Chapter 330

Chapter 330

If you accept him as an apprentice, it can be regarded as strengthening your own disciple.

However, if he offends some people who shouldn't be offended because of him, he will abandon it mercilessly.

"Compassionate, get in touch with this Dr. Ye, the revitalization of our family, and your own mission, maybe you can get the greatest progress from him."

Judging from Tong Zhan's tone, it seemed that Mu Cixin still had some important task to do.

And when he said 'contact', Tong Zhan emphasized his tone.

Mu Cixin's face turned red instantly: "Grandpa, I really have nothing to do with that surnamed Ye, you misunderstood, hmph, I'm leaving first, there are many things in the academy."

Mu Cixin didn't want to talk to Grandpa any more.

Every time I talk to my grandfather, I feel a lot of pressure. My grandfather's utilitarianism is much stronger than that of a young man like her.

After leaving the hospital, Mu Cixin was still cursing: "Huh! Let me get in touch with you more? This smelly and tough man? Bah! I don't care about it! Let alone you are not from the academy, even if you are, The old lady will try every means to drive you away!"

Mu Cixin always felt that Ye Fan was too mysterious and weird, and he had a major task on his shoulders, if he did not do well, he would destroy his plan, so the gain would outweigh the loss.


At this time, Ye Fan's side.

Lin Yurou was almost at Juyang, and he was rushing to Lin Yurou's residence.

At this moment, Ye Fan's phone rang again.

Seeing the caller ID, Ye Fan's spiritual sense suddenly expanded to the maximum, because the caller was a ghost dragon!

As an expert in scouting, Ye Fan has always arranged Guilong to the place where it is most difficult to scout for information, such as the Tsing Yi Sect lair that was scouted in Luoping Ancient Town before.

So as long as the ghost dragon takes the initiative to contact, it means that things have made significant progress.

After making sure that no one was following and eavesdropping, Ye Fan connected the phone.

"Your Highness."


Ghost Dragon took a deep breath.

"Return to the lord, the ruins of the Queen of Yin that you asked me to explore have some clues."


Ye Fan was startled suddenly!
The ruins of the Queen of Yin!

When he heard about this, he felt that it was not easy at this time.

Then he asked Guilong to inquire about it, and sure enough, things were as he expected, and there were clues!

"Tell me..."

"I don't know if the lord has heard of the dark age 300 years ago."

Ye Fan nodded: "I know. At that time, Master Shenxiao was not born, and the whole world was in chaos. And because hot weapons hadn't been on the stage of history, those warriors relied on their merits to show off their abilities, and made people miserable. A dark era. Just like the current Nanyang, the regimes are chaotic."

"However, it is worth mentioning that although the dark age is unbearable, some unbelievable strongmen did appear, and martial arts made great progress during that time. It made the decline nearly a thousand years In the true sense, his martial arts has returned to its peak, and even surpassed it."

"It is also because of the accumulation of the dark age that Master Shenxiao was born later, and has accumulated a lot."

"But because it was too chaotic at that time, and it was not a modern society, the recording method was superficial, and many immediate materials have been destroyed. There are not many records in the temple about the specific materials about those strong men. I only know that at that time, life and death In the temple, there was also a sage master, so that the temple stood tall in the forest of the world in that era when all heroes rose together."

"Some people say that I am the top three hall masters in the history of the temple. And this sage is in front of me."

When Ye Fan was in the Hall of Life and Death, he could be regarded as a master of knowledge and memorization. He knew a lot of things from the past to the present.

So when Guilong first asked the question, Ye Fan reported it like a few treasures.

Ghost Dragon said: "My lord is well-informed, I admire you! The subordinates have gone through a lot of investigations to find out these things. At the same time, they have also found some clues about this Queen of Yin from these information."

"During the Great Dark Age, there were a total of nine unrivaled powerhouses on Daxia's side. They were one king, two queens and six sages."

"It is said that they are all supreme powerhouses who have surpassed the great masters, and possess powers that ordinary people can't even imagine! Among them, the old master of our temple is one of the six sages."

"And one of the two queens is the Yin queen!"

"His prestige in the dark age was even more terrifying than the sage old master of the temple. Later, the dark age ended in an inexplicable disaster, and the Queen of Yin disappeared. Unexpectedly, Her relics actually appeared in the Juyang Academy of Drama."

Ye Fan's pupils shrank suddenly, and his heart trembled.

"You said, this Yin queen is more terrifying than the sage old palace master?"

"Yes, my lord. The Queen of Yin's ranking in the dark age is higher than that of the old hall master of the temple."

Ye Fan's heart suddenly became extremely hot!

Although the Hall of Life and Death is known as a millennium inheritance.

But Ye Fan said before that the Palace of Life and Death is actually passed down from generation to generation, and that is the dark age 300 years ago.

The great dark age ended in a disaster, and the temple master left only a few words before disappearing without a trace.

Otherwise, after Ye Huangquan took control of the temple, he would not have summed it up and refined the "Vientiane Art".

Therefore, even Ye Fan, who has the Vientiane Skill, yearns for these strong men in the dark age.

If I can really pass through the Yinhou Ruins and open the door to the Great Master, then it will definitely be a qualitative improvement for me!

Ye Fan was excited, and his desire to enter the academy became even stronger!

Because now he is not the only one who discovered it. The Juyang Drama Academy is now reacting so much that even the faculty and staff are not recruited. There must be many people who want to go in, wanting to use the banner of the faculty and staff to carry out in the academy. layout.

After the battle of Luoping Ancient Town, Ye Fan finally understood the importance of layout.

If he hadn't arranged the Great Sumeru Sword Formation in advance, Lin Qiushui, who ran away, could have cleaned them all up.

Therefore, Ye Fan was extremely firm in his determination to enter the academy in a legitimate manner.

"Also, my lord, according to reliable sources, the Yinhou ruins are likely to be opened 20 days later, that is, on the 25th day of the eighth month of the lunar calendar."

"Okay, I see. I'll arrange it."

After hanging up the phone, Ye Fan thought to himself how to enter the academy.

There are still 20 days to decorate, time waits for no one.

Ye Fan walked out of the hospital, and the road was full of traffic.

While rushing to Lin Yurou's residence, Ye Fan was thinking.

Gradually, I just felt a touch of stunning red suddenly appear in front of my eyes!
"How did you come?"

"I'm coming to find you."

(End of this chapter)

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