City wealthy doctor son-in-law

Chapter 147 Rebellion!

Chapter 147 Rebellion!
Chapter 147 Rebellion!
Liu Changyu reported respectfully, and his tone was also very angry.

In fact, when Ye Fan saw the less than a hundred brothers in the Hall of Life and Death in front of him, he knew that the temple was falling apart.

These old guys were afraid that after they entered the main temple, they would settle accounts with them, so they decided to jump back earlier.

"Where are the other two elders?"

"Eighth Elder and Ninth Elder complained about their illness, and said they would come to visit again after they recover."

These two wall grass!

Ye Fan sneered in his heart.

"So, that Xianrong Industry, which was promoted by the Sixth Elder, is no longer under the control of the temple?"

When Ye Fan thought of this, it was as if a pot of cold water had been poured into his fiery heart, and Mingyue's resurrection plan became a little more difficult.

These rebels! !

Liu Changyu nodded: "Yes."

Ye Fan looked at the hundred people who chose to be loyal to him.

"24 Dharma Guardians, [-] Tiangang Warlords, followed those old guys?"

Liu Changyu: "Yes... yes."

Ye Fan took a deep breath, the power of the Palace of Life and Death has been weakened by [-]%!

He touched his ring: "In this case, from today onwards, Liu Changyu, you will be the Great Elder of the Hall of Life and Death, and temporarily rule over the rest of the brothers. The rest of the people, each do their own work. As for the gang of traitors..."

Speaking of this, Ye Fan's eyes were full of coldness.

"It's up to me to stand side by side and settle accounts with them."

"From then on, the Hall of Life and Death is divided into two halls, the inner hall and the inner hall. All the brothers present are the brothers in the inner hall. From now on, all new recruits can only be in the outer hall. Brothers in the inner hall have absolute sovereignty over the outer hall!"

Loyalty is hard to buy with money, and the hundred brothers in front of you are the most loyal group in the temple.

Liu Changyu bowed first: "Thank you, Lord Long En!"

"Thank you, Lord Ron!"

The rest of the people also saluted.

"Get up, everyone is no outsider. Don't worry, my Palace of Life and Death has not collapsed. In the future, brothers will enjoy endless glory!"

Now it seems that the Palace of Life and Death is falling apart.

But don't forget, Ye Fan also holds a resource that is not much weaker than the Palace of Life and Death.

Heisei family! !
As long as the snake owner is still Heisei Shi, after returning, with Ye Fan's help, he can become the head of the Heisei family in a stable manner!

"Liu Changyu, order half of the brothers and the snake master back to Taisang, and help him stabilize the situation of the Pingcheng family. From now on, the Pingcheng family will be ours."

Liu Changyu's heart, which was still depressed just now, suddenly thought of this point, and he was immediately excited.


The brothers of the Hall of Life and Death also cheered up and were eager to try, knowing that the master of the Hall was not lying. Not only did the Hall of Life and Death not collapse, but it seemed to be more cohesive than before!


In the afternoon, the day passed.

Ye Fan was already standing on the shore, beside him, the brothers in the Hall of Life and Death were all busy with their own affairs step by step.

Only Liu Changyu was left by Ye Fan's side.

And Hei Lai Wuyue, who had a broken arm, also took his own people and the snake master to Taisang, and he also wanted to go to Taisang to do his best.

And Mingyue was arranged by Liu Changyu to an absolutely safe secret location.

"My lord, the news just came."


"After the gang of traitors announced their departure from the temple, they immediately released the news in the upper class."

"One of the four famous gates of the First Palace and the Second Palace of Daxia, Yongshou Pavilion in Guangnan, contacted the other three famous gates of the Second Palace and released the news that a 'Heroes' Meeting' will be held on September [-]th three months later to rearrange the big names. Xia's super power. It intends to completely remove our name from the Hall of Life and Death."

Speaking of later, Liu Changyu gritted his teeth!

One palace and two palaces, four famous families, are super powers that span the world and dominate the Great Xia!
Originally, the Hall of Life and Death should be number one!

Divide the cake?Hehehe...

Ye Fan looked at the surface of the sea where he would go through life and death, and suddenly laughed sinisterly.

"Sure enough, in this world, in this society, there are people who eat people and don't spit out their bones. It's a pity that these people are not afraid of bones stuck in their throats!"

Liu Changyu also said in a cold voice: "If this group of people knew that the Venerable Lord had broken through the entrance of Qihu and became a great master. He also secretly controlled the Hecheng family. The synthesis is not weaker than the previous Palace of Life and Death. How dare you be so blatantly arrogant."

"I'm afraid I'll be scared to death, and I'll shrink back and tremble."

Ye Fan looked into the sky.

"Then let them be arrogant for a while. It just so happens that I'm going to Guangnan too. The higher you stand, the more painful it will be if you fall."

At this moment, a confidant came to report.

"Honorable Lord, Great Elder!"

Liu Changyu: "Brother Zhang, what's the matter?"

These inner hall members are all called brothers.

Distance, closeness, distance, from now on to divide.

"Heisei Jiuxiong's body has been salvaged, do you want to go and have a look?"

Ye Fan nodded: "Let's go, go and see the first grand master of Taisang for the last time. No, he should be the grand master before he dies."

Even though Heisei Jiuxiong was dead, the hatred in Ye Fan's eyes remained undiminished.


On the seaside of Xishi, in a bungalow.

The lights were bright, and Heisei Kuo lay in front of him as if he had fallen asleep.

"If it weren't for the fact that it was revealed at the critical moment, Heisei Kuo would be considered a respectable opponent."

Thinking of what Heisei Jiuxiong did to Mingyue, Ye Fan couldn't make himself respect this opponent.

He waved his hand: "But after all, it's Ye Lao's old friend, let's send him to the ground for peace."

and many more!

Just when Heisei Jiuxiong was about to be carried down, Ye Fan suddenly saw something unusual on the inner layer of Heisei Jiuxiong's clothes.

"Put it down, let me see."

Ye Fan lifted the inner layer of Heisei Jiuxiong's clothes, and suddenly, a strange box fell out of Heisei Jiuxiong's clothes.

The box is old-fashioned and elegant, and it looks like an old thing at first glance.

"My lord, what is this?"

Liu Changyu asked suspiciously.

Ye Fan shook his head: "I don't know, open it and have a look."

Ye Fan opened the box, and inside was a letter and a booklet.

Ye Fan opened the envelope first, only to realize that it was a letter in a foreign language.

In the Hall of Life and Death, Ye Fan has learned Chinese, Western, ancient and modern times, so of course he can recognize the words on it.

This is a letter from a Nanyang family called 'Antani' to Heisei Jiuxiong, full of humbleness between the lines.

Nanyang is a very chaotic place, there are dozens of big valves swallowing each other in Nanyang.All kinds of evil, weird, bizarre people and things happened in Nanyang.

A small family like 'Antani' may suffer catastrophe at any time.

So I chose Heisei Jiuxiong as the object of defection, and by the way, I also sent my family's unique knowledge.

"Puppet Fall"!
When Ye Fan opened the book "Puppet Fall", he who didn't think so at first suddenly widened his eyes!
What a weird way!

I didn't expect such a small family to master such interesting things!
It is true that stones from other mountains can attack jade!

(End of this chapter)

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