Chapter 171

On the side of Xingxing Kindergarten close to Nanping Mountain, in the dense jungle, Jiang Xuan, Chang, and Little Rabbit, Jiang Gang, carried big bags on their backs, and Gou Ritian led the way.

Before Gou Ritian went crazy that day, he had smelled a very strong evil spirit, and then he went crazy, which was also related to this evil spirit. Combining Gou Ritian's statement and the specific situation at that time, Jiang Xuan judged that there was a stronger one in the mountain, and there was a certain degree of confusion. 'The monster of ability.

Reminiscing that he had heard movement outside the yard at night before, Jiang Xuan pulled out all the surveillance videos from the previous period and looked at them carefully.

Really found some clues.At least two or three times at night, I saw an animal bigger than a dog running out of the woods, sneaking to the lake to drink water, because at night, the distance is relatively far away, so I can't tell what kind of animal it is.

It is not clear now whether this is the monster or just an ordinary animal living in the nearby mountains.

Speaking of monsters, several people in the kindergarten were gearing up and eager to try. Gou Ritian even gnashed his teeth and said that he wanted to take revenge and catch that evil spirit and kill him.

So a group of people discussed it and set off into the mountains to search.

However, for the sake of safety, some preparations were made in advance.According to Gou Ritian's description, the monster's morality is relatively high, and he hasn't shown his face yet. Just relying on the faint monster aura from a distance, it gave him a great sense of oppression. If we analyze it this way, the other party's morality must surpass anything in the kindergarten. One, and far more than that.

But I have an obvious advantage on my side. Firstly, I have an advantage in numbers. There are three monsters alone, and Chang Xiaotu and Gou Ritian are both good at speed. Little rabbits have lived in human society for a long time, their brains are more active, and they can use tools.

For example, in the pocket of Chang Xiaotu, there is an anesthesia gun that Jiang Xuan obtained through Wuda City. It contains a lot of anesthetics. Even if the opponent cannot be knocked down, the opponent's combat effectiveness will definitely be greatly reduced; there is a high-voltage electric baton attached to the back of Jiang's hard jeans, which was also obtained through Wuda City. It can be electrified and can also be used as an iron rod Such weapons are used.

Jiang Xuan also carried a fishing net gun on his back, which can shoot a large net.

Of course, to catch a monster is still a monster that does not know the details. This kind of thing must have certain risks, and there are completely unexpected possibilities. use, or this is a trap with ulterior motives...etc.

However, they knew that there was a monster in the mountains, and they were close at hand, but they didn't go to find out. Jiang Xuan and Chang Xiaotu couldn't help it. Besides, if it was really a powerful monster or a conspiracy, hiding would not be a good idea. The best way is to take the initiative.

From the Lianhua Town up the mountain to the kindergarten, there is no road. The mountain is rugged and difficult, and there is no way to go. With Jiang Xuan's ability, they sometimes have to use knives to open the way. Fortunately, they are not ordinary people and children. , although it was a little troublesome, but I didn't feel too much pressure, and even regarded it as an "outing". I didn't stop all the way, starting at dawn, and at noon, I had already gone deep into the depths of Nanping Mountain.

"Take a break." Jiang Xuan stood on a big rock and looked down the mountain.

From a distance, Lianhua Town at the foot of the mountain has a panoramic view, but it seems to be only a small area the size of a palm. The road outside the town is like a thin white line extending towards Binhai City. As for the kindergarten at the foot of the mountain, due to the So small, you can't see it at all.

"Director, I'm not tired!" Gou Ritian gritted his teeth and said, "I must catch that guy!"

"You can't beat it if you catch it." Chang Xiaotu grinned, jumped onto the big rock and sat next to Jiang Xuan, took out a lot of various snacks from the big bag, filled it with stones, and beat Stretching his legs, he tore open the package of a bag of steamed buns: "Oh, I haven't exercised for a long time, and my body is not good. Eat something to make up for it first! Ginger, do you want to eat it?"

Jiang Qiang held the iron rod that could shock and hit people in his hand, and shook his head expressionlessly: "You guys eat, I'll be on guard."

"Aren't you a rabbit monster? You're tired after walking in the mountains for several hours!" Gou Ritian said angrily, "We have to hurry up, what if it escapes? Nanping Mountain is so big, where can we find it then! "

Gou Ritian had a look of bitterness and hatred on his face, he was severely tricked by that unknown monster, and he couldn't forget what happened that day until now.

"It's not a way to find it this way." Jiang Xuan shook his head suddenly.


Just like what Gou Ritian said, 'Nanping Mountain' is so big, in fact, Nanping Mountain is connected to other mountains, and looking for a monster in the mountains without any goal is simply looking for a needle in a haystack, completely relying on luck.Besides, although monsters once appeared in Nanping Mountain, who stipulated that monsters must stay in Nanping Mountain forever. The world is so big, where can't they go?
On the way into the mountain, Jiang Xuan and his group paid attention everywhere, but they didn't find any clues. Even Gou Ritian with such a good nose couldn't sniff out any useful information.

