Evolve from a dream

Chapter 98 Ah Yi's Diary

Chapter 98 Ah Yi's Diary

[I'm tired, I'm really tired.

He works part-time every day, and also takes care of his grandfather in the hospital bed.

Grandpa was very kind to me. After my parents passed away, he was the one who raised me up. He never thought of abandoning me, but now I can't stand the pressure.

More importantly, every time I see my grandfather in pain on the hospital bed, I feel that he is also suffering, and he also wants to end all this quickly. 】

Lin Ying opened Ah Yi's diary, and the first few entries were all about the anguish of his life.

[I can't stand the pressure of life anymore!
I made a crazy decision!

Contamination diseases are very scary now, and infected people will be sent to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention for isolation!

I think if grandpa contracted a pollution disease, he would also be sent to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention...

Grandpa's time is running out. Going to the CDC is the best arrangement for him and me!

This idea has been in my heart for many days, I couldn't bear it for a few days, I started to say a lot of vicious words, irritating my grandpa on the hospital bed, I deliberately frightened him! 】

When reading this article, Lin Ying's eyes sank.

Similar to his previous guess, Ah Yi really couldn't bear the pressure, so he wanted his grandfather to contract the pollution disease and be sent to the CDC!

[Grandpa really started to have nightmares, it has happened twice.

He should have a third nightmare tonight, I'll contact the CDC and the Guard!
Everything will be over! 】

"Tsk, Ah Yi really chose that way! Damn it!" Ning Yu couldn't help but sigh.

Xiang Yu Jing frowned and said nothing, and his face was not good-looking.

[Grandpa had his third nightmare. I wanted to see what Grandpa would look like if he was infected with the contamination disease. However, when I walked to the door of Grandpa’s room, what I saw was a monster!

A monster with three heads!

It's grandpa!
Grandpa, he turned into a monster!

He saw me and wanted to attack me like crazy, my first reaction was to run!
I left home and ran and ran until I reached the downtown area and stopped.

I sat on the side of the road for a long time, bought a bottle of frozen soda and drank it, but I was still sweating, and my grandpa who had turned into a monster was always in my mind!
When my emotions settled down, I decided to go home and have a look.

However, grandpa is no longer at home, it is empty.

I know, grandpa has run out.

I called the escort team, and their people came over and asked me to sign a confidentiality agreement, and then promised that I would find grandpa and contact me again...]

"Grandpa has never been found?" Xiang Yu Jing discovered the key point of the matter.

"That's right! Grandpa hasn't been found since he mutated." Ning Yu followed suit and nodded.

Lin Zheng knew that the appearance of the Black Mist Man was definitely not accidental. The reason why A Yi was willing to follow the Black Mist Man was probably because of his grandfather...

"Keep reading and you will know." Lin Ying said, and continued to open the diary at the back.

[After my grandfather turned into a monster and disappeared, I also began to suffer from nightmares.

I know I'm about to contract the pollution disease, and this may be my karma. 】

[Today, my master and I went to deliver goods, and we were in a psychological counseling room called Muyu.

This consulting room is very different. The psychologist named Lin Ying knows sleep therapy.

Perhaps, I can find a solution here. 】

[I can't hold it anymore, I really want to sleep.

I knew that if I didn't sleep, I would definitely die, so I went to the Muyu psychological counseling room.

This psychologist named Lin Ying is really unusual. I fell asleep in the counseling room. As usual, I had a terrible nightmare. The mutated grandpa was coming to kill me, but in the end, there was a The man in the fox mask save me.

The dream has changed.I also saw my grandpa, the grandpa in my memory, I couldn't help crying, and woke up crying.

Psychologist Lin Ying seemed to see my secret. I was terrified, and I ran away from the counseling room. 】

[After the treatment in the Muyu psychological counseling room, I didn't have nightmares anymore, but my heart was empty, and I didn't know how to end this feeling.

Today, a guest came to the house.

But he's more of a monster.

Because he is not an entity, but a human form formed by the black mist.

He told me he could take me to meet my grandpa.

I actually half-believe what he said, but I know that even if I don't go, I will still be trapped in this endless abyss.

It's time for redemption. 】

The diary ends here.

On the last diary, Lin Ying also saw traces of tears, which shows that Ah Yi shed tears when writing this diary.

"It turns out that Ah Yi's grandfather didn't disappear, but was taken away by the Heiwu people?" Ning Yu thought after reading the diary.

"Who is this black mist man? Why did he take away the mutant? Besides, he also took Ayi away?" Xiang Yu Jing said puzzled.

Lin Ying shook his head: "As far as we are concerned, we don't know exactly what this black mist man is, but he did take some mutants with him, such as Feng Xin and Su Min before."

"Fuck, what kind of pervert is this black mist man?" Ning Yu couldn't help cursing.

"Brother Mumu, brother Ayi's grandfather was taken away by the black mist man, will he become like Teacher Su?" Cheng Xiaoyu raised his head and asked suddenly.

Last time Lin Zheng and the others met Su Min at the subway station in Shanglin District. She attacked many passengers. Moreover, she had changed a lot. She must have something to do with the Black Mist Man...

"Okay, Xiaoyu don't think so much for the time being." Lin Ying patted Xiaoyu's back and continued, "Xiang Huiming also has contact with that black mist man. Maybe we can investigate Xiang Huiming and learn about the black mist. human identity."

"Yes, Frank failed to kill me last time, Xiang Huiming will definitely find a way." Xiang Yu Jing nodded.

"Beep beep..."

Lin Ying's cell phone vibrated at this moment.

It was a call from an unknown number.

"Hello, hello." Lin Ying answered the phone.

"Excuse me... is this the Muyu psychological counseling room?" A female voice was on the other end of the phone, and the voice was a little anxious.

Lin Ying's phone has been hung up in Muyu's psychological counseling room for a long time, and this is the first time a visitor has called for consultation.

"Yes, hello." After being quite surprised, Lin Zheng regained his composure and replied.

"Hello, hello, I want to make an appointment for a consultation, may I ask tonight?" the female voice continued.

"Yes, we will wait for you in the consulting room, just come here directly."

After hearing the words, the female voice thanked her and hung up in a hurry.

"Brother Zheng, new business?" Ning Yu was also a little surprised.

"Well, I don't feel very well after listening to the sound, let's go back first." Lin Ying said.

Ning Yu nodded, and put Ah Yi's diary back to its original place.

After confirming that there was no one outside, the group left Ah Yi's house in a hurry.

(End of this chapter)

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