Chapter 1
Men's restroom of XX Network Company in Hongyu City.

Lin Zheng stood in front of the mirror, pulling the collar of his sweatshirt with his left hand. Under the raised left collarbone, there was a small, irregular blue fragment like glass.

Through the thin skin, one can faintly see the faint light emitted by the fragment, one bright and one dark. These light lights emanate from the center of the fragment, like the roots of plants under the earth, under the texture of Lin Zheng's body. Spreading in all directions of the body.

This thing has been in my body for a day.

Lin Ying stared at himself in the mirror, afraid that he would turn into a terrible monster in the next second.

After all, the current Hongyu City is no longer the previous Hongyu City.

Half a year ago, an unknown energy capsule crashed into the seawater of the coastal city of Hongyu City. Before submerging in the seawater, the energy capsule leaked a blue-purple ray. Since then, many citizens of Hongyu City have been infected with the Some kind of strange pollution disease...

"In the blocked Shanglin area, I heard that the pollution disease is getting worse."

"Not only in Shanglin District, but also several other districts are now suffering from pollution diseases!"

The voice of Lin Ying's colleague from the planning department came from the door. Lin Ying pulled up the neckline of the sweater, turned on the faucet in front of him, and began to wash his hands.

"Huh? Is it so scary? It seems that I need to go out less and store more food!"

Seeing Lin Zheng washing his hands in the bathroom, the conversation between the two came to an abrupt end.

Lin Zheng glanced at them, turned off the faucet and walked out.

"Hey, Lin Zheng, let's talk."

The person who stopped Lin Ying was Chen Kuan, the leader of the planning department where Lin Ying worked.

Seeing that Chen Kuan was going to talk to Lin Ying, another colleague quickly walked into the innermost compartment of the bathroom with great interest.

"I'm resigning soon. Don't worry about the planning project in my hand. I will tell the company that it was done by you and the bonus will be yours!" Chen Kuan smiled and reached out to pat Lin Zheng's hand. Shoulder.

Lin Ying stared at the smile lines on Chen Kuan's face, feeling sick in his heart.

Chen Kuan is the team leader of the planning department, but he actually has no ability. He joined this company through family connections. For newcomers like Lin Zheng who have just graduated and are still in the internship period, Chen Kuan, as his assessor, always gets the chance to become a full-time employee. Lin Ying was oppressed by the matter, so Lin Ye was not less oppressed by him.

It’s fine to run errands and work overtime. In the first three months, the three planning proposals handed over by the planning department were all worked out by Lin Zheng staying up all night. After Chen Kuan got the planning proposal, he said that he did it, and all the bonuses went to him. pocket.

"What's your expression? Is it possible that I'm still lying to you?" Seeing Lin Ying's indifferent face, Chen Kuan suddenly approached him and lowered his voice: "You'd better forget about the previous schemes. Well, this time I've already given you a lot of face, don't be ignorant of flattery, or before I leave, I may let you pack up and leave at any time!"

After saying that, Chen Kuan poked Lin Zheng's chest, turned around and went to the toilet with a look of displeasure.

Lin Ying glanced at Chen Kuan from the corner of his eye, left the bathroom quickly, and returned to his work station to start working.

If it weren't for the fact that his adoptive father owed a lot of debts, and Lin Ying really needed this job, otherwise, Lin Ying wouldn't be able to stay in this company for a day.

After Chen Kuan came back from the bathroom, the colleagues who were working at the workstations couldn't bear it anymore, and soon surrounded Chen Kuan.

"Brother Kuan, I heard you had two sweet dreams?"

"Isn't that right? Brother Kuan's application for the special guard team has been approved!"

The chattering discussions of colleagues echoed in the office area accompanied by the sound of Lin Zheng typing on the keyboard.

"The Special Guards should come to evaluate me soon. If I pass, I should join the Special Guards!" Chen Kuan smiled proudly after hearing this.

"Brother Kuan, Gou Fugui, don't forget each other!"

Hearing Chen Kuan's words, Lin Ying stopped typing on the keyboard suddenly.

Is Chen Kuan resigning because he wants to join the special escort team?