If you search in this way, you may not be able to find it for several years, and the efficiency is too low.

"Then what should we do?" Gou Ritian asked.

"What happened before it appeared that day? Was it attracted by something, or did it just pass by by accident?"

Jiang Xuan carefully recalled the scenes in the video that day. When Gou Ritian went crazy, Qin Guoqiang once hit his head with a brick, and before that... huh?
Before that, Qin Guoqiang took out a steaming big meat bun, broke it open and threw it to Gou Ritian. Later, Jiang Xuan found the bun and found that it was mixed with rat poison, but the bun was still very fragrant. Jiang Xuan often sends Chang Xiaotu to buy in the morning.

Thinking of this, my mind lightened up slightly. It couldn't be because the smell of meat buns attracted that monster here, right?
It sounds like a very nonsensical reason. Compared with Jiang Xuanchang and Little Rabbit, that monster can be regarded as a "big monster" with profound morals. He would run out of the mountain tirelessly for a meat bun, and confuse Jiang Gang by the way. one time?
It sounds like an entrepreneur with a monthly income of one million. He went to the vegetable market and sold two catties of leeks. He asked the boss to take two scallions, and finally sneaked away a head of garlic from the stall beside him...

But if you think about it carefully, it's not impossible.

The key lies in the four words 'wild monster'.

Monsters still can't be viewed with human eyes. Except for Gou Ritian who is a "social monster", Chang Xiaotu and Jiang Gang are all wild, and they all live in the wild when they wake up. We have to face the biggest problem: survival, in simple terms, is food.

When we were animals, we were muddle-headed. Eating was an instinct, and we became monsters. With wisdom, eating is not only an instinct, but also a kind of enjoyment. Therefore, human food is more attractive to monsters.

In fact, both Jiang Kuan and Chang Xiaotu are delicious, needless to say Chang Xiaotu, Jiang Gang actually likes to eat. When I first saw him, Chang Xiaotu said a lot of human food The food made the ginger so hard that the saliva came down.

Wild monsters are more gluttonous, there is nothing wrong with that.

If you put aside the so-called conspiracy theory and just look at it from eating, then the big monster will often appear around the kindergarten, which makes sense. There are often delicious things in the kindergarten, and even the food outside There are free fish to eat in the small lake, in the eyes of hungry wild monsters, it is simply a bright light.Drinking blood in the mountains is definitely not as good as stealing food from the kindergarten.

And the kindergarten is located in a remote place, not as dangerous as in a big city.

It is very likely that the food brought the monsters here.

"Oh? That's easy!" Chang Xiaotu stood up, covered her mouth with one hand like a big trumpet, waved a bag of chocolates with the other, and shouted into the mountains: "Big monster, there are delicious things here, you Come and eat, I invite you to eat..."

Jiang firmly clenched the iron rod and looked around vigilantly. Gou Ritian's tail was trembling with excitement, and Jiang Xuan was also a little curious, maybe he could lure the monster out.

Generally speaking, monsters are a group of very simple and innocent guys, much simpler than humans.

After shouting for a long time, there was no movement, only the rustling of the wind blowing through the woods.

"It seems that this monster doesn't like to eat, or it's deaf!" Chang Xiaotu shouted happily for a long time, but she didn't respond at all, she pursed her mouth and looked very disappointed.

Jiang Xuan didn't expect too much at first, the mountain is so big, how can there be such a coincidence that the monster is nearby.

He looked at his watch and said, "Let's eat something to fill our stomachs first, and we'll go back after eating, so as not to spend the night in the mountains at night."

It's better in the wild during the day, but it's more troublesome at night. If you encounter monsters, you will suffer if you don't make it right. You can figure out a solution after you go back to kindergarten.If it doesn't work, hold a barbecue meeting in the kindergarten every day, put a lot of cumin, and don't believe that you can't attract big monsters.

"Yes, yes, eat first!" Chang Xiaotu took out a whole roast chicken wrapped in oiled paper from her big pocket.

"When did you stuff so much food into your pocket, be careful..." Jiang Xuan felt his scalp tingling, the rabbit was about to become a doraemon, how could it fit so much in his pocket? How messy?There is also an anesthesia gun in the big pocket, don't accidentally touch the anesthesia gun and let it go off. If the monster is not caught, it will be bad if you accidentally injure your teammates.

"Ah, ah, am I such a clumsy rabbit?" Little Rabbit Chang didn't care, put on two food gloves, clicked a few times, tore apart the roast chicken, and handed an oily chicken leg to Jiang Xuan , "I bought it in the supermarket, it's delicious, try it."

"It's so greasy, you'll have high blood pressure if you eat like this." Jiang Xuan took the chicken leg and smelled it, it was really delicious. The food in the supermarket will put a lot of spices to attract customers, unlike the ones made at home. Pay attention to nutrition and health.

Chang Xiaotu tore a few more pieces and distributed them to Jiang Qiang and Gou Ritian.

While eating, he suddenly heard rustling sounds in the woods behind the stone.


Looking back, a civet cat approached from the woods, with wide eyes, watching them from a distance.

(End of this chapter)

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