Evolve from a dream

Chapter 61 Destroyed

Chapter 61 Destroyed
"Dad! I miss you so much, we all miss you..."

Ning Yu performed with immersion, tears falling from the corners of his eyes.

Xiao Ba and Cheng Xiaoyu on the side saw each other and could only cooperate with the performance.

"Dad, we're back to see you."


The affectionate interpretation of the three played a role in the old Qi in the mud, and the manic roots gradually settled down at this time.

And those old Qi mutants who remained outside also began to become still, and finally, they were adsorbed on the tree roots, fell into a deep sleep, and slowly approached the mud in front of them.

"Dad, I'm sorry I couldn't come back to accompany you..."

Ning Yu seems to have fully entered into this role, acting very selflessly.

Ten seconds later, the black swamp in front of him finally responded.

The entire black swamp began to rotate and twist, and small cracks began to appear in it, revealing a little bit of blue light.

"Are you coming?" Ye Xun asked Lin Ying in a low voice.

"It should be." Lin Zheng nodded.

The cracks were getting bigger and bigger, and the leaked blue light became brighter and brighter, and the whole underground was also illuminated by this blue light.

The silt flowed down little by little, and the familiar face of Lao Qi began to become clear little by little.

"Dad! I'm back!" Ning Yu met those dull blue-gray eyes and continued to perform.

"Little Tiger..."

Lao Qi's chapped lips trembled slightly, and a deep voice sounded.

"Little Tiger?" Lin Zheng frowned, "His son's nickname?"

"I think it should be. He looked at Ning Yu and shouted." Ye Xun said.

The black sludge flowed little by little around Lao Qi's body, and Lao Qi's true appearance gradually emerged.

Countless tree roots grew out of Lao Qi's body, and now Lao Qi's original appearance is no longer visible. Only on those entangled tree roots, Lao Qi's face is slightly clearer.

"Dad..." Ning Yu shouted, patting Xiaoba and Cheng Xiaoyu next to him.

"Grandpa!" Cheng Xiaoyu yelled cooperatively.

Xiao Ba was a little reluctant, but still called out: "Dad, we're back to see you."

"I... I've been waiting for you for a long time..."

Lao Qi's hand hiding under the black tree roots tried to pass through those luxuriant tree roots. He really wanted to touch the relatives he missed, but because there were too many roots, his hand couldn't be stretched out at all. .

"I actually saw the relatives I miss in my heart, and can awaken the remaining consciousness..." Ye Xun looked at the scene in front of him with some surprise, which had never happened before.

"But this state shouldn't last long." Lin Ying said.

Ye Xun nodded, taking advantage of Lao Qi's human consciousness now, he raised his gun.


The bullet hit Lao Qi's forehead, leaving a small black hole, from which black blood flowed down.

"Grandpa Old Qi!" Cheng Xiaoyu yelled when he saw Lao Qi's eyebrows popped.

After all, he is a child, and his heart is more humane than that of an adult. In Cheng Xiaoyu's heart, Lao Qi is more of an old grandfather than a mutant without emotion.

"Now is the time!" Ye Xun shouted.

Xiao Ba, who was facing the face of Lao Qi's daughter-in-law in front of him, also raised the gun in his hand, and "bang bang" several shots at Lao Qi's head.

Black blood splashed out from the wound, Old Qi's dull eyes blinked, and soon, the roots on his body surged again.

"Little fish..." Lin Ying reached out and patted Cheng Xiaoyu's shoulder, and the gushing force of the wind poured into Cheng Xiaoyu's body.

Cheng Xiaoyu felt the energy injected by Lin Ying. She knew that Brother Mumu wanted her to use the wind blade to cut off the remaining roots, but Cheng Xiaoyu felt very sad.

"Xiaoyu, Grandpa Qi died at the moment of the mutation. His remaining consciousness is only some obsessions. If he is not eliminated, there will be many pollution-disease Lao Qis in Shanglin District..."

Seeing that Cheng Xiaoyu had not taken action yet, Ye Xun spoke.

Cheng Xiaoyu nodded, but tears flowed from his big eyes: "I know, I know..."

After a while, Cheng Xiaoyu slowly raised his hand, and the wind gathered in his palm and released it spirally towards those dancing tree roots.


The strong wind tore away in all directions underground, and the black roots were cut off.

Because the vitality of Lao Qi's body was weakened, these tree roots could not continue to heal, and the severed roots fell to the ground.


Ye Xun looked at Lao Qi's shrinking body and let out a long breath.

"Xiaoyu, let's go out." Lin Zheng was a little worried about Cheng Xiaoyu's condition, her cheeks were already moist.

Although Cheng Xiaoyu's face was stained with tears, she didn't stop moving her hands. With the wind, she led everyone up a little bit and left the ground.

As soon as I went out, the whole land began to collapse, and the black branches piled up on the ground also fell down, mixing with the swamp and black mud underground.

Lin Ying's continuous output of wind power merged with Cheng Xiaoyu's power, leading everyone to a safe place.

"My God, captain, this land collapsed directly." Xiao Ba looked at the collapsed community garden in front of him and shook his head.

"They will come over later and cordon off this area." Ye Xun said calmly.

"I'll do it right now!"

As Xiaoba said, he quickly ran away from here, and arranged for the second team to come over here to guard.

Ye Xun looked at Lin Zheng and the three of them: "You handled this incident very well. The reward will be transferred to your account later!"

"Thank you, Captain Ye." Lin Zheng thanked, and noticed that Cheng Xiaoyu in front of him was still looking at the collapsed garden of the community, his thin body was motionless, and looked like a small sculpture.

"Xiaoyu, this job was done very well." Lin Ying knelt down and gently wiped away the tears on Cheng Xiaoyu's face.

Cheng Xiaoyu's big eyes seemed to be waterlogged, and he looked particularly distressing.

"Brother Mumu, as long as a person mutates, is it the same as death?" Cheng Xiaoyu's voice was waxy and hoarse.

It was only at this moment that Lin Ying realized that Cheng Xiaoyu thought of her father, because her father had changed, but she always thought that her father could be cured and come back after going to the CDC.

"Captain Ye, will my father come back?" Cheng Xiaoyu raised his head and looked at Ye Xun behind him.

Ye Xun was stiffened by Cheng Xiaoyu's question, and after a moment of silence, he said, "We have found Xiaoyu's father and brought him back to the CDC. Although he is still a mutant, he is a Quarantined, he is still alive."

still alive.

These three words gave Cheng Xiaoyu great comfort, she stretched out her hand to wipe the tears on her cheeks: "No matter what, there will be a way, my father will definitely come back."

"Well, that's right, Xiaoyu's father will definitely come back." Lin Ying patted her head.

Sometimes, people know the truth, but they are still willing to listen to self-comforting words, because at least they can leave some hope in their hearts.

(End of this chapter)

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