Chapter 255 On Fire!

Chapter 255 On Fire!

It wasn't until ten o'clock in the evening that Lin Yurou and Mo Hongyan finally finished all the arrangements for the clinic.

"Ye Fan, Ye Fan, this is the first time for me to start a business by myself in a real sense! It will open the day after tomorrow, wish us success!!"

When the two returned to the Kong Family Manor, Lin Yurou's face was filled with excited smiles.

However, her smile was just beginning to bloom.

A phone call rushed into Lin Yurou's cell phone.

Wang Yixuan called.

"Miss Lin, something serious has happened! Come over with Mr. Ye quickly! The shop... the shop is on fire!!"

Lin Yurou's heart sank suddenly.

"Ye Fan, hurry up! Go to Ping'an Street, something happened!"

Lin Yurou grabbed Ye Fan impatiently, and drove directly towards Ping'an Street.

Then he called Mo Hongyan again.

There was a 10-minute drive, but Lin Yurou only drove for 10 minutes.

It's very rare for the gentle and refined Lin Yurou to lose her composure like this, which shows how much she cares about her business.

And when Ye Fan and her came to Ping'an Street, the scene in front of him, even Ye Fan, suddenly changed color!

Outside, sirens and firefighters sounded.

Inside, there are many people running around, fighting the fire in a panic.

The very center of the flame was the shop that Lin Yurou had worked so hard for for a long time. At this time, it had been completely ignited and swallowed by the flames, and the flames shot up to more than ten meters high!

Even if Ye Fan had all-powerful means, he couldn't extinguish the flame that spanned tens of meters and was more than ten meters high.

He could only let it continue to burn, reddening half the sky, and also reddening the face of Lin Yurou who was watching from a distance.

"How... how could this happen, how could this happen, no... no, no..."

Lin Yurou covered her mouth, staring blankly at the burning pavement in the distance.

Because of the drastic change, she was in a state of being absent-minded, she just pursed her lips and kept repeating the words.

The red color of the flame was imprinted on Lin Yurou's pale face, but it still couldn't make her look any better.

"No! My shop! The shop I worked so hard to set up for so long!!"

Lin Yurou lost her composure like never before, her eyes turned red, and she was about to rush towards the raging flames.

Fortunately, Ye Fan had quick eyesight and quick hands, so he stopped Lin Yurou.

"Yurou, calm down."

Lin Yurou's eyes popped out, "Ye Fan, it's over, it's over. Our store is over!"

"I have worked hard for so long to arrange things. I have worked very hard, and I am going to open soon. How could this happen? Who did it, who!!!"

Only those who have worked hard will know how sad and desperate it is after the things that have worked so hard are burned!

The flames outside made the surrounding air hot, but Lin Yurou's heart was cold.

At this time, a fat man rushed over from the panicked crowd.

"Miss Lin, Mr. Ye!"

It was Wang Yixuan.

Ye Fan held the hysterical Lin Yurou in his arms, stared at the ever-expanding flames, and said in a cold voice, "Who did it?"

Wang Yixuan tremblingly said: "I'm sorry, Mr. Ye, I... I don't know either. I only knew that the shop was on fire after hearing the report from my subordinates. I... I..."

Wang Yixuan was trembling all over, afraid that Ye Fan would be enraged by the thunder that fell on him!
Ye Fan was silent...

In the silence, endless murderous intent is brewing!
Even if he thought about it with his ass, he knew who might have done it!
Hong family!

Ye Fan's eyes were cold, and he thought to himself: I originally thought that no matter how shameless the Hong family was, they would not do anything like destroy Yurou's shops, so they concentrated their efforts on Luoping Ancient Town.However, I still underestimated the shamelessness of the Hong family!

Since you don't talk about the rules, then I don't have to worry about it.

"Don't be nervous, I know who it is. If they want to do this, even if you want to stop it, you won't be able to stop it, and you will even risk your life."

When Ye Fan said this, suddenly, he caught a strange look in the panicked crowd!

In the past, Ye Fan might not be able to catch the eyes of one person among so many people.

But since he was promoted to Grand Master, and after the spiritual strengthening of the ancient jade with the word "Yi", his five senses have improved a lot, and even his mysterious and mysterious sixth sense has also been enhanced to a certain extent.

The hostility to the outside world is extraordinarily keen!

At this moment, Mo Hongyan also drove over.

"what happened?"

Mo Hongyan was dressed in Hanfu, looking at the flames that were constantly flying into the air, her already cold face became even colder.

She has also put in her hard work, and it will not be easy for her hard work to be ruined by others.

"Cousin, it's gone! It's gone! Our shop was set on fire, woo woo woo..."

Lin Yurou pressed down her small mouth and cried out loudly.

The persistence for several days was just for the opening of the next day, but it was burned on the first day of opening.

Seeing Lin Yurou's despairing and lonely eyes, Mo Hongyan felt sorry for her cousin and secretly hated her.

"Don't cry, don't cry, cousin, I will help you find out that fire-proof person, and then reopen the store."

"Isn't it just money? Cousin has plenty of money, and you won't be allowed to pay a penny for reopening the store. Don't cry."

Mo Hongyan comforted Lin Yurou softly.

It could be seen that she really cared about Lin Yurou.

Lin Yurou's state of mind was slightly better just now because of Mo Hongyan's comfort.


Lin Yurou's cell phone rang!

Turning on the phone, Lin Yurou suddenly yelled and shouted, and her mentality was suddenly overwhelmed! ! !

This was the first time Lin Yurou yelled hoarsely after arriving in Guangnan.

mom? ?

Ye Fan was startled and looked at Lin Yurou's phone.

This is not a video, just a photo.

In the photo, Baobao Lin's eyes were closed, his face was pale, and he looked extremely haggard.

"Mom! Ye Fan! It's Mom! Someone sent me a picture of Mom!"

"Look, mom, what happened to her? Where is she?!"

In front of him was a burning shop, and on the mobile phone, the mother who had been looking for appeared again.

These two things, like a millstone turning up and down, will crush Lin Yurou's mentality!
"Girl, don't panic, don't panic."

Ye Fan's heart tightened!He already knew that Lin Baobao's disappearance had something to do with Tsing Yi Sect, and the reason why he didn't tell Lin Yurou was that she would be impulsive if she found out!
Unexpectedly, the photo was still sent to Lin Yurou's phone.

Ye Fan put his arms around Lin Yurou's shoulders
He was afraid that if Lin Yurou got agitated, there would be signs of demonization again.

Fortunately, the totem between Lin Yurou's eyebrows did not light up this time, which shows that her mentality has stabilized.

Ye Fan picked up Lin Yurou's phone and carefully looked at the photo of Lin Baobao: "Mom looks embarrassed, but her lips are still bloody, her face is still full of fetal light, and her life is not in danger. Don't worry."

(End of this chapter)

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