Chapter 305
Chapter 305
Led by the Kong Group, Xianrong Industrial and Hepingcheng Foundation as partners, a chamber of commerce was established called Yiyun Chamber of Commerce.

Occupy a large number of commercial industries in Guangnan.

In just half a month, almost the entire Baotian District was included in the territory of Yiyun Chamber of Commerce.

In the other districts of Guangnan, some Yiyun Chamber of Commerce has more or less intervened.

The Southern Chamber of Commerce, headed by the Wanshou Group, stayed away and did not confront the Yiyun Chamber of Commerce for the time being.

Because of this, the entire Guangnan business community smelled a bit of gunpowder, and they all went about their business with trepidation, not daring to cross the threshold at all, otherwise they would be swallowed up by the Yiyun Chamber of Commerce if they didn't pay attention.

No one knows what this Yiyun Chamber of Commerce means.

Only Ye Fan, who personally named the Chamber of Commerce, knows the reason.

If it wasn't for Kong Shun, Lin Yurou would have been taken away by Tsing Yi's teacher before she came.

At that time, even if he slaughtered all the rest, it would be very troublesome to find Lin Yurou.

Just like Baby Lin now!
After the battle in Guzhen, Ye Fan ordered Guilong to rescue Baobao Lin.

Unfortunately, nothing was found.

No, to be precise, it's not exactly nothing.

The members of the Lin family, including Lin Quan and others, were found by Ye Fan and the others.

It's a pity that most of these people are already dead, only Lin Wudi is still dying, and was sent back to Dongling by Ye Fan.

After all, these members of the Lin family could settle their suspicions with Baobao Lin. Ye Fan thought he could help, so he decided to help.

After settling these people, Ye Fan continued to let Ghost Dragon check the whereabouts of Baby Lin.

This time Ghost Dragon and the others also made a great contribution.

If it weren't for the Great Sumeru Sword Formation, even Ye Fan would have to confess that he was in Luoping Ancient Town.

The fighting power of these people who appeared in Guangnan recently is getting higher and higher, and the fighting power of the ghost dragon is gradually unable to keep up.

It is more suitable for him to use his professional skills to inquire about news and secretly arrange.

On Ye Fan's side, he also ushered in his own improvement.

From the main altar of Tsing Yi Sect, Ye Fan found many ancient vitality jades.

One-third of them are character ancient jade.

Ye Fan used these character ancient jades to visualize the word 'Yi' in his mind, improve his comprehension, practice 'Vientiane Kung Fu' and comprehend the second move 'Purple Qi Shocking the Emperor' in "The True Explanation of Dao of Osumi Sword"!
In the past half month, it can be regarded as a small gain.

It's not that Ye Fan didn't want to comprehend 'Purple Qi Shocking the Emperor' quickly, but because Ye Fan suffered the loss of being greedy and aggressive when he comprehended 'Wan Jian Chao Zong' last time, so he didn't dare to do so this time.

However, even if he only learned a little bit of superficial understanding, Ye Fan also gained a lot.

Deeply aware of the horror of Master Shenxiao.

The power of Zi Qi Shocking Emperor is more than ten times higher than that of Wan Jian Chao Zong!
This made Ye Fan very much looking forward to the grand occasion when Ziqi was astounding.

However, Ziqi Jinghuang not only needs comprehension, but also needs the support of realm.

Vientiane Kung Fu can't be left behind either. Ye Fan can use the power contained in the Vitality Ancient Jade to properly raise the basic realm.

Anyway, Mingyue has a senior brother who guarantees that the vitality ancient jade can be used by herself.

In fact, Ye Fan was also anxious, the Virgin Lin Qiushui escaped, and the mysterious person who rescued Lin Qiushui.

Without the blessing of Osumi, I really can't do the combined efforts of the two of them.

Fortunately, both of them were injured, which gave Ye Fan a chance to rest.

But there will always be a good day when the injury is good, Ye Fan must accumulate enough strength to kill the two of them before they recover from their injuries!

the other side.

Guangnan, at the foot of a mountain.

"Qiu Shui, how do you feel?"

"I can't die. However, the power of the ancient sword of the early days and Da Sumeru is too domineering. I recovered very slowly, and I didn't dare to use the vitality of strangers to recover in a big way, otherwise I was afraid that it would attract the attention of the gang of Yongshou Pavilion. Illness is killing us. That nasty little thief actually cheated! He secretly arranged the Osumi Sword Formation long ago, and when I recover, I must suck him into it, fuck it!"

"By the way, big brother, what do you want to do with that Lin Yurou? Without Lin Yurou, your blood loopholes will not be able to be filled. This time, the deadline is coming soon, right?"

The man said: "There is only one way to catch Lin Yurou now, and that is to kill that Ye Fan first. This person is the master of the Palace of Life and Death, and the power of the tiger in the Palace of Life and Death is still alive. In addition, Ye Fan's recent display of power makes Yongshou Pavilion very afraid." He intends to calm down."

"However, how can I do what he wants? I've already sent people to the Jianghu, saying that Ye Fan killed Mei Wuque, the deputy head of Yongshou Pavilion. If Yongshou Pavilion doesn't do anything about this shame and humiliation, then they will have no face in the Jianghu Get mixed up."

"Once Yongshou Pavilion takes action against Ye Fan, our chance will come."

It turned out that this man was going to come up with a trick to drive away the wolves and tigers.

"Okay, that's the only way to go now, and everything will be settled after the Heroes' Meeting on September [-]."

"Yes, you should prepare to recover first. I was also injured, and I need to recover for a while. A mere descendant can cause us such troubles. Master Shenxiao, it really is too scary."


In the past few days, Lin Yurou also woke up from a coma. Ye Fan really didn't want to draw her into the struggle between the rivers and lakes, so he reopened her clinic.

On the other side, the news that the Deputy Pavilion Master of Yongshou Pavilion was killed spreads all over the place.

It's just that there is no rumor about who killed it for the time being, and Yongshou Pavilion has not made a statement on this matter.

"Brother, this story is very strange."

Inside Lin Yurou's clinic.

As the attending physician, Qingchen also joined in.

When Lin Yurou went outside to buy medicinal materials, Qingchen told Ye Fan the news from the world during this period.

"It's not very weird. It's someone with a heart who is fueling the flames and preparing to drive away the wolf. Don't worry about them. If Yongshou Pavilion is not stupid, they know that now is not the time to make trouble with us."

Ye Fan also needs to accumulate and accumulate, and has no time to break up with these young people.

At this moment, there was a sudden bluffing sound at the door of the clinic.

"Ms. Ye, Ms. Ye..."

This girl is seventeen or eighteen years old, and the most striking thing is her violent figure that doesn't match her age at all.

"Chunhua? What are you doing here?"

Because of Kong Shun's relationship, Ye Fan's attitude towards Kong Chunhua has improved a lot.

Kong Shun died generously and was his first disciple, which made him value his family.

Moreover, the Kong family's family are all good in character.

"Ms. Ye, when will the bald man come back? How long is he going to practice outside?"

Kong Chunhua asked sullenly as he dragged the suitcase.

Ye Fan told the Kong family that Kong Shun accepted his order and went outside to practice.

Kong Facai, as a veteran of Jianghu, naturally knew that he was heartbroken at home.

But Kong Chunhua thought what Ye Fan said was true, so she came to ask Ye Fan.

"What are you looking for him for? He may take a while."

(End of this chapter)

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