Evolve from a dream

Chapter 27 Ning Yu's Encounter

Chapter 27 Ning Yu's Encounter

"Nightmare twice..." Lin Zheng frowned. If the third nightmare doesn't stop Ning Yu, Ning Yu will mutate.

"I...I shouldn't actually eat now. Your hot pot is too fragrant. I'm too hungry..."

Ning Yu said, trying to put the bowl in his hand on the table.

Lin Ying stopped him at this time: "Now you can eat with confidence, and you can just sleep when you are full."

"But, they said that after three nightmares, I will completely suffer from pollution disease, and then there will be no cure for me..." Although Ning Yu wanted to eat, he was afraid of pollution disease.

"We are here for sleep therapy. When you fall asleep, I can only stop your nightmare." Lin Ying withdrew his hand, with a confident smile on his face, "Since you have chosen me, you should trust me."

After the pollution disease appeared, many psychologists in the psychological consultation rooms believed that the nightmares were caused by psychological reasons, so at the beginning, the business of each psychological consultation room was extremely hot.

However, after a period of time, the psychologists did not prevent people from suffering from pollution diseases. On the contrary, many psychologists were infected with the disease, and the psychological consultation rooms closed down one after another.

Ning Yu came here because he saw the slogan of Muyu Psychological Consultation Room on the website. He wanted to try his luck here as a living doctor.

"Mr. Lin, if I really contract the pollution disease in a while, you can run away..." Ning Yu said, stuffing a fish ball in his mouth.

After Lin Ying heard the words, he couldn't help but smile. This guy came here just to try his luck, and he didn't believe that Lin Ying could cure him.

After all, ordinary psychological counseling really can't solve any problems.

"Our treatment here is divided into three times, and the price is different each time. This is your first treatment. If the effect is good, you can choose the next treatment. If not, you can also only treat this treatment. once."

Lin Ying's three treatments can turn an ordinary person into a capable person, but Lin Ying will also evaluate him to a certain extent whether to turn this person into a capable person.

When Ning Yu heard this, he took out a bank card from his pocket, put it on the coffee table, and pushed it in front of Lin Ying: "I returned the house I rented a few days ago, and this is all my savings, a total of 4000 yuan , is the first treatment enough?”

In fact, Lin Ying has not yet set a price for the treatment in his consulting room. After all, he has never received a single customer. Ning Yu is an upright person, and he even took out all his savings directly.

"You are my first customer. I will accept your money first, and I will give you the first stage of treatment later." Lin Ying picked up the bank card, and suddenly caught a glimpse of a card stuck on it. Small note: "Password, 6 8s."

This kid is really big-hearted.

After eating the hot pot, Lin Ying tidied up the hall and let Ning Yu lie down on the sofa. Cheng Xiaoyu thoughtfully brought a blanket over.

"Little fish is very caring." Lin Ying took the blanket and said with a smile.

Cheng Xiaoyu smiled, lowered his voice and whispered in Lin Zheng's ear: "We are so poor, this is the God of Wealth."

Lin Zheng: "..."

The little girl turned out to be looking at the money...

"Before sleep therapy starts, I need to know about your situation, and I hope you will cooperate." Lin Zheng pulled a stool over and sat down in front of Ning Yu.

"Mr. Lin, you ask." Ning Yu nodded.

"Have you experienced any stressful things during this time, or have you been in a bad mood?"

Lin Ying took the notebook and wrote Ning Yu's name on the first page.

Ning Yu looked up at the ceiling above his head, a gloomy light flashed in his eyes, before he could speak, Lin Ying could guess that his experience during this period was really terrible.

"I didn't go to college, but my dream was to be an actor, so I went to work in the crew, and I usually helped them carry props, buy lunch boxes and so on. That's where I met Xie Yuer, she is so beautiful , I fell in love with her at first sight!"

Speaking of this, Ning Yu had a smile on his face, it should be the memory of that time that brought her happiness.

"She also works on the set. She is in charge of the costumes. I often leave her a box of lunch. She gets to know me after a while. She thinks I'm honest, so she stays with me. However, later..."

The light in Ning Yu's eyes began to dim, and Lin Ying wrote two words in his notebook: "Lovebroken".

"She is good-looking, and a director fell in love with him, saying that he gave her a chance to play a supporting role. I was very happy for her at first, but I didn't expect that this supporting role would have the opportunity to sleep in the director's bed...

Because of this matter, Yu'er and I had a quarrel. She said that following me has no future, and I stopped her from going to a high place. In this way, we broke up. She was popular, and she took on a few more dramas later on, and now she is considered a popular little star, as for me, I'm still doing odd jobs on the set..."

Lin Zheng listened to Ning Yu quietly without interrupting him.

"Some time ago, I had an opportunity to audition. Who knows, the director team thought I was ugly and fat, so forget it! A group of them scolded me, and Xie Yuer was there! I can't say anything. When he came out, he looked at Xie Yuer's indifferent and condescending eyes, and his whole body was shaking with anger...

This is not the most extreme, I don’t know who took the video and posted it on the Internet, people on the Internet commented and forwarded it, saying that I look like a pig, and fantasized about being an actor..."

Ning Yu's emotions gradually became excited, and his eyes were filled with anger, hatred and violence.

"Isn't a person like me worthy of a dream? Is it wrong for a person like me to work hard to live?

I started to have nightmares, seeing that I was in poor condition, the crew thought I might have a pollution disease, so they fired me, and my life was over..."

Ning Yu's eyes were very red, he didn't want to let himself cry in front of Lin Ying, so he turned his face to the side of the sofa.

Lin Zheng held the pen and wrote in his notebook: Dream shattered.

"Ning Yu, your life is not over yet, you can start a new one." Lin Zheng closed the notebook and said.

"Can I really have a new life? I've had two nightmares. If I have another nightmare, I'll be a complete pollution patient." Ning Yu's voice was muffled.

Lin Ying put away the notebook: "It's too early to say these things, this time, you won't have any more nightmares."

"Really...Really?" Ning Yu turned his face in doubt.

"Well, close your eyes and take a good rest first." Lin Zheng covered Ning Yu with a blanket.

Ning Yu closed his eyes and began to sleep.

Cheng Xiaoyu came over and asked Lin Zheng in a low voice: "Brother Mumu, later... you want to go in?"

"Well, when I went in, I asked Xiaoyu to take care of me outside."

Lin Ying said, his eyes fell on the notebook in his hand. Ning Yu's experience made him very tired and painful. In addition, he had two nightmares. This third nightmare should be a little tricky.

"I will!" Cheng Xiaoyu nodded vigorously.

At this time, Ning Yu, who was lying on the sofa, had already entered a sleep state. Lin Ying sat beside him and waited for more than ten minutes, and Ning Yu had some reactions.

His brows were tightly furrowed, and fine sweat began to secrete from his forehead.

"I'm going, little fish." Lin Ying said, feeling the crystal on the left collarbone, and at the moment when the power surged out, a white light flashed in front of Lin Ying's eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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