Super God Kindergarten

Chapter 104 Convinced Oral

Chapter 104 Convinced Oral
Jiang Xuan and Zhou Yuan walked into the kindergarten, the big iron gate was closed again, Li Tiezhu Hongmao and the three of them blocked the door, even Chang Xiaotu and Jiang Gang couldn't get in, holding Gou Ritian, a row of people blocked the door.

There was no movement inside, and people outside reacted differently.

Kindergarten side of a group of 'geeks'.

There are non-mainstream gangsters, stupid big ones with mental retardation, lecherous big dogs, one cute and the other cold and two kids, all of them are old gods, and they don't worry about their principal at all.

Little Rabbit Chang is bored, and from time to time, she takes out snacks from the big pocket on her belly, such as jelly, pistachios, and beef bone sticks, and sends them to her mouth one by one, and her small mouth never stops gnawing. , I don’t know how she can fit so many snacks in that small pocket.

It was only at this time that anyone with a keen sense recalled that she was also wearing such a big pocket dress when she went to the competition just now.

In other words, she was carrying a load at the time, and at such a fast speed, she didn't even spill a single snack.

The people present, some who knew martial arts, some who really knew martial arts, and some who practiced martial arts by themselves, just felt that this matter was horrifying to think about it. If it were themselves, or even their seniors, they could even think of the masters they knew. , very few can do this.

Especially Wu Tianlin, who was shocked the most!
In good conscience, for a person of his age, when he was young, traditional martial arts were not completely in decline, and the style of martial arts was quite popular. When he was young, he also worked hard and worked hard, especially in the aspect of body skills. In terms of life, it can be said to be a leader for a while, extremely flexible, and has the nickname of "Sky Monkey", but as he gets older these years, most of his energy is spent on entertaining people.

If so, Wu Tianlin asked himself, when he was 30 years old and at his peak, his agility was probably similar to that of this little girl.

Just kidding, at that time I had already practiced martial arts for more than ten years, and learned from everyone's strengths!
And how old is this little girl?Either the talent is amazing, or he started practicing martial arts from the womb.

"Aren't you yelling?" Chang Xiaotu probably felt that it was not good to eat alone. There was a row of people in the kindergarten, and she was the only one who couldn't stop eating. She took a piece of beef jerky and shook it with ginger.

"Not hungry." Jiang shook his head hard.

Gou Ritian is winking at the side, circling Chang Xiaotu back and forth, his tail flicking, he still likes to eat these processed human products, dog food, fake bones, bull head sticks and so on are his favorites, But sometimes Jiang Xuan would forget to buy them, so he could only eat dumplings with Chang Xiaotu and the others.

Chang Xiaotu threw it away, and Gou Ritian jumped up and bit it.

Jiang Qian had nothing to do. He squatted on the ground and looked through Director Jiang's quotations, and happened to see "Director Jiang said: When you don't know what to do, you must do the right thing. Cultivation is definitely the right thing." '

"Master's words are reasonable." Jiang Qiang muttered, got up and put the small book in his trouser pocket, found two bricks, idle is also idle, it is better to practice.

Under the watchful eyes of everyone, two bricks were broken into four pieces on Jiang Gang's head, then eight pieces, 16 yuan... and finally turned into powder.

Only two-thirds of the disciples brought by the three expert masters were left standing with Liu Xiaolong and the others, surprisingly silent.

A group of people suddenly felt that they really shouldn't be here today.

"President Wang, look at this..."

Liu Xiaolong was supposed to be the protagonist today. It was him who came back to the world and became a celebrity again. He had already prepared some interview speeches after the victory. In the end, he expressed his willingness to work with several masters to contribute to the development of traditional martial arts, such as balalala...

It never occurred to him that he, the protagonist, might not even be considered as a male supporting role today, at best, he is an important point, a character with lines.

Well, it's similar to Yang Chengtao's two apprentices.

"Shut up you!"

In the whole audience, the most depressed person is probably not the three masters, but Mr. Wang!
At this stage, maybe Zhou Yuan can win the last match, maybe he can't.But this has nothing to do with him.

He wasted a lot of energy, and almost put the last bit of his family and connections on him to plan this challenge.

The effect is far better than expected. Today, once the media releases it, it will definitely achieve a sensational effect.

The problem is that the positive and negative roles have changed each other. He and Liu Xiaolong, including the three masters, have changed from the anti-counterfeit martial arts hero of the black-hearted kindergarten who exposed child abuse, and the protector of traditional martial arts. A completely negative role...

An unrefined old man who relies on the old to sell his old age, a false master who seeks fame and fame... His various identities have instead become a stepping stone for the other party.

There is no need to expect these friends from the media and news circles to help suppress today's events. Don't even think about it. These people are all looking for breaking news. For them, breaking news is money, future, and everything.

Mr. Wang glanced at Liu Xiaolong with a look of disgust. In fact, he also knew that Liu Xiaolong could not be blamed for today's incident, but the more he thought about it, the more his heart ached. If it weren't for you, a mourner, who came to the door, why would I fall for this thief? The ship, turned it into what it is now?
At the gate of the kindergarten, there are only 30 people, but they have various ideas and plans.

