Evolve from a dream

Chapter 24 Take the mission

Chapter 24 Take the mission

"The two tenants who rented the store before had unbearable abdominal pain at first, and then died in the store. The death condition is like Wang Suan now. Because they couldn't find out the reason, they thought it was haunted, so no one dared to rent it anymore. " Lin Zheng continued.

Ye Xun stared at Lin Zheng closely: "No one dares to rent you and buy it?"

"The lease term of the old residential area I lived in was about to expire, and I lost my job. I wanted to open a shop, but I finally found a shop where I could live in and open a shop. The price was only 20, and I had no other choice. .” Lin Zheng spread his hands helplessly.

Ye Xun didn't speak, but Chen Fei on the side nodded: "Xiaoyu is a capable person, at least it's not so dangerous for you to live in, but... haven't you seen any strange things in the past?"

"I saw it once, but Xiaoyu and I discovered it. Xiaoyu attacked him, and he ran away. It was a small black mass, and we didn't see it very clearly."

Lin Zheng slightly changed what happened. After all, he couldn't say that he had crystals on his body.

"It should be the parasitic mutant," Chen Fei guessed, "Wang Suan went to your shop, so he was parasitized by that thing."

Ye Xun shook his head: "But there are too many doubts about this matter. Why didn't the parasitic mutant attack Lin Ying, nor did he attack other people, but the king of parasites should count? Could it be because he was unlucky?"

The person who chose to parasitize the parasitic mutant happened to be Wang Suan who had a big conflict with Lin Ye, so Lin Ye was still very suspicious.

"Among that group of people, only Wang Suan did something to Su Min." Lin Ying thought for a while, then continued.

The parasitic mutant has been staying in Su Min's shop, and the person who killed him is also a tenant of Su Min's shop. If the mutant was a specially selected person yesterday, then the only difference between Wang Suan and the others is that he Very disrespectful to Su Min.

"Su Min...the one who sells the store to you?" Ye Xun put his fingers on his chin, thinking.

"If the parasitic mutant is really conscious, he chose the king on purpose. I think that's the only reason why he chose the king."

Lin Ying thought about it carefully, maybe that parasitic mutant really had something to do with Su Min.

Ye Xun turned his face, and said to Xiaoba behind him, "Go and contact this Su Min, and call her over to ask."

"Yes." Xiao Ba replied, and walked out quickly.

After waiting for about 10 minutes, Su Min rushed to the No. [-] Hospital. In order to prevent Su Min from seeing Wang Suan's terrible death, Ye Xun and the others chose to interrogate Wang Suan in the pavilion of the hospital.

"Lin Ying?" As soon as Su Min arrived at the pavilion, he was surprised to see Lin Ying there.

"Mr. Su, hello, I am Ye Xun, the captain of the second team of the special guard." Ye Xun introduced himself to Su Min, and then said, "There was a conflict in Muyu's psychological counseling room yesterday, and you were there at that time, weren't you?" ?”

Su Min reacted for a while, then nodded: "Well, I'm here, is something wrong?"

"Wang Su is dead," Lin Zheng said. "The way the first two tenants of the store died is exactly the same, with their abdomen bursting."

When Su Min heard it, surprise appeared on his face: "How could it be..."

"Your shop is not haunted, but a mutant is haunting it. Think carefully, is there anyone close to you who disappeared recently?" Ye Xun asked.

Hearing this, Su Min lowered his eyelids slowly. At this moment, Lin Ying clearly saw a shadow flashing in Su Min's eyes.

"It seems that there is indeed such a person." Seeing this, Ye Xun said again.

"Yes, my boyfriend disappeared a month ago." Su Min nodded, and the sadness in his eyes became stronger.

Could it be...that parasitic mutant is Su Min's boyfriend?No wonder he would attack Wang Suan.

But what about the two previous tenants?Could it be that he also disrespected Su Min?

"How did your boyfriend disappear? Did he act strangely before he disappeared? Did he tell you anything?" Ye Xun asked.

"My boyfriend's name is Feng Xin. He is my college classmate. He has always had a good relationship. After graduating from college, Feng Xin started his own business, but he failed and owed a lot of debt. I originally wanted to accompany him to get out of the trough. Knowing that Feng Xin was looked down upon by my dad, my dad also said a lot of excessive things. I had a very unpleasant fight with him about that matter. After a few days of the cold war, he proposed to break up. After that, I could no longer contact him. ..."

As Su Min spoke, tears rolled down her eyes, and Chen Fei handed her a tissue.

"Thank you." Su Min took the tissue and quickly wiped away her tears, suppressing the sadness in her heart.

"Actually, if that parasitic mutant is really Su Min's boyfriend, there is no way to catch him." Lin Ying said suddenly.

Ye Xun raised his eyebrows: "Do you have a solution?"

"Xiaoyu is now a non-staff member of the special escort team. Why don't you leave this matter to us." Lin Zheng smiled at Ye Xun, with a bit of cunning in his eyes.

"Leave this task to Xiaoyu?" Ye Xun was a little worried.

"And me," Lin Ying added, "Xiaoyu is a child, and I am an adult, so I can always give her advice."

Chen Fei listened and nodded, "The people who were attacked by this parasitic mutant were those who disrespected Su Min, so he probably wouldn't attack Xiaoyu. Moreover, after he became a parasitic mutant, he actually still attacked Su Min." Retaining the previous consciousness, as far as it is concerned, this is the first case."

"Okay, then this task will be given to Lin Zheng and Cheng Xiaoyu." Ye Xun agreed.

"By the way, you get paid for doing this kind of tasks, right?" Lin Zheng's focus was on money. After all, he had just bought a shop and there was no business yet. He and Cheng Xiaoyu were living in poverty.

Ye Xun: "..."

After listening to Lin Zheng's words, Chen Fei had a smile on her face, her peach blossom eyes were smiling crookedly, and her pupils were as clear and bright as a newly brewed Longjing after the rain.

"It must be paid, and it's not low." Chen Fei said with a smile.

"Okay." Lin Zheng nodded again and again, already having a plan in mind.

After Ye Xun and Chen Fei left, Lin Zheng and Su Min also left the hospital and went to the subway station.

"Lin Ying, if the parasitic mutant they said is really my boyfriend, where will they take my boyfriend? What will happen to him?"

On the way back, Su Min couldn't help asking Lin Ying.

"Don't worry. If he is really your boyfriend, it means that he is still conscious. He will not be as reckless as other contaminated patients. The escort team will not directly eliminate him, but Dr. Chen should find a way to study him. .”

Hearing what Lin Ying said, Su Min's face darkened again.

In order to comfort Su Min, Lin Zheng added: "Only by studying him can we have a chance to cure him."

"Yeah, I know." Su Min nodded: "I just didn't expect that I haven't seen him for more than a month, not because he left me completely, but because he was infected with pollution disease."

"To lure him out, I need your cooperation." Lin Zheng said.

Su Min raised his head: "As long as I can see him, I can cooperate."

"Ye Xun and Chen Fei will pretend to be my girlfriend after they arrive in the laboratory, and he will definitely come out." Lin Zheng curled his lower lip.

"But if he really attacks you, wouldn't you be in danger..." Su Min said worriedly.

"Don't worry, I'll be fine."

Lin Ying comforted Su Min, and then said: "If Feng Xin really did it for you, it means that he has already returned to the shop. Tonight you stay in the psychological consultation room to cooperate with me in acting, and he will definitely come out."

(End of this chapter)

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