Super God Kindergarten

Chapter 137 Publication of Academic Papers

Chapter 137 Publication of Academic Papers
After brushing at 07:30 in the evening, the outer wall still hadn't been fully restored. Jiang Xuan saw that it was dark, and he couldn't see it anymore, and the main purpose was to teach these little bastards a lesson, not really expecting them to have This ability restored the wall, so he waved them to get out of here.

"Brother, we haven't had dinner yet..." The leader of the gangsters, the one whose face was swollen from the beating, approached him with a playful smile and asked.

I painted the wall here all day and was beaten up, but I didn't expect the dumplings at noon to be surprisingly delicious, which gave these unlucky people great psychological comfort.

Or say it's a little bastard, shameless and shameless. After a meal at noon, he wants to continue at night.They could see that in this small kindergarten, it seemed that it wasn't Fatty Zhu who really talked, but this delicate young man.

Moreover, Fatty Zhu is a violent person who is not good at speaking, and he punches and kicks at every turn. If you ask Fatty Zhu, maybe the result will be a slap in the face.

"Okay, let's settle the lunch bill first. A dumpling costs 100 yuan. The three of you ate a total of 120 or so. I'll count you as 120, [-]. Take the money first." Jiang Xuan smiled and stretched out his hand .

"Brother, just treat me as a fart and let me go without saying anything. I'm convinced, you're the usury!" black.

100 yuan a dumpling, why not grab it?Don't dare to lend usury so unscrupulously, okay?

The group of four who couldn't afford dumplings worked hard all day, finally relieved, and hurried down the mountain, fearing that Jiang Xuan would chase after the noon dumpling account.

It's quite scary when you think about it. Fatty Zhu's character, if he gets involved, he can really beat them up and force them to write an IOU worth more than 1 yuan...

As soon as Jiang Xuan came back, he saw Li Muxue and Li Shuang standing in the yard waiting for him.

Li Muxue looked expectant, Li Shuang didn't realize what happened, and smiled happily, holding a bag of shrimp crackers that Chang Xiaotu gave him.

"It goes without saying, and you don't have to be polite." Jiang Xuan knew what Li Muxue was going to say, waved his hand, and said with a smile: "It must be deducted from your salary, I'll forget it, and it will cost more than 6 yuan in the end. Ten thousand, I will not count your interest. I will deduct [-] a month from you, and you will not get a share of the year-end bonus. It will be paid off in four or five years. In other words, within four or five years, you are not allowed to change jobs. .”

Hearing what Jiang Xuan said, instead of being unwilling, Li Muxue nodded in relief.

Don't talk too much about money, no matter how good the relationship is, if you talk too much, it will definitely hurt your feelings. If you have to talk about it, then you must stick to the six-word principle: brothers will settle accounts clearly.

No one owes anyone else, at least on the surface there is no debt to each other, so that everyone can live with peace of mind.

"Thank you today. If it weren't for your help, I really don't know how to deal with these people." Li Muxue said.

"You don't need to thank me. You are my employee. Protecting you is the meaning of the title. I can't let outsiders come to the kindergarten to play wild. Okay, go rest, don't think too much, wait until tomorrow they get the IOU Come on, this matter is over." Jiang Xuan said.

There was nothing to say all night, and the next morning, the kindergarten was in normal class. In order to prevent the other party from disturbing the normal order of the kindergarten, Jiang Xuan asked Hongmao and the others to watch at the foot of the mountain. If anyone from the society came, he would notify himself. Go to the nest coffee in town to talk.

Who knew that after waiting for a whole day, no one came, not only the other boss did not come, but also the four little gangsters yesterday.

Then, several days passed in a row, and still no one came to ask for debts, as if there was no such thing at all.

I called Fatty Zhu and asked if he solved it through the means of Taoism. Fatty Zhu said that he didn't do anything, and no one came to him.

Maybe the other party was frightened when he heard the word Zhu Aiguo, or something else delayed him, or it was some unexpected reason.

Since he couldn't think of it, Jiang Xuan didn't think much about it, and lived his life as usual.

The gym business at the foot of the mountain is still good. One of the most important industries in Wuda City is the chain gym. They are very experienced and the managers they send are also very capable. Although the location of Lianhua Town is relatively remote, the entrance is directly connected to the highway and the city. Connected, a few kilometers away from the downtown area of ​​Binhai City can be reached in a few minutes by car, and it will not cause too much impact because of the distance.

Furthermore, Jiang Xuan, the consultant, is a living sign.Wu Dacheng gave Jiang Xuan a share because he had a very unique business vision. In addition to repaying the kindness for saving his daughter, Jiang Xuan and Xingxing Kindergarten became famous, which indeed brought a lot of new business to Wu Dacheng's gym.