Those reporters from the media were itchy from the moment the kindergarten gate closed, and a few clever ones went around to the back of the kindergarten to climb over the wall and secretly took photos and videos of the martial arts competition in the courtyard.

Strange to say, there is no moss or anything on the two-meter-high courtyard wall, but it is surprisingly difficult to climb. Two young guys from Today were about to climb up, suddenly It was as if he had been possessed by an evil spirit, and he fell to the ground with a thud.

"Who fights! Who fights!"

The sound of footsteps and the roar of a middle-aged man came from the mountain road up the mountain!

Another group of people went up the mountain, led by Lao Xing from the town police station.Su Yao's father and daughter followed closely behind.

Lao Xing was going to be furious!
What kind of shit is this gang of martial arts people simply acting recklessly? Last year, the martial arts crackdown on counterfeiting was so lively that it became a bit lawless to make random appointments. The police stations in various places have clearly pointed out that private engagements are suspected of violating public security management Regulations, once found immediately punished.

Fortunately, they ignored it completely, and dozens of people rushed up the mountain in such a mighty manner. When the report was received, Lao Xing was eating breakfast, and almost spit out a mouthful of porridge, thinking that some mass incident had occurred.

"I said..." Lao Xing glanced at him, wanting to talk to the person in charge of the kindergarten. Why are there so many accidents in the kindergarten these days? Sometimes it's the Education Bureau, sometimes it's some kind of appointment. Did he, the deputy director? Put it in your eyes.

Who would have thought that there would be a row of people standing there, the small ones, the stupid ones, the foolish ones, none of them serious enough to take care of things.

"Director Xing, let's not talk about this now." Su Dingkang asked: "Why is the door closed, where is Jiang Xuan?!"

The media present briefly explained the situation, and Su Dingkang's expression became tense.

"Zhou Yuan?! Zhou Yuan of Baji Gate!"

"Dad, do you know that person?" Su Yao asked.

"Of course I know, he is an instructor of the Armed Police Force, a real master!" Su Dingkang's face fell down immediately, and his eyes swept across the scene.

Who is this? It really killed Xiao Jiang.

A boss at Su Dingkang's level has a lot of information channels. He has heard of this Zhou Yuan. It is said that he is not only proficient in Bajiquan, but also proficient in capturing prisoners, modern fighting, and Sanda boxing. Fighting is also the few people who can fight the most.

In other words, he is not only a traditional martial artist, but also a master of modern fighting. If someone still treats him as a "traditional martial artist" and uses old thinking to deal with him, it will definitely be bad luck.

"It's so shameless! Because of this video, even such professional masters are dispatched!"

Hearing this, Su Yao was anxious and angry. She was very unladylike. She pointed at the group of disciples and masters in practice uniforms, and yelled: "Do you still want to have a bad face?! Use a professional fighter to fight an amateur martial artist Lovers fight? You a group of 1.8-meter big men come to the kindergarten to smash the field? Awesome, awesome, punching the nursing home, kicking the kindergarten, Wulin Taishan Beidou! Are you still men? Have your brains been eaten by dogs? "

"Huh?" Gou Ritian, who was leaning on a tree to dry his eggs, got up with a swish, his small eyes were very bright, and he looked around for a while.

Where is the brain?Is it barbecue, or hot pot?Shining Armor Zombie Garlic Brain Spices, my favorite!Must put more chili...

At this moment, a low growl sounded in the yard. The sound was not too loud, and it was a little muffled, but it rang clearly in everyone's ears.

The wild tiger was sent to the zoo, and it kept its wildness. When the tiger roared, all the animals in the zoo, including the loudest and naughtiest monkey, the baboon, were shocked.

If someone is present, even if they are separated by a cage, they know that the tiger cannot hurt themselves, but they will also have instinctive fear.

The reputation of the king of beasts is definitely not just talk.

This roar sounded in everyone's ears, but it struck the heart with a sense of ferocity. Those who were less courageous even turned slightly pale. At that time, they felt that their legs were weak and they could hardly stand up.

"What's going on?!" Su Yao is about to break in.

Jiang stood in front of her and said calmly, "Teacher Su, don't worry, Master has won."

"Jiang Xuan won? How do you know?" Su Dingkang's question was almost the question of most people present.

At this moment, the door creaked and opened again.

Dozens of eyes looked at the small iron gate that could only accommodate two people walking side by side.

Zhou Yuan came out first with a disheveled face and a depressed expression, his face was still swollen. Jiang Xuan followed closely behind, still smiling.

"Crack, click..." There was a sound of a shutter.

"Director Jiang, who won?"

"Master Zhou, are you defeated?"

"Jiang Xuan, what's going on?"

Amidst the noise, Jiang Xuan nodded to Zhou Yuan, then waved to the people around him, and said, "Let's leave, everyone."

The corner of Zhou Yuan's mouth twitched twice, his voice was a little dry, and he clasped his fists together: "Good skill, I have been taught, I am convinced!"

(End of this chapter)

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