City wealthy doctor son-in-law

Chapter 179 Yan Jinying

Chapter 179 Yan Jinying

Chapter 179 Yan Jinying

When the two met for a conversation, Yan Jinying had obviously lost his patience.

"I'm asking you, are you beating my apprentice?"

Sister Meigui nervously said: "Master Yan, everyone is living in Baotian, Guangnan, so you don't see him when you look down. My master is Sikong Hai."


When Yan Jinying heard Sikong Hai's name, he couldn't help laughing wantonly.

"Sikong Hai? Sikong Hai has to kneel and talk in front of me, Yan Jinying! How dare you hurt my apprentice? Don't even think about leaving today."

"Shun'er, don't you like women? Let me help you catch these three women together."

Yan Jinying's eyes once again swept over Lin Yurou and the other three.

The eyes are bright!

Ye Fan narrowed his eyes slightly, he didn't want to help Sister Rose take care of this mess, Yan Jinying seems to have a different idea?

"Master, the others didn't recruit me. We have a wronged person and a debtor, so we can just arrest that Rose Sister!"

Although Kong Shun was rumored to be a heinous dude in the market, in Ye Fan's view, although he was stupid and fierce, he was quite moral.

Yan Jinying is more than 40 years old, but "the prestige is not diminished", there is a complicated light in his eyes: "Shut up! Are you teaching me how to do things?"


Kong Shun opened his mouth and closed it again.

This old guy wants me to scold him for him again!
With a greedy green light in Yan Jinying's eyes, he licked his lips: "Then, help you catch this Rose Sister first."

Yan Jinying was indeed worthy of his name. With this movement, he was really like an eagle spreading its wings, turning into a golden glow on the spot!
Sister Rose's complexion changed drastically. She had heard that Yan Jinying was cruel and lustful, and it was true!
So he raised his hand to resist.

However, the real strength of Sister Rose is not in her boxing skills. She has no problem against Kong Shun, but Sister Rose pales in comparison to such a master of transformation.

As soon as she raised her arm, she felt a pain in her wrist, and Yan Jinying had already grasped it in her palm.


Yan Jinying's palm strength was more than a few hundred catties, sister Meigui screamed in pain.

His whole body was limp, and he still had no strength to resist.

Immediately afterwards, Yan Jinying threw Sister Rose in front of Kong Shun, "Disciple, this woman is for you. The other two will continue to be caught as teachers."

Kong Shun didn't show any joy, but rolled his eyes instead. I obviously just want one, and this old guy is using my name to do evil wantonly, and I will be blamed for the future.

This is no longer just once or twice, if this continues, maybe there will really be young knights coming to him to eliminate demons and defend the way!

Sister Rose was grabbed by her wrist, her whole body hurt so badly that she had no strength, she glared at Kong Shun viciously: "How dare you do anything to me, my master will not let you go! Even if you are the Kong family, I will kill you!" Chop it up!"

Kong Shun murmured, "I didn't catch you. You have a wrong and a debt. That person is right. You have nothing but bullying and fear."


Sister Rose was criticized for being bullying and fearful again, she was so angry that she gritted her teeth!
Over there, Yan Jinying's voice came out again, pointing at Lin Yuju and said, "Next, it's your turn. Hehehe..."

"Bully my disciples, come back with me."

Yan Jinying's smile bloomed, today can be regarded as coming, I didn't expect to meet three best!
Lin Yurou shuddered in fright, her face turned slightly pale.

"Your name is Yan Jinying, right? You can do whatever you want with others, but you can't move this one, and you can't move either."

Ye Fan turned sideways slightly, blocking Lin Yurou's face, calm and composed.

This demeanor made Yan Jinying stunned. Isn't this person afraid of himself?
Sister Rose was also a little surprised, isn't this kid quite cowardly?
After seeing Yan Jinying's methods, dare to confront him?
After Yan Jinying was surprised, he was filled with boundless anger.

"Who dares to stop the person I, Yan, wants to take! Die to me!"

Yan Jinying turned over and jumped, just like before, he grabbed and probed over again.

The target went straight to Ye Fan's throat, and it seemed that he was planning to kill Ye Fan here.

Full of killing intent!
He can still show mercy to beautiful women like Sister Rose, but he is not so merciful to men like Ye Fan who dare to disobey him.


Sister Rose knew how powerful Yan Jinying was, so she yelled anyway.

Yan Jinying's palm was still in the air, and he could already foresee Ye Fan's tragic end with his throat shattered. He couldn't help but grinned and said, "No matter how careful you are in front of absolute strength, it's useless."

Who knows, just when everyone couldn't bear to watch the next scene.

A hand that was many times faster than Yan Jinying suddenly poked out from the darkness.

"Are you talking about you?"

Boom! !
The fist was like a meteorite, hitting Yan Jinying's face like thunder!
Yan Jinying didn't even react, and was thrown backwards by Ye Fan's punch.

The shattered railing fell to the second floor!
The audience fell into an eerie silence.

But everyone who knew Yan Jinying's level looked at Ye Fan next to him with a look of astonishment.

Especially Sister Rose, the way she looked at Ye Fan changed completely.

"you you……"

Sister Rose was so excited that she couldn't speak.

Yan Jinying!

A top-notch urban transformation master!
It's only one step away from a half-step master!
Such a tyrannical character is also the overlord in Baotian District.

To be slapped out with one move?
And at such a young age?
"Why the hell are you just standing there, why don't you go down and see if that old guy is dead!" Kong Shun yelled at his two subordinates.

Judging from his tone, it seems that he must have no respect for his master.

Sister Rose opened her mouth, stood up in astonishment, came to Ye Fan, and tried her best to push down her skirt.

I don't know why, after seeing Ye Fan's methods, she was too embarrassed to be presumptuous in front of Ye Fan: "That... Ye... Master Ye, I didn't expect you to be so powerful?"

It's ridiculous that she was still laughing at Ye Fan just now?

Have you ever seen such a powerful shrinking turtle?

The kind that can overwhelm a master of transformation with a single punch?

Ergou also used toilet paper to stop the blood flow on his head, sat down on the sofa, and looked at Ye Fan with terrified eyes.

Zhong Peipei and Zhong Ren huddled together, this Ye is too powerful, what kind of existence did they provoke?

Ye Fan said flatly: "What kind of skill is it to take care of a half-dead old man?"

"Only those of you who have never seen the world will be surprised."

Ye Fan threw all the ridicule he received in Guangnan from the time he landed on the heads of these people!
All the superiority of this group of people suddenly disappeared!

Everyone's faces turned hot, and Sister Rose wanted to retaliate, but thinking of Ye Fan's supernatural power just now, she didn't dare to retaliate, feeling aggrieved and uncomfortable.

(End of this chapter)

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