City wealthy doctor son-in-law

Chapter 377 Expelled?

Chapter 377 Expelled?

Chapter 377 Expelled?

This, just kidding!
"Dean... Dean, do you really want to be fired? Is this appropriate?"

The dean's voice was still cold and mysterious, and he couldn't even tell whether he was male, female, old or young, let alone his emotions.

"Peng Balai indulged his nephew to make troubles everywhere, formed cliques in the college, secretly managed his own power, violated the rules of countless colleges, and must be punished severely. Do you understand what I mean?"

Sun Si'an nodded: "Yes, Dean, I understand."

"Go do it."


After speaking, the dean's profile picture disappeared from the computer screen.

So, Sun Si'an immediately picked up his mobile phone: "Hey, tell me to go on, I'm going to convene the hospital committee. This time there is no Peng Ba, it's just us. Immediately, yes, immediately, the dean's order, there is no delay .”


At this time, Peng Balai's sister, Peng Kuifen's family.

Because of Peng Balai's care, Peng Kuifen's family has a more or less understanding of things in the Jianghu, and they can be regarded as powerful in the Jianghu.

And because of Peng Balai's care, the Peng family has a rich family and lived in a villa in Juyang City, where every inch of land is expensive.

"My son!!!"

Peng Balai stood in the living room, next to him was Ma Weikang's body, and next to Ma Weikang, another man stood silently with blank eyes, who was Ma Weikang's father, Ma Shan.

The most excited one was the 60-year-old woman lying on Ma Weikang's body.

This woman is none other than Ma Weikang's mother, Peng Kuifen!
"My son! You died so badly! Woooooo..."

Peng Kuifen cried hysterically, and the people around were also silent.

It wasn't until he cried for at least half an hour that his voice became hoarse from crying, and the husband Ma Shan next to him went to help Peng Kuifen: "Honey, you can't be resurrected after death, so don't be too sad."

Back then, Peng Kuifen often took things from Ma Shan's house in order to support his younger brother's education.

After coming and going, Ma Shan had some opinions on Peng Balai.

But these were all suppressed by Peng Kuifen.

As for the death of his son, Ma Shan was also very heartbroken, so he said, "Honey, we must find a way to avenge our son!"


Then Peng Kuifen got up from the ground and grabbed Peng Balai's sleeve: "Brother, tell me who killed my son, and I will tear him to pieces!"

Peng Balai's expression changed, how dare he tell his sister now that he killed Ma Weikang with his own hands.

"It's a person in the college. This person seems to have an inexplicable relationship with that weird dean. I am very passive."

Peng Balai's expression was gloomy and ugly, his brows were wrinkled into a Sichuan shape.

He can't think of Ye Fan now, but whenever he thinks of Ye Fan, he feels extremely disgusted.

Ye Fan forced his nephew to death, making him ashamed to face his sister. How can this hatred be eliminated casually?

"Brother, no matter how strong the opponent is, you must avenge Weikang! You must destroy that nasty thief!"

The resentment that flickered deep in Peng Kuifen's eyes could not be washed away even if he was afraid of dying.

She hates!

He hated why the heavens were unfair to her, hated why the white-haired person gave away the black-haired person, and the black-haired person who killed his son was at large.

"Don't worry, sister, this matter will definitely not be left as it is. There is still half a month at most. After eight months, I will definitely send that kid's head to you."

What Peng Balai was talking about was, of course, the remains of the Queen of Yin.

It will take almost half a month for the Yinhou Ruins to be opened. He has devoted so much emotion and devoted so much effort, isn't it for the Yinhou Ruins?
At this time, the relics of the Queen of Yin are the starting point for Peng Balai to rely on. If there is no relic of the Queen of Yin, then everything he does will be meaningless.

Peng Balai knew this very well, so he tolerated Ye Fan and Sun Si'an's persecution in every possible way. As long as the position of vice president in the college is not lost, there is still room for change, and everything is fine.

However, at this time.

Suddenly, there was a rush of footsteps outside the house.

"Dean Peng, Dean Peng!"

When Peng Balai heard this voice, his heart skipped a beat, and he faintly realized that something bad was about to happen.

The person who came was none other than Peng Balai's contact person in the academy, and at the same time, his nobleman, who worked so hard to arrange to come in.

This man's surname is Yu, and his name is Yu Zidan.

Under normal circumstances, in order to avoid the risk of exposure, they generally do not recognize each other. Instead, in order to avoid suspicion, the two try not to get so close.

But now, Yu Zidan would break into the house with great fanfare, which can only explain one problem, that is, something big happened.

"What's wrong? Zidan."

For this contact person, Peng Balai is still very reasonable because of the nobleman's relationship.

"Dean Peng, something serious has happened. During your absence just now, the college suddenly convened a committee."


When Peng Balai heard about the hospital committee, he immediately thought that it must not be easy at this time!
"How did this happen? I'm not working on the committee anymore, how dare he, Sun Si'an, be so bold!"

Yu Zidan said: "No, it seems that Sun Si'an did not do this, but... an order from the dean."


Peng Balai stared wide-eyed, and couldn't believe his ears.

That mysterious and terrifying dean rarely appears in the college once a year, but now he often comes to the college every now and then. Is it because of Ye Fan?
Or, is it because of the opening of the Yinhou Ruins that the dean has appeared so frequently in the academy recently?

There are various indications that the dean's recent activities are very strange, which makes Peng Balai very vigilant.

"Yes, it was sent by the dean, and a major event was decided after research."

"What's the big deal?"

"Your deputy dean's position has been fired!"



Peng Balai's face suddenly changed wildly. He has worked so hard on the academy for so many years, isn't it just for these last few days?
Isn't it just for the layout that is about to take shape!

He bears the burden of humiliation so much, and lurks so patiently, why?
Isn't that what it is for?

He even gave up everything, the opportunity to start a family, the family, and even the life of his nephew in order to have the status of the vice president. In the end, he was fired just because of someone else's words?

This kind of blow is tantamount to a bolt from the blue!

"No! How can they do this, how can they do this! I have devoted half my life to this, how can this be done!!!"

Peng Balai's mentality has collapsed!

(End of this chapter)

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