City wealthy doctor son-in-law

Chapter 54 The Moon Messenger

Chapter 54 The Moon Messenger

Chapter 54 The Moon Messenger

"Thank you."

Just as Mingyue was about to get up, she suddenly felt severe pain in her ankle.

With a cry, he actually hung his whole body on Ye Fan's arm.

If it wasn't for Ye Fan's strength, he would even be dragged down.

It was also this tugging that brought a faint fragrance into Ye Fan's breath, like orchids and musk deer, it smelled very good.

Even with Ye Fan's determination, his heart trembled.

"what are you doing."

Mingyue pouted: "I... I sprained my ankle, can you carry me on your back?"

Ye Fan is in his twenties.

Mingyue was wearing a short skirt, and there wasn't much fabric on her whole body.

Ye Fan didn't dare to have too much contact with Mingyue, otherwise he would feel sorry for Lin Yurou.


Mingyue begged: "Please, you really want to go in and see Liu Changyu."

Seeing Mingyue's pitiful appearance, Ye Fan remembered that she had reminded him just now, and that she had known her before, so he finally said, "Sit on the flower bed."


Ye Fan asked Mingyue to sit on the flower platform.

"The shoes are off. By the way, you don't have smelly feet, do you?"

Mingyue said, "Bah! Talking nonsense will kill you."

Mingyue took off her shoes obediently, revealing her right foot, as clean as jade, as if carved from white jade.

It has to be said that this rich daughter's skin is really good, at least several times stronger than Xue Linlin.

And as she said, there is no smell at all, even Ye Fan can still smell the fragrance that made his heart sway just now.

It's a pity that the white jade is slightly flawed, and there is an obvious bruise on the right ankle.

Holding up Mingyue's white feet, Ye Fan's heart swayed slightly, but he was quickly suppressed by him.


Ye Fan's pupils suddenly constricted!


It wasn't that Ye Fan became lustful, but the moment he held Mingyue's right foot, he realized that things were not simple!
Her ankles looked round and smooth, but Ye Fan discovered that her ankle tendons had a chain-like pattern, which was the tendon tissue that required long-term high-intensity exercise to appear!
Anyone who can practice to this level, the explosive power of the legs is extremely powerful, far exceeding ordinary people!

How could a tendon of this strength be sprained by a light push?

This bright moon is a bit weird.

"What are you going to do?"

Mingyue blushed and asked.

"It's nothing, is it a sprain here?"

Mingyue nodded: "Yes."

Ye Fan: "Be patient."

Divide the muscles and regulate the qi!



Mingyue let out a cry of pain, and a fine amount of fragrant sweat oozed from her forehead.

"What are you doing, it hurts me to death!"

Ye Fan looked at Mingyue with complicated eyes: "Try it."

Then Mingyue got up and tried to walk a few steps.

Mingyue was pleasantly surprised: "Okay! Wow, you are so amazing, is this all right?"

Ye Fan calmly said: "Hurry up and go in, don't dawdle outside."

Mingyue's pretty face flushed slightly: "Hey, can you speak without so much ambiguity, it's so embarrassing."

The two entered the door, but the guard did not dare to stop them.

Along the way, Mingyue kept talking in Ye Fan's ear.

"Ye Fan, I heard that you have become a son-in-law. What's going on? I just came back from a business trip in Zhongzhou, and I was shocked."

Ye Fan smiled and said, "It's nothing, it's just nothing to eat."

Mingyue said: "It's so pitiful, then do you lack a wife who warms the bed?"

Ye Fan stared at her: "Fortunately, there is not much shortage."

Mingyue said: "I was in the city before, I never heard that you know medical skills and are so powerful, who did you learn from?"

Ye Fan said with a smile: "There is no school, no school, self-taught."

Mingyue said: "I heard that there is a genius doctor in Tangling City recently, who is better between you and him?"

Ye Fan's tone was still flat: "It's half a catty."

Mingyue looked up to the sky and laughed.

" really know how to brag, you are so good, Yurou is really stupid to treat you as a son-in-law."

"However, I have seen that genius doctor before. He is much more powerful than you. He can bring the dead back to life!"

Ye Fan suddenly changed the subject: "Let's not talk about other things, let's talk about you, why do you want to meet Liu Changyu?"

Mingyue looked uneasy and said: "Something happened to the family's capital chain, and I want to ask Liu Changyu to come forward to help."


Ye Fan narrowed his eyes and smiled noncommittally.


The two came to the main hall of Liu's Manor.

Knowing that Liu Changyu had something to do temporarily, Mingyue waited by the side.

Liu Qian brewed a cup of fragrant tea for Ye Fan: "Mr. Ye is here, and I'm sorry to welcome you."

"Moreover, Mister is very lucky. He just got the daughter of the Lin family, Miss Lin, the number one beauty in Tangling City. Here comes another Mingyue, Miss Ming."

Mingyue sat beside Ye Fan, slightly shy, but surprisingly did not refute.

Ye Fan smiled lightly: "I don't know if it's a blessing or a curse, but who wants to see me?"

The voice came from the second floor.

"So restless, I don't think you want to be as calm and introverted as Miss Liu said."

A group of six people came down from upstairs.

Five men and one woman.

The leader was an old man in his 70s, and he was the one who spoke just now.

The voice was hoarse and unpleasant, as if dead wood branches intertwined with each other, awkward and permeating.

Ye Fan didn't know this person, he had doubts about it.

The 'Seven Evil Stars' probably have insiders from the Ye family.

Unfortunately, this old man is not.

But this does not prevent Ye Fan from carrying out his plan.

He sneered and said, "It's you who want to see me, but it's like I'm holding a stick to see you, who is showing it to? If that's the case, let's forget about this meeting."

With a groan, Ye Fan was about to get up from his seat.


Beside the old man, a big man with a red face in a black T-shirt said loudly, "Mr. Fang asked you to come because he respected you. Don't push your nose on your face! Sit down quickly, or I will give you the strength to come in and no strength to go out. "

Murderous, like a white wave, soaring to the sky!


Liu Qian was overwhelmed by Liba's murderous aura, and couldn't help but took several steps back.

Mingyue was frightened and frightened: "Ye...Ye Fan, this...what is going on, he is so scary, you...what are you going to do?"

Ye Fan looked at Mingyue complicatedly: "Don't be afraid."

"Liba, right? You guys should be the ones pushing your nose on your face."

"Talk if you want to talk, break up if you don't talk, your ability to make friends is not very good, but your ability to make enemies is first-class."

Li Ba roared angrily: "Fart!"

He was already muscular, but because of his anger, his muscles seemed to be even more bulging!

Like an angry wild bear!

"Aren't you known as a miracle doctor? I want to see if you can save yourself after beating you half disabled."

Mingyue was startled: "Ah! Ye Fan, you... are you really a miracle doctor at the People's Hospital?"

Remembering that on the way in just now, she had just boasted that she had seen the miracle doctor of the People's Hospital, and felt extremely ashamed.

"Hmph, and bring a little beauty with me, wait for me to beat you into a puddle of mud, and then grab the girl next to you to play with."

(End of this chapter)

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