Chapter 142
Little Rabbit Chang put Fatty Zhu on hold, and Bald Man Jiang held Baldy Ding hard. Fatty Zhu was quite 'obedient', and when Little Rabbit Chang walked up to him, he knew that Jiang Xuan had made up his mind, and sighed depressingly, no Reluctantly stood up, stood at the end of the seesaw, and stepped up with a shy face.

Bald Ding is not so honest. He has no friendship with Jiang Xuan. He has been in society for a long time, and he takes face very seriously. , as if angry, neither resisting nor cooperating.

Jiang Gang grabbed his wrist expressionlessly, and Ding Baldhead subconsciously struggled backwards, but he didn't know that a force that he couldn't resist at all came, and Jiang Gang easily dragged him to the other side of the seesaw like a big sack.

"Boss Ding, you don't need me to help you up." Jiang Xuan chuckled.

"Hey, Huluo Pingyang was... Forget it, I'm unlucky today! Damn, I don't have the face to face people!" Bald Ding sighed, with a face like a hero's end, he sighed and stepped on the other end of the seesaw, sitting empty He said, "Principal Jiang, what's the point of doing this? I won't lie to you. Even if you are a master of psychology, you can't explain what happened to us in just a few words."

"That's right, even for your sake, we pretended to be reconciled today, and when we walked out of this door, we turned around and had to fight. Brother, I appreciate your kindness..." Fatty Zhu said, and he got off the seesaw accurately.

As soon as Jiang Xuan lifted his foot, Fatty Zhu's end was pushed down, and Baldy Ding slowly rose to a height of two or three meters in the air.

"My mother!" Baldy Ding suddenly let out a yell full of fear, his face turned pale in an instant.

Fatty Zhu was taken aback, what's going on?Baldy Ding is a bastard, not as good as a pig or a dog, but Fatty Zhu has to admit that this old man is a bit courageous, how can he be scared like this by sitting on a seesaw.

Jiang Xuan's eyelids twitched slightly!
Darling, the hatred between these two people is far higher than I imagined.


That's four digits!

Deep hatred, great hatred!

I tried the seesaw several times before, and the hatred value of both sides of the seesaw did not exceed [-]. Jiang Xuan once thought that [-] hatred value was the upper limit, but he never expected that the upper limit of hatred value was ten times higher than what he thought. One order of magnitude!

No, maybe there is no so-called upper limit to the hatred value at all.

It's no wonder that Ding Tuzi was crying and howling. The last time the hatred between Chang Xiaotu and Gou Ritian was less than one hundred, Chang Xiaotu felt that it was very high. This time it was more than ten times, even twenty times. I am afraid that Shiding Bald will really feel like a "cliff of ten thousand feet".

From this point of view, today's task is very heavy.

"What the hell, why are you so fucking cowardly with the surname Ding?" Fatty Zhu didn't miss any chance to hit Baldy Ding, and sarcastically said, "You guys are still watching from the sidelines, don't you want to lose face? You? Are you ashamed to come out and hang out like this?"

He hasn't been proud for long, and it's his turn to taste the taste.

"Shut up!" Jiang Xuan glared and pushed Fatty Zhu.

"Huh? Huh? Ah?! Aw... Aw...! Oh my god! I'll go..."

In less than two seconds, as the end of the seesaw slowly rose, Fatty Zhu's modal particles changed several times in a row, and his tone changed from a slight doubt at the beginning to a scream.

Fat people generally have a bad heart, and their heart is not good, and they are generally a little afraid of heights.

Fortunately, this harmonious seesaw will only give people the feeling of 'high', but the user can still clearly see that he is at the height of reality, and he will not really fall to his death. Otherwise, Fatty Zhu's heart disease may be caused by this one Scared out.

Bald Ding, who had just landed, opened his mouth and subconsciously wanted to retort, but before he could speak, Fatty Zhu had already landed slowly.

"Don't...don't..." It was useless to shout, and Ding Baldzi slowly rose again.

The yard was very lively today. A group of bald boys stared dumbfounded at the two bosses, sitting on the seesaw, like two naughty little boys with poor acting skills, deliberately making all kinds of ghost cries and howls; the sound was also alarming I saw the children who were studying in the classroom, one by one sneakingly leaning on the window and looking into the yard.

The child didn't experience the feeling of these two people personally. Seeing them playing on the seesaw while screaming like pigs butchered, he thought it was fun and pointed in this direction laughingly.

Jiang Xuan stood on the side with folded arms, thinking about something that sounded right, but it was actually not convincing.

"Brothers have gone through the robbery, meet each other and smile at each other..."

"Even if you two don't think about yourself, you should also think about your family and your subordinates. You are quite old, do you want your family to give you prison meals?"

"Can't you remember all the friendship you fought back then?"

"You're such an adult, why are you taking a gamble like a child?"

"Even if you don't have feelings, it's always about benefits. Adults don't ask right or wrong, they only look at benefits. What's the benefit of you calling back and forth?"

Crackling... balabala...

The hatred value of two thousand points is too small, it is too hard to eliminate it little by little, Jiang Xuan said so much that his mouth was dry, let Chang Xiaotu take a water bottle, soak a cup of fat sea, and let Jiang go back to the backyard Bring the armchair over, lean on the chair, hold the fat sea tea, take a few sips, and teach a few words at the same time.

A guy like Jiang Xuan who can fool around can talk non-stop, even if he has nothing to say, the hatred between the two parties is more than a thousand, so he can only repeat what he just said Say it over and over again.

"Goodbye teacher, goodbye principal..."

"Goodbye, Little Rabbit Sister..."

"Brother Jiang Hard, goodbye..."

When I said this, I talked about the sun setting, the kindergarten was over, the children left one after another, and the row of punks squatting in the corner had some leg cramps, but the hatred value of the two people on the seesaw Not available yet.

But there are still good signs. When the hatred value reached more than 100, it is still steadily declining. It seems that the two of them did not have any real deep hatred that cannot be resolved before, it is purely too deep.

"Jiang Xuan, why don't we eat first?" Chang Xiaotu asked, biting her finger.

"Wait, he's almost done, let me explain the truth to them again, and explain it thoroughly." Jiang Xuan said.

The hatred value between the two is only 65VS54, the good guys do it to the end, clear it up for them!

"No, no, brother, I understand!"

Fatty Zhu couldn't take it anymore. It wasn't because he was afraid of heights, but because his ass hurt too much. He jumped off with one leg, rubbed his buttocks with one hand, walked to Bald Ding's end, supported him with the other hand, and said, "Hey, old Ding, What my brother said is right, let him go over the matter between the two of us."

Baldy Ding wanted to stand up subconsciously, but he didn't know that his legs were weak and he couldn't stand up.

"Help me up." Baldy Ding supported Fatty Zhu's wrist before he stood still, looked at Fatty Zhu, sighed and said, "Damn it, if you had this attitude back then, how could there be so many messes?" !"

"You didn't treat me well back then."

"Yes, yes, I'm both wrong. It's even!"

"Even, even! I'm fucking starved to death, Lao Ding, stay here tonight, and I'll treat you to dinner."

(End of this chapter)

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