City wealthy doctor son-in-law

Chapter 396 Has he acted in any TV?

Chapter 396 Has he acted in any TV?

Chapter 396 Has he acted in any TV?

Picking up the name and thinking about it carefully, he finally shook his head: "I haven't heard of this person much, has he acted in any TV?"

Shi Li sneered: "I acted..."

Shi Li revealed the titles of several dramas that even these professionals have never heard of, and An Yueze only played some insignificant characters in it.

"So you're not famous?"

Ye Fan raised his head and asked.

His gaze had already fallen on Zhao Hong's face.

The vice president of the company under one person was so frightened that he was sweating and trembling.

"Ye...Mr. Ye, I...I know I'm wrong. This An Yueze is actually a distant relative of mine. I didn't have any contact with him before. It wasn't until I heard that our company was going to start filming this drama that I found this place through my relationship. And invited my mother."

"You also know that parents' orders are not easy to disobey, so I can only hold my nose and agree."

Zhao Hong laughed awkwardly.

In fact, he doesn't care what his parents think, it's because An Yueze is a little-known person, very easy to control, and he is also his relative, and he is better than others in terms of loyalty.That's why he was chosen.

Who knows, when Ye Fan came, Shi Li surrendered directly, making Zhao Hong very passive and had to confess.

"So this is ah."

"Mr. Ye, you are clear. I really didn't mean it. If you are not satisfied, you can withdraw him now."

"Okay, let's withdraw then. Who..."

Ye Fan pointed to the little glasses, Ji Guangfa.

"Your name is Ji Guangfa, right?"

"Yes, it is."

Ji Guangfa didn't expect that Ye Fan would suddenly name him, which made him feel flattered.

I don't know Ye Fan's identity is okay, the two may be able to communicate on an equal footing, after seeing how respectful Zhao Hong is to Ye Fan, how can I not know, this is an indescribable big shot!

"From today onwards, you will be the number one male in this show."

Ah? ? ?
Ji Guangfa couldn't believe his ears. His original purpose of coming here was to audition for a secondary role, so as to add to his qualifications.

In the future, no matter where you go to play tricks, the labor fee will be higher.

At least it’s better than 120 yuan a day in the theater now.

But he never dreamed that he would be given such an opportunity just by talking to Ye Fan a few words.

It's just unbelievable!
He suddenly remembered that when he was talking with Ye Fan just now, Ye Fan had asked him what he said, and only then did he know that at that time, he was destined to have a good fortune.

In fact, Ye Fan didn't do it temporarily, but premeditated it.

Because he needs to be deployed in the academy, he needs someone who can fully control it.

The number one male, this identity is very subtle, and sometimes this identity is even more useful than his director.

Because of the existence of the mysterious dean, Ye Fan knows with a high probability that those who want to spy on the secrets of the academy and find the relics of the Yin Queen must respect the rules of the academy.

Once overstepped, the mysterious and terrifying dean will definitely deal a thunderous blow.

And Ye Fan was calculated by the dean, according to his own estimation, it should be him spying on the secrets of the college again and again, so the dean was dissatisfied with his behavior, so he used Peng Ba to calculate him.

After this battle, Ye Fan became more concerned about the rules of the college, so he chose a male number one who could be easily controlled.Do things conveniently.

He is not at ease with anyone in the company.

Don't look at these people who are respectful on the surface, but in fact, ghosts know what they are thinking in their hearts.

Ye Fan knows that the human heart is the most difficult thing to control, even if you are invincible and powerful, when you really face the human heart, which is God's sacred forbidden zone, you are still helpless.

From ancient times to the present, there have been many capable men and heroes who wanted to control people's hearts, but they were all destroyed by people's hearts, which shows the difficulty of this.

Therefore, if Ye Fan could not use the people in the company, he would try not to use them.

That's why he took a fancy to Ji Guangfa, who had a slightly upright personality but was depressed.

An upright personality means that this person has a bottom line, and under normal circumstances, he will not commit betrayal.

He is frustrated because his status is not enough, if Ye Fan pulls him at this time, he might give all his loyalty.

This is better than using another person of higher status.

"Yes, from now on you are the number one male, I have decided by default, don't you want to do it?"

Ye Fan stared at Ji Guangfa.

Ji Guangfa nodded with excitement on his face: "I want to! I want to dream! Grandson doesn't want to do it! But Mr. Ye, I... can I do it? Actually, I am not from a major in the orthodox sense.",

Ji Guangfa is a more honest person, and he immediately revealed the details of his background. He is afraid that Ye Fan will be disappointed in him, and then he will feel guilty because he feels that he has been entrusted to someone.

Ye Fan smiled slightly: "Don't worry, I said you can do it, or you can do it if you don't.",

Ji Guangfa gritted his teeth: "Okay, I will definitely not disappoint Mr. Ye's trust in me, and I promise to complete the task!"

This Ji Guangfa showed a great degree of passion and loyalty just like the soldiers in battle!

Ye Fan could clearly see the light in his eyes, and suddenly felt that he had found the right person.

This person can be used!
"Okay, now you are the number one male. What is the number one male?"

"An Yueze."

"Yes, that person named An Yueze, from now on, will not be the number one male in this show. Now, do you have any objections?"

After Ye Fan finished speaking, he looked around calmly, no one could see what kind of expression was in the depths of his eyes.

In the end, are you sincerely seeking other people's opinions, or are you deliberately looking for thorns in the company to make an example of others.

There were no fools at the scene, and no one's own interests were involved, so no one spoke for the time being.

Shi Li smiled lightly and said: "Mr. Ye really has a discerning eye. He can tell at a glance that this classmate Ji Guangfa is a piece of jade. If you look at it from a professional perspective, Ji Guangfa is very suitable for the job of the male number one. Mr. Ye's Very wise decision."

Shi Li has been struggling in the company for a while, but now that she finally has the opportunity to go one step further, how could she hurry to seize the opportunity.

Ye Fan finally realized why the ancient kings, knowing that slanderous ministers were not conducive to their own governance, still wanted to stay.

It turned out to be so cool!
So he smiled slightly: "Okay, since director Shi is such a professional talent, he can see that Ji Guangfa is extraordinary, then this matter is settled like this."


Before that, Zhu Tai had only appointed the second male number by default, but Ye Fan came up and directly appointed the first male number one by default, and let the original male number one get out.

(End of this chapter)

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