After the crash of the energy cabin, a pollution disease broke out in Hongyu City. It is said that the pollution disease is in the incubation period, and the patients will have nightmares, but some people will have sweet dreams.

It is these dreamers that the special guards want to recruit.

Lin Ye didn't know much about the guards. He only knew that they were the ones who dealt with the isolation and protection of pollution diseases. Moreover, the salaries of the guards were frighteningly high.

"I'm so envious of Brother Kuan! I also want to have sweet dreams, but I am a dreamless person!"

"Yes, yes, I used to have dreams, but since that strange energy capsule crashed, I haven't had any dreams anymore!"

Colleagues looked at Chen Kuan enviously, complaining why he was a dreamless person.

The computer screen in front of Lin Ying was changing with colorful lights, and Lin Ying also lowered his eyelids.

He is also a dreamless person, but he didn't stop dreaming after the crash of the energy capsule, but since Lin Ying can remember, he has never had the experience of dreaming...


While he was in a daze, the computer screen in front of Lin Ying suddenly turned blue. Lin Ying sighed, and got under the desk to check the computer mainframe.

The company's computer should be replaced with a new one. It is really uncomfortable to use this kind of old host computer.

While Lin Zheng was tinkering with the computer mainframe, the office area suddenly fell silent, and a strange low-pitched male voice sounded: "I am Ye Xun, the captain of the second team of the special guards. here."

Lin Zheng stopped tinkering with the host, and just about to stick his head out to see the situation, he heard the man named Ye Xun speak again: "We have communicated with the company boss and want to evaluate Mr. Chen Kuan , I hope everyone will cooperate and avoid it for the time being, and we will end it as soon as possible."

Although the colleagues in the office area wanted to stay here and watch the excitement, during this special period, the people from the special escort team had an oppressive and intimidating effect. They had no choice but to leave the office area and go to the tea room next door.

Lin Zheng swallowed, lay on the ground and poked one eye out from under the table.

It was a group of people wearing uniforms. The leader was tall, with bronze skin, tough facial lines, heroic appearance, and a pair of cold eyes that were silent and sharp.

The people in the special guards are indeed not ordinary people.

There are also the dark black uniforms on them, which are very different from the military uniforms they usually see. The fabric is specially made, and it is somewhat reflective, and there is a sun pattern on the left shoulder.

Ye Xun's subordinates put the black suitcase in their hands on the ground. The moment the lid popped open, Lin Ying saw a laptop-like machine with a special silver helmet attached to it.

"This is..." Chen Kuan looked at the helmet in the hands of Ye Xun's subordinates, confusion appearing on his face.

"In order to confirm the positivity of your dream, we need you to cooperate with us," Ye Xun quirked his lips, "Don't be nervous, you just need to sleep."

Hearing what Ye Xun said, Chen Kuan relaxed a little and sat down on the chair.

Ye Xun's subordinates put a helmet on Chen Kuan and started the machine in the suitcase.

After the machine started, it seemed that Chen Kuan had been effectively hypnotized. Chen Kuan fell asleep quickly, and he could still hear his even snoring.

At this time, green fluctuating lines appeared on the display screen of the machine in the carrying case, indicating that Chen Kuan's state was stable at the moment.

The special guards had issued a notice on the Internet before, and those who had dreams had to fill out an information form and send an application to the guards. Presumably, Chen Kuan obtained this evaluation through this method.

However, Lin Zheng didn't understand why the standard of talents to be recruited by the special guard team to solve the pollution disease is a dream?
Is it possible that people who have the infection will have nightmares during the incubation period, while those with antibodies will have sweet dreams?So they are looking for people with antibodies to work on contamination isolation?

Just as he was guessing, suddenly Lin Ying's left collarbone stabbed sharply.

Lin Ying retracted his head, and pressed his hand on the position of his left collarbone.

It's the strange crystal in his body!
An indescribable force, like a beast, quickly swallowed Lin Ying whole.

There seems to be light.

Lin Zheng's body twitched. He slowly raised his head, only to find that the world in front of him was twisting rapidly like a whirlpool in his field of vision...

(End of this chapter)

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