Super God Kindergarten

Chapter 149 Cooperation

Chapter 149 Cooperation
After the summer vacation is the new school year. Most kindergartens will collect various data of the new school year and arrange work for this school year after a short period of time after the start of the new school year. All kinds of copywriting work.

Small private kindergartens like Xingxing Kindergarten are even better. There are seven or eight guns for three or five people, and they can see everything clearly at a glance.However, some large kindergartens are not so relaxed, and they are extremely busy from top to bottom.

This is the case in Jianle Kindergarten in Binhai City. From the first day of school, all kinds of materials and blank reports are sent to the mailbox of each grassroots teacher, and then the grassroots teacher will collect the data and send it to the principal's office for summary. Finally, it will be submitted to the head of the kindergarten for approval, and based on this, a large-scale development plan for the kindergarten will be formulated for the next year, and then the dean's office will break down the large-scale plan and arrange it in the hands of specific staff at each level.

It is by no means a fluke that Jianle Kindergarten can achieve its current scale and become the leading private kindergarten in southern Jiangsu Province. In terms of management, it has fully adopted the advanced management mode of modern enterprises.

The principal of the third branch of Jianle Kindergarten and one of the shareholders of Jianle Kindergarten, Qin Guoqiang, a well-known early childhood education expert in China, has been very busy recently.

Jianle Kindergarten adopts the "partner" model, and shareholders can also be managers. Under the overall planning of the whole group, each branch has a lot of independent management rights, managed by capable major shareholders, more like a general manager. The model of the company and branch, Qin Guoqiang's own performance, dividends, and future equity acquisition basically depend on how well he manages the branch.

"Professor Qin..." The secretary reported from the side.

Although he has obviously abandoned teaching and started business, and is a serious businessman, Qin Guoqiang still asks his subordinates to call him "professor" by his previous title. In the circle of preschool education, this is a customary rule. It sounds less commercial and more professional.

When you are poor, you want to make money, and when you have money, you want to be famous.

"Professor Qin, in addition to the students who graduated this semester, the rate of new students entering the kindergarten is 2.2 times the rate of students leaving the kindergarten, which has completed and exceeded last year's target. According to this standard, even if the plan for the coming year is relatively conservative, it is recommended to set it If it is more than 2 times, the report data will show a positive upward trend.”

Qin Guoqiang nodded in satisfaction. The admission rate and the ratio of the kindergarten rate are relatively important data. They are not as decisive as the number of new students enrolled, but they also have many important connotations, such as changes in the quality of teaching in kindergartens and changes in their attractiveness to parents. And so on, can be reflected according to this ratio.

In other words, in the new school year, if one student leaves due to transfer or dropout, then 2.2 new students will transfer in, one will come in, and 2.2 will come in, which definitely shows that the kindergarten is still relatively attractive. .

"Have any follow-up investigations been carried out for the students who have left, and what other kindergartens have they gone to?" Qin Guoqiang focused on two things, flipping through the documents while listening to the secretary's report.

"According to our head teacher's return visit survey, the general situation is..."

The teachers in Jianle Kindergarten are paid so well for no reason. The homeroom teacher is so busy that the students who leave the school have to check the situation one by one so that the school can adjust the curriculum accordingly, observe possible competitors in the market, and so on.

Several reasons for leaving school are commonplace. High tuition fees and students moving house are two long-standing problems that are difficult to solve. There are also very few parents who feel that the educational methods of Jianle Kindergarten are problematic and often toss their parents .

For example, before the start of school, Jianle Kindergarten issued a notice: parents of each family are required to make four kinds of parent-child toys, which must meet the conditions of safety, environmental protection, long-term use, innovation and intelligence enhancement, and bring them to the school for unified delivery after the start of school. The class selects No.1 and the last place.

Many parents have great opinions on this. This is not going to kindergarten. Isn’t this tossing parents? Schools give children holidays, and most parents don’t have holidays in summer. They must also be environmentally friendly, safe, long-term use, increase intelligence, and innovate. Yes, when parents are both inventors and traditional craftsmen?

In the end, there was great public outrage at the evaluation. The rulers are long and the inches are short. Not every parent is good at handicrafts. Besides, is this parent-child or parent-child?
"Well, in the future, the competition will be changed to exhibition and use. The number does not need to be so large, one or two is enough." Qin Guoqiang nodded: "Where are those students lost?"

"According to the quantity, they are..." The secretary reported the names of five kindergartens, four of which were either public or well-known old kindergartens in the local area. Qin Guoqiang didn't even listen to Star Kindergarten. Said.

"We have conducted a special investigation on this kindergarten. It has only been opened for less than half a year in the mountains of Lianhua Town. The scale and the number of teachers are very small. There are less than ten professional teaching staff and less than 90 students, but the growth rate is very fast. They have set up food interest classes and martial arts interest classes, and have appeared on TV and online media several times." The secretary handed over a few pages of information and said, "They also published an article on "Children's Education."

"Huh?" Qin Guoqiang frowned slightly. Although this kindergarten is not big, it has developed so fast and obviously has strong competitiveness. Magazines such as children's education are almost the benchmarks in the industry. The combination of theory and teaching, relying on With the opponent's current development momentum, it is easy to find a new star in the job.

Binhai City is so big, one or two more kindergartens is not a big deal, and there is no shortage of students, but Jianle Kindergarten, which aims to be 'listed', needs more than just students.

Overwhelming market share, overwhelming fame, support from various positive public opinions, etc.

Xingxing Kindergarten is small in scale, but it is too distinctive and steals the limelight.

"Go and investigate this kindergarten carefully. If you don't have any strong background, try to get in touch, talk about cooperation, and if possible, buy it directly." Qin Guoqiang said.

"This...Professor Qin, Zhang Yunyun, who we left here before, works in that kindergarten, can I get in touch with her?" the secretary asked.

"Huh?" Qin Guoqiang's eyes lit up slightly. Zhang Yunyun, an intern, followed him before, and his impression was too deep.

(End of this chapter)

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