Chapter 41 Bluffing?

Chapter 41 Bluffing?

"Boss Lin, it's okay for Lin Yurou to say that her husband has a grumpy personality and doesn't follow the rules. When he finishes his work, he will definitely not have any good fruit for us. What should we do now?"

The hospital executives, who followed Lin Dongcai's lead, asked anxiously.

Lin Dongcai took a puff of cigarette and thought for a moment: "Don't worry, that person named Ye is just bluffing."

"Lin Yurou left us, the hospital can't function normally at all."

"Now the hospital has just received investment. If the business declines, Mr. Ning can withdraw the capital at any time. She will suffer the loss at that time. She will not fire us."

Jiang Wendong asked, "Master, what about me?"

It turned out that the two still had this relationship, no wonder Lin Dongcai would speak for Jiang Wendong.

After Jiang Wendong came back from his studies, he had no connections in China, so he worshiped a teacher, and this teacher happened to be Lin Dongcai's senior brother. It was also because of Lin Dongcai's relationship that he was admitted to the People's Hospital.

The deputy director of the People's Hospital has a leisurely job and is well paid. Jiang Wendong is also very satisfied.

"Don't worry, you are the head of the hospital with the highest education and the strongest technology. Without you, the People's Hospital would not be able to carry out many operations. She dare not fire you, and Chen Dongsheng will not agree. Don't worry, I know it. "

Jiang Wendong said with a smile: "Then I will ask my uncle, as long as we gain a firm foothold in the hospital, once the hospital grows and becomes a large general hospital, we will definitely be able to make a lot of money from it!"

Thinking that the hospital has grown in size after the investment, as the top doctors of the hospital, they naturally have more opportunities to get rich oil and water.

The more Jiang Wendong thought about it, the more excited he became.

"Now is not the time to talk about these things. Let's talk about it after passing this level first. Although it's pretty sure, but the person surnamed Ye always gives me a gloomy feeling, which is hard to deal with."

Just as a group of people were discussing worriedly, a voice came from the door.

"Director Lin, Vice President Lin informed you to go to the conference room for a meeting."


Everyone's heart tightened, knowing that the final confrontation with Lin Yurou was about to begin!
"Okay, I see. Tell Vice President Lin that we will be there soon."

The people who sent the notice away, the atmosphere gradually became dignified.

"Director Lin, do you want to go now?"

Lin Dongcai gritted his teeth and said, "No, we still need to be fully prepared."

"Wendong, go and inform some journalist friends you are familiar with and let them come over."

"Also, Lao Wang, go and inform some patients and family members who trust you the most, and wait outside the meeting room immediately."

Lin Dongcai was not an idiot either, so he decided not to hit someone who was not sure.

Ten minutes later, the meeting room of the People's Hospital.

"Vice President Lin, we are here. I heard that the hospital has received a large investment from Mr. Ning of the Ning Chamber of Commerce. It's really gratifying. Our hospital is about to take off!"

As soon as Lin Dongcai entered, he congratulated with joy.

Lin Yurou didn't speak, Ye Fan beside her smiled.

"Congratulations are right, but your subject is wrong, it's not 'we', it should be 'you'."

"Our hospital has been invested, so what does it matter to you?"

After finishing speaking, Ye Fan slapped a few envelopes from his bag.

"You guys, this is your salary for this month, go away."

Everyone froze for a moment.

The script is wrong!
Lin Dongcai was even more shocked!
He had prepared a series of rhetoric, but it was broken in an instant. This person drove them to a dead end.

"I... I don't understand what Mr. Ye means?"

Lin Dongcai asked the question knowingly, and searched for a solution in his mind.

But he found that his past experience in dealing with others was completely incapable of dealing with this person named Ye Fan.

"You don't understand Chinese characters? Don't you understand what rolling characters mean?"

Ye Fan sneered.

Seeing Ye Fan's stern and selfless appearance, Lin Dongcai knew that this person was not good at anything and couldn't make sense, so he hurriedly said to Lin Yuju next to him, "Vice President Lin, speak up!"

"We old brothers are all people who follow the hospital to fight for the country. There is no credit but hard work. Just because of an impulsiveness, are we going to be fired? I want to find Dean Chen!"

Lin Yurou shrugged: "Dean Chen has gone to the capital. My husband has the final say here. If you ask him, his opinion is mine."

Lin Yurou's character is slightly weaker, but one advantage is that she will always trust Ye Fan.

Ye Fan sneered and said, "Why, do you want to avoid me? One time of infidelity will not be used a hundred times, take the money and get out, otherwise I will call the security guard, and you may lose face by then."

Swish! !

Ye Fan issued the final order to evict the guests, and all the senior executives with Lin Dongcai changed their expressions dramatically.

After Ye Fan finished speaking, he threw the envelopes in front of them at their feet.

"I'll give you ten seconds at the end, we're going to have a meeting, all non-hospital employees, clear out!"

"Ye Fan! You..."

Lin Dongcai looked at the envelope containing the money under his feet, and knew that all his rhetoric had been disrupted. He really had nothing to say to this person who didn't like oil and salt.

So, immediately let out a roar.

"Are you really going to force us to die?"

Lin Dongcai was threatening.

At the same time, the people in his camp were also filled with righteous indignation.

"Mr. Ye, we advise you not to act willfully and recklessly. What are you and Lin Yurou without us in this hospital? President Chen will not let you go after he comes back!"

"That's right, I'll give you face and call you Mr. Ye, didn't you just follow Lin Yurou to get some shares? You eat soft food so confidently?"

"Zi is a Zhongshan wolf, and if he succeeds, he will be rampant. Do you really think we can't do anything about you?"

Knowing that Ye Fan couldn't communicate, threats and abuse appeared.

Lin Dongcai threatened: "Ye Fan, since you really want to tear your face apart, don't blame us and don't show affection."

Ye Fanyi was not afraid: "Oh? What else do you have, use it."

Lin Dongcai said coldly, "Hmph, Wendong, please come in."

"it is good!"

Jiang Wendong picked up the phone with a smirk: "Hey, come in."

Under the suspicious eyes of Ye Fan and Lin Yurou, reporters with long guns and short cannons filed in from the outside and came to the conference room.

Lin Yurou's expression tightened: "Jiang Wendong, what do you mean?"

Jiang Wendong said: "Hmph, what do I mean, why don't you ask your husband who eats soft food what you mean! Reporter Li."

A leading reporter held a microphone and asked, "Brother Wen Dong, tell me."

Jiang Wendong cleared his throat immediately.

"You know what I told you, right? That is the current acting director of our hospital, Lin Yurou."

"She just took over the position of vice president of the hospital and got another investment, so she is going to fire us all."

"Look, the envelopes scattered on the ground contain our salary for this month."

"Not only did she fire us, but she also insulted our personality. We all took pictures and exposed it to him."

Jiang Wendong spoke emphatically to this reporter Li.

Judging by the tone, the two of them are friends, and their purpose is to help Jiang Wendong stand on the platform.

Reporter Li nodded slightly: "Don't worry, Wendong, as reporters, we are all realistic reports."

(End of this chapter)

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