There is no need to mention Lianhua Town. People of all ages in Lianhua Town have seen Jiang Xuan and Jiang Jian's real kung fu, and Jiang Xuan's reputation in this place is really good. Having him as a shareholder and consultant can not only attract students, It is also convenient to operate a gym locally.

The local police station, power supply bureau, industry and commerce, bank leaders, and employees' children all study in Xingxing Kindergarten. With Jiang Xuan there, the gym is even more home than in Wuda City.

In fact, even the gyms in the big cities of Wuhan have benefited. Although Jiang Xuan basically doesn't go to those gyms, he still has the name of a martial arts consultant after all.

Wuda City has the social relationship of Wuda City. Jiang Xuan and Xingxing Kindergarten have developed their relationship so far. Not to mention Qianxiu Group and Su Yao, other things such as participating in food competitions, friendship with several judges in the preliminary competition, The friendship between that contest and Bajimen, as well as the relationship between the parents of Xingxing Kindergarten.

Because of the kidnapping case, Wu Dacheng and Jiang Xuan became friends. This is the foundation of their relationship. The store in Wu Dacheng has Jiang Xuan’s shares. This is a conflict of interests. The social circle is established in this way. Wu Dacheng can also have various relationships with Jiang Xuan through Jiang Xuan, mutual help and mutual benefit, establish a more stable relationship, and bring benefits to both parties.

So in this situation, even if Jiang Xuan could easily help Li Muxue pay tens of thousands of yuan in the first place, he didn't only care about the bullshit "road background" of that loan shark company.

On the road?This is what age, in the face of network and money, a few hooligans are not a fart.

Don't worry, life goes on.

Li Muxue excitedly ran over with a magazine this day.

"Children's Education".

Jiang Xuan also knows about this magazine. It is a highly professional magazine. Outside of majors, few people pay attention to it. But in the field of preschool education and elementary school education, it is the top scientific magazine in the industry in the country, and it is a place where experts and scholars gather. , professional frontier.

When they were in school, they would also study some of the above articles, and even choose questions from them for many exams.

The last time Jiang Xuan lied to Su Yao and they said that "society, school, and parents should all be more responsible, take responsibility, and return children's childhood to them", Li Muxue wrote a paper on this and submitted it to this company Children's education, the first signature is Jiang Xuan, the second author is herself, and the unit is 'Star Kindergarten'.

Unexpectedly, the second day after sending it, the other party wrote back, thinking that this paper has unique views, has been adopted, and will be published in the next issue.

"Oh, is that so? Not bad not bad!"

Also present was Zhang Yunyun. Hearing the news, both Zhang Yunyun and Jiang Xuan nodded sincerely, with congratulations and joy on their faces.

It's really not polite, outsiders don't know, they are professionals, and they are very aware of the weight of this magazine.The review is extremely strict, the difficulty of publishing is very high, and there is an unspoken rule. Generally speaking, only professionals with intermediate and senior professional titles, or teachers from well-known schools, management leaders of well-known kindergartens and primary schools, and senior teachers can have Qualifications are published on the above, because education is not ordinary laboratory research, it must be combined with theory and practice, and has a wealth of practical experience. It is difficult for ordinary young students and first-timers who have just entered the workplace to write quality things.

Take their class as an example, within a few years, there were dozens of submissions, all of which were rejected. The entire junior college and undergraduate classes of the Teachers College, after a few years, the articles that can be published on this can be counted in two slaps. And a lot of it is done under the guidance of the teacher.

When I was in school, the school also had an unwritten unspoken rule. If I could publish an article on it, as long as there were no other excessive mistakes, I could theoretically grant an 'excellent student scholarship', which shows the importance of it; after graduation, if Having the qualifications of publishing papers in this journal is also a major weight enough to decide whether the employer will hire or not.

"Thank you, Jiang Xuan!" Li Muxue said, "Without your words, there would be no way for this paper to exist."

"You can't say that. I just said a few words, and the subsequent expansion and writing are all done by you. If I were to write it, I might not be able to enter the magazine."

Jiang Xuan smiled and said, "Let's go to a restaurant tonight, I'll treat you, you choose a place, let's celebrate!"

"I'll invite you!" Li Muxue was the most excited one.

After coming to the kindergarten, she has been causing trouble for everyone. She feels that she has been taken care of all the time. Apart from feeling very sorry, she also feels inferior to some extent.

People always have to find the value of their own existence in order to gain a foothold in society and to gain real stability and peace in their hearts.

Even if it is a husband and wife, one party is [-]% dependent on the other party financially and emotionally. Even if the other party can give unconditionally, there will actually be various uneasiness in the heart of relying on one party.

Let alone friends?
With the publication of this thesis, Li Muxue has faintly become the one with the strongest professional and theoretical level in the kindergarten. For the kindergarten, she no longer just asks for, sympathizes with, and accepts help. She also makes contributions to the kindergarten.

(End of this chapter)

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