City wealthy doctor son-in-law

Chapter 494 Three People United

Chapter 494 The three people unite
Chapter 495 The three people unite
It will also be implicated at the national level, which is also very likely

After eating and drinking.

Du Gongzi shook his head and looked in Ye Fan's direction.



Ye Fan nodded, and the three left slowly.

But in the dark, other people have also arrived quietly.

Mei Changye, who was wearing a robe, used a binoculars in a nearby tall building, and saw the figures of the two at a glance.

As for the crowd, there seemed to be a strange figure there, wearing a windbreaker and striding forward in their direction, and there was a man in white clothes from Gufeng Street, and people without a husband also came here.

But for Ye Fan's life, he is determined to win.

Same as yesterday.

South China Sea.

There are usually few people here in Japan, no matter how great their movement is, with the blockade of the organization, outsiders are naturally worthless.

And in the end, even if there is trouble, it will be too much noise.

There is nothing wrong with explaining a reason casually, and it is natural to be able to confuse the past.

"I never thought that you really have the guts. Could it be that you are not afraid of death?"

Du Gongzi sneered.

The next moment, his body tensed up suddenly, and he was fully armed.

Similarly, the realm of cultivation in the middle stage of the master also completely exploded at this moment, not to mention how powerful the whole person is.

"Oh, really? A fight with you is courting death. Do you think you overestimate yourself?"

Ye Fan clicked lightly.

The corner of the mouth hooked slightly, "A smug arc emerged spontaneously.

, I am naturally not your opponent, but what if you add them. "

Du Gongzi spoke slowly.

The next moment, a few more black figures appeared in front of him again, it was Mei Changye and the man in white with Wuxianggong, as if the three of them had already arrived together.

For Ye Fan's life and his secrets.

At this moment, Tu Qiong saw it, or——

Even his own fox tail was exposed, that's all.

"How about it?"

"Li Huanhuan of Nine Heavens Palace, if you plan to join us in the undisclosed secret, you will naturally have your share."

Du Gongzi smiled coldly. At this moment, he seemed to have planned a strategy thousands of miles away, with a well-thought-out plan, as if the facts on the surface were true.

After all, Ye Fan is only one person, and he is top-notch. In the eyes of all of them, he is only at the level of a grandmaster, and the top-notch is only the peak of a grandmaster. It is absolutely impossible to go much higher.

Of course, there is no doubt about this, there is no doubt about it.

And under such circumstances, it seems that he really has the ability and ability to grasp it.

But at the moment Li Huanhuan.

After hearing what they said, the whole person laughed out loud.

Under the watchful eyes of everyone, there is no scruples at all.

"Just because you guys still want to defeat him, I don't think any of you can get out today."

After hearing Li Huanhuan's words, Du Gongzi also sneered.

"The little girl is dreaming there, and she doesn't choose a good dream."

"You have to know that the three of us can fight against even a half-step grand master, so how can we not be his opponent? And then again, at this point in the matter, the three of us fought against each other, but the sword Not long-sighted."

while talking.

It turned out to be threatening there at this moment.

Although Li Huanhuan in front of him was indeed quite a problem, but against their strength, he would definitely not be their opponent.

"Oh, really?"

With a long tail sound.

Li Huanhuan in front of him didn't seem to believe it very much, but continued to chuckle there instead.

I only felt a slight arousal, and a sneering arc spontaneously emerged.

"If it's true, then you can do it directly."

"Anyway, I'm curious about how you all died next?"

"Fulfill your wishes."

There was a bit of murderous intent in Master Poison's eyes, and the man in white with no phase skill at the side didn't argue with him at this moment.

Although the tone of the poisonous young master ordering them just now did make people feel a little uncomfortable, but compared with Ye Fan's secret in front of him, it is completely another matter.

He moved the dagger in his hand, and his whole body turned cold.

"If that's the case, then don't blame me and the others. If you don't eat a toast, you will definitely not have any good fruit for you."

The man in white behind him.

At this moment, there was no hesitation, no hesitation, and he directly made a move.

There are not so many famous halls at all.

The whole person shot out like a cannonball, and in an instant he reached Ye Fan's face, and his spiritual power kept floating behind him.

At this moment, carrying a vigorous and resolute action, without any sloppiness.

"Li Huanhuan, pick one."

Ye Fan folded his hands on his chest, as if he didn't care much about the appearance of the three people in front of him from the beginning to the end.

"Then I'll pick the weakest one."

"The man in white is you."

As major forces, they naturally know each other's details.

Du Gongzi is a poisonous man.

If there is a hard way, it will not be brought in by the serious injury of the near death before.

On the other hand, Mei Changye, who was able to fight against Mr. Long like that, was naturally weird.

After all, it is natural that the man in white in Wuxiang Palace is the best to deal with.


Ye Fan didn't even look at it, but with the appearance of a man in white clothes, he immediately agreed.

After all, as far as he is concerned, the three people in front of him, no matter who they are, are not his opponents, and naturally they are far from necessary.

Seeing Ye Fan's appearance, the three of them immediately felt insulted.

All of them were furious, but they also smiled coldly and kept talking.

"Now you are really talking nonsense. Even if you beat us before, how could you be our opponent now that the three of us and our assistants are there?"

"Yes, yes, who said no, take a deep breath now, we won't care about a dead man."

As for the man in white in Wuxiang Palace.

The whole body showed a strong killing intent, sneaking towards Ye Fan's direction at this moment, it was a crooked method, which was called a handy one.

Seeing the appearance of the three people in front of him, Li Huanhuan naturally raised his hands to greet them.

Now he is in the same camp as Ye Fan, and after knowing the strength of Ye Fan's master realm, he naturally made up his mind to hug this thigh tightly.

But it's far from being able to let it slip away from him like this.

(End of this chapter)

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