Evolve from a dream

Chapter 87 The Absurd Dinner

Chapter 87 The Absurd Dinner
[Shen Dandan, bulimia nervosa, has improved in the first six months, the episodes changed from twice a week to twice a month]

[There is a possibility of contracting pollution diseases, nightmares leading to overeating, and attacks once a day]

[I was induced to vomit once a day, and my mental state was extremely poor]

There are a few lines of elegant handwriting on the information, it seems that Chen Fei should have added it.

Chen Fei had also approached many psychologists to try to treat Shen Dandan before, but none of them had any results. These few lines should be written by Chen Fei in order to let the psychologists understand Shen Dandan's condition more clearly.

No wonder Shen Dandan is so thin. It turns out that she suffers from bulimia.

In some of the later information, there is also an introduction to Shen Dandan’s boyfriend. Her boyfriend is a chef and is good at cooking, so after Shen Dandan was with him, her bulimia became much better. Moreover, Shen Dandan’s boyfriend She will also study healthy food for her.

Looking at the happy group photo of the two, Lin Zheng finally understood why Shen Dandan was in so much pain.

The person who could cure her has become a mutant, and now her bulimia is worse than before.

Lin Ying put down the documents in his hand, and looked at Shen Dandan on the bed again. She maintained the posture just now, staring at the ceiling with empty eyes.

"Shen Dandan, you can close your eyes now and have a good sleep." Lin Zheng looked at Shen Dandan and said.

Shen Dandan was a little surprised, she stayed up for such a long time just to keep herself from having nightmares, but now Lin Ying wants her to sleep.

"Dr. Chen told you just now that I am using insomnia treatment. If you don't fall asleep, I can't treat it," Lin Zheng said in a gentle voice, with the purpose of relaxing Shen Dandan, "Don't worry, this Once, you won't have any more nightmares."

Because Lin Zheng was found by Chen Fei, Shen Dandan still had some trust in him. She stared blankly at Lin Zheng for a few seconds before slowly closing her eyes.

Shen Dandan is similar to other patients, because he has been holding on for too long, and once his willpower is relaxed, he can soon fall asleep. After about ten minutes, Lin Ying heard Shen Dandan's even breathing.

Finally fell asleep.

Lin Zheng breathed a sigh of relief, took off the backpack on his back, and took out the black coat and fox mask inside.

After the equipment was ready, Lin Ying approached Shen Dandan to observe her current state.

At this time, Shen Dandan's forehead had begun to ooze fine sweat, and his body began to tremble slightly because of the nightmare.

Ready to dream.

Lin Ying closed his eyes, feeling the power of Mengjing gushing out little by little, gathering in his body like a stream.

A few seconds later, Lin Zheng opened his eyes again.

"Here..." Seeing the scene in front of him, Lin Ying couldn't help being a little surprised.

Shen Dandan's dream is too absurd!
Lin Zheng sidled into the shadow of the wooden cabinet next to him.

This is a wooden pavilion. In front of you is a huge wooden dining table, with countless pieces of meat and organs piled on it, and even human heads and damaged limbs. A dozen fat men gathered around the wooden table, feasting heartily.

Shen Dandan was also sitting among them, and she was even more inconspicuous among the group of fat people who were so thin.


A fat man stuffed fat and heart into his mouth together, blood and juices of other colors overflowed from the corner of his mouth, staining his clothes mottled, but he didn't care at all, he kept eating like crazy .

Shen Dandan held a knife and fork in his hand, and there was still a fresh brain on the plate in front of him. The brain didn't seem to be completely dead, and it was beating gently with the slender meridians attached.


Shen Dandan could no longer control it and started retching while holding on to the table.

Because she hadn't eaten for a long time, her stomach was empty and she could only vomit some saliva.


The fat man on the opposite side stared at the vomiting Shen Dandan and sneered, because he was eating, his laughter was a bit vague.

"Shut up—"

One of the fat men pulled out an intestine that was mixed with the minced meat organ, because this intestine was too long, and rolled to the side along with some other minced meat and limbs.

The fat people scrambled to stuff those rolling organs and limbs into their mouths, for fear of falling to the ground.

Suddenly, a head rolled onto Shen Dandan's dinner plate.

"Ah..." The moment she saw the head on the dinner plate, Shen Dandan screamed and fell to the ground.

That head actually belonged to Shen Dandan's boyfriend!
Lin Ying frowned. He had read Shen Dandan's profile just now, and there was a photo of Shen Dandan's boyfriend in it, so Lin Ying remembered his face.

Seeing that Shen Dandan refused to eat, the fat man sitting next to Shen Dandan took her boyfriend's head and took a bite.

"No, no, don't eat him..." Shen Dandan reached out to pull the fat man next to him, but the fat man pushed Shen Dandan aside.

Shen Dandan got up in pain, pulled the fat man beside him and begged, "Please, please don't eat him..."

The fat man ignored Shen Dandan at all, and continued to bite the head in his hand, making a "clicking" sound.

Lin Ying took a closer look at these fat people sitting around the dining table. Their teeth were much sharper than ordinary people's teeth, so they gnawed on the limbs of the human body without any effort.

Soon, the minced meat and limbs on the table were almost eaten by them, and the fat guys still felt unsatisfied, and looked at each other with hunger and thirst in their eyes.

Suddenly, one of the fat men jumped up, rushed at the other fat man, and ate the flesh of the other fat man.

Seeing this, Shen Dandan was so frightened that she couldn't make a sound. She wanted to crawl to the corner of the wooden house, but she had no strength at all. She tried to climb two steps forward, but her feet were grabbed by the fat man next to her.

"Hey." The fat man showed a distorted smile at Shen Dandan, saliva flowed from between his sharp teeth, and dripped on Shen Dandan's arm.

"No, don't..." Shen Dandan shook his head, but had no strength to resist.

The fat man opened his mouth wide, and the corners of his mouth kept tearing towards the sides. He wanted to eat Shen Dandan!
"call out--"

The wind released from Lin Zheng's hand quickly slashed towards the fat man. The fat man's body was quickly torn in half by the wind blade, and the broken meat and internal organs flowed all over the floor along the incision.

What's even more disgusting is that a lot of yellow fat was mixed in the minced meat and internal organs. The yellow fat and red blood mixed and flowed. The fat people next to them smelled the smell and rushed over to lick it Those viscera and minced meat on top.

Shen Dandan's body was trembling, and the bloody scene made her tremble uncontrollably.

But at this moment, Shen Dandan covered Shen Dandan's eyes with one hand. Shen Dandan thought that someone was going to attack him, so he stood up stiffly.

"Don't worry, Wang Jun asked me to come."

Wang Jun is the name of Shen Dandan's boyfriend.

"These are all fake. They are playing a horror game."

With a slight smile on the corner of Lin Ying's lips, the wind blade released in his hand tore apart a fat man who was trying to run towards them...

(End of this chapter)

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