tell you, honestly explaining the problem is your only way out!"

The electric baton was not energized, but the vixen was still taken aback, and he confessed many problems on his own initiative.

Susu, Susu's Su, Susu's Su, the first name and last name are the same.

This name alone highlights the difference from ordinary wild monsters.

The name Chang Xiaotu was chosen by herself after she woke up. Later, Jiang Xuan found out that Chang Xiaotu turned into a monster at first and only knew her surname Chang. Jiang Jian is almost the same, his surname is Jiang, and he didn't have a name at first, but Jiang Xuan gave him the name.

As for Gou Ritian, it is even more frustrating. These two still know their surnames anyway, and they should belong to a certain mysterious inheritance. After this big dog becomes a monster, it doesn’t matter what he wants. Jiang Xuan's bad taste.

But Susu is different!

Susu's name was given by her mother!
"What? You still have a mother?"

Jiang Xuan's hairs stood on end when he heard that, this nima is finished, didn't he stab the fox's den?
Even daughters are so seductive like this, and they still have three years to learn, so mothers are not real big monsters.

If someone came to her door and saw him treating her precious daughter like this, one claw at a time, they would all be scratched to death!
It's not just her mother's problem. Since there is a mother, there must be a father. A creature like a fox is a litter all its life. Will there be any three aunts, eight aunts, two uncles, and cousins?A lot of cousins?

At that time, a large group of monsters who have practiced Taoism for decades or hundreds of years will come to the door, and I will be bombarded and killed into scum!
Besides, if a vixen is so good at confusing people, there must be many powerful characters around her.

For example, although the jade-faced nine-tailed vixen has no skills, he has a very reliable lover: the Great Bull Demon King.

What if his father is the Bull Demon King or something? !

Sun Dasheng couldn't even protect himself!

According to the current situation that several people in the kindergarten plus one have been in Taoism for less than three years, let alone the Bull Demon King, Jiao Demon King, Peng Demon King, even a Maggot Demon King can directly crush...

This is a big mess!
Jiang Xuan's mind was in a mess, his eyes tightened slightly, and there was a flash of ruthlessness in his heart, maybe, if this chick refused to be a teacher in the end, she might be ruthless next time and kill the fox to silence her, so as not to cause trouble in the future!

"What about your parents, why don't you just let you mess around like this outside? Do you know that they almost killed us!" Jiang Xuan was flustered, but he didn't show it at all on his face. He continued to babble as if he was a victim of justice, but when he was talking, he wrapped a few leftover dumplings in oiled paper and stuffed them in through the iron cage.

"What the hell am I doing!" Susu sniffed the dumplings through the mask, and her big eyes lit up with joy. She lifted off a corner of the mask, revealing a delicate mouth, and quickly stuffed two dumplings into her mouth. He said bulgingly, "I just came to catch some fish to eat. You have been chasing me for so long, and you still accuse me of doing bad things!"

"You catch fish as long as you catch fish, why are you cheating on me?" Gou Ritian interrupted.

"Who cheated on you, you were the one who wanted to bite me first, okay? Besides, what kind of fantasies do you have yourself? It's because you have such thoughts in your heart. I just helped you a little bit, hee hee..." After eating something, Susu started whining again.

"What's the matter with your illusion?" Jiang Xuan asked.

Susu hesitated for a moment, then said: "Everything has desires, and illusion is just to enlarge the desires in the heart. For example, rabbits are the most greedy, so she saw a lot of flat peaches, and zombies love martial arts, so they punch..."

Also, the ferocious beasts they saw along the way had a lot to do with Jiang Xuan's subjective thoughts: they thought Susu was a wild beast turned into a monster, and in the deep mountains, the attacks of wild beasts had to be guarded against.

"Then why did I see the dead for Mao? Is it myself?" Jiang Xuan asked strangely.

"Because you are afraid of death!" Susu asked bluntly, "Have you always been worried about dying?"

Jiang Xuan was shocked when he asked this question!
Not bad at all. Since having this system and dealing with a group of monsters, although Jiang Xuan has gained various benefits, he has always had a vague worry in his heart. He is very worried that a bad monster or a powerful monster will appear. He slapped himself to death. When he learned that Susu still had a mother, this was his first worry.

You can’t have a good relationship with your boss at work, you can’t do your job well, you can quit at worst, you can’t go to school, you can’t graduate, you can’t coax your wife well, or your head turns green... At least you won’t die, right?Only dealing with monsters is really life-threatening.

Jiang Xuan kept silent, but there was more or less worry in his heart. It's just that after a long time, he didn't worry about having too many lice and itching, and a dead pig didn't fear boiling water, so he gradually got used to it.

Unexpectedly, this phantom hit the deepest part of his heart all at once.

"Amazing!" Jiang Xuan nodded.

"Of course!" Susu was praised, and she immediately became proud, shaking her head and said, "I don't have enough skills now. If my mother comes, I can cast the illusion I want without any preconceptions from the other party. If I If Dad comes, he can even force the illusion into the other person's heart, making the other person create something out of nothing, leaving a faint feeling in his heart, if my grandfather comes, he can even make the other person live in the environment forever..."

Damn, there really is a father!It seems that my father is better than my mother... However, if you say something out of nothing, it directly affects the other party's heart. There is a lottery reward in the system. A special effect, something like a slap in the face, more or less has a similar effect.

In this way, the things drawn in the lottery are still very powerful.

Such a grandpa, there is actually a grandpa!
"It's a pity that my grandfather passed away more than 100 years ago." Susu sighed.

Good to die!Jiang Xuan breathed a sigh of relief, and continued to ask with a calm face: "Speaking of your parents, why do they ignore you?"

Susu's expression dimmed all of a sudden, she lowered her head and remained silent.

Chang Xiaotu raised the electric baton again to scare her, but Jiang Xuan stopped her, knelt down, and asked, "Susu, are your parents still in Qingqiu Mountain?"

"Huh...huh?" Susu's tone suddenly rose, she suddenly raised her head, and looked at Jiang Xuan in surprise: "How do you know I'm from Qingqiu Mountain?"

(End of this chapter)

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