Country Little Fairy Doctor

Chapter 86 Zhao Ru's Determination

Chapter 86 Zhao Ru's Determination

Chapter 86 Zhao Ru's Determination

Li Cuilian nodded quickly and said that the village head had already learned some of Zhang Tiezhu's thoughts, and also went through a day of on-the-spot survey, and wanted to have a good chat.

As for whether it will be successful in the future, it depends on the decisions the two of them make, but as long as they can reach an agreement, it can help him do a lot of things.

"Okay, I'll go there right away. There are still some things to deal with here. I will change my clothes before going. You ask him to wait for me in the village office."

In fact, Zhang Tiezhu has always wanted to cooperate, but he always couldn't open his mouth, so now that people take the initiative to say such things, he must not put on airs.

Lin Qingxue was actually very happy to hear this, at least saying that these things are good for them, especially for Zhang Tiezhu's future development.

So he very much agrees to get this matter done in the past, and let him go and return quickly to implement it. Although it takes a long time, it is very necessary.

"You are at home alone. If anything happens, call me. Now I have to go over. This time I have to make things bigger."

Zhang Tiezhu is very confident about this matter. He thinks this kind of thing can be done easily, so he said that he will use the fastest speed to solve some current problems.

"Be careful. The people around him are not easy to deal with. They are not ordinary people. As for the village chief, he is as good as us."

After the two finished talking, Zhang Tiezhu went directly to Zhao Ru.

After meeting, Zhang Tiezhu found that the driver next to Zhao Ru had disappeared.

"Why, did your driver go to the hospital? There is nothing wrong with his health. If there is any problem, please tell me. In fact, I should also bear some responsibility."

When Zhang Tiezhu said this, he wanted to cooperate well and make Zhao Ru trust him.

Zhao Ru is also a little embarrassed. In fact, I just want to explain this matter to Zhang Tiezhu briefly. Since I said that I have such an opportunity, I must explain it clearly.

"Actually, I also know that there is something wrong with him. He must be injured if he is injured. He has already gone to the hospital, but I don't want to come here after I let him recover, because it doesn't make much sense."

"I stayed in this village for a day. Although it was not very long, I learned a lot of things. The people here are very nice, not what I thought before."

"Everyone says that troublesome people come out of poor mountains and bad waters, but what I see here is everyone's simplicity and their very pure thoughts."

"All the people in this place are here to get rid of poverty and become rich. They didn't have any chance to get out of the mountains before, but I want to use my resources, my contacts, and even some things from my family to change the destiny of this village."

Zhao Ru also said a lot of things in a series. Under this situation, these words he said are quite useful things.

Zhang Tiezhu kept nodding after hearing this, because he felt that these things were indeed very correct, and every sentence hit the point.

But now he still has a doubt, that is, whether these things have been prepared long ago, or these things are displayed on the spot, or he really thinks so.

"Actually, what you said is very correct. In my opinion, you should think about many things this way and do what you say."

"Your driver is doing things too much, and you are a child from the city, and you may not understand some aspects at all, or even say that your major has nothing to do with the people here."

"In this place, you need to endure hardship, you need to be able to bask in the sun, and you need to have a good body. I don't know how much you can achieve in these aspects."

Zhang Tiezhu's questions are all very scary, but most of the children from the city are pampered, especially the children of this kind of rich family.

Zhao Ru immediately stood up, and slapped the table hard twice.

"This kind of thinking is wrong. Children from the city are spoiled and spoiled. When we were young, we learned a lot of things, and each person learned something different. Just your way of thinking How to get to college.”

"I'm studying at an agricultural university. Don't you know what this kind of place is for? The reason why I chose to come to such a village is because I want to change his appearance, or even say that I want to use my own power to change everything here."

"You are a college student, you can do some things here well, and you can have many benefits, even saying that you don't care about the cost."

"I can do it just like me. I am no less than you, I am no worse than you, and we are all college students. Although you are a medical student, you feel that you are much nobler than me, but I think there is no distinction between high and low professions." .”

Zhao Ru is also a very good college student. The reason why he came here is indeed because of his family. He insisted on coming to this village.

It's not that some of today's goals can be achieved by going through the back door through relationships, so some of his things are very worthy of many people's learning.

Zhang Tiezhu nodded after hearing this, feeling that these matters can still be discussed.

"Then I want to ask you, what are you going to do next? Of course, it must be helpful to the people in the village."

"Of course, I have already thought about it. As the saying goes, if you want to get rich, you must first build roads. This is a truth that has not changed since ancient times."

When Zhao Ru said this, she directly poured a glass of water and drank it in big gulps, and she used an old glass.

"The roads in the village are very bad. I saw a lot of mountain goods in the village, and many people went into the mountains to collect these things. This is a very dangerous thing."

"Road construction, I plan to divide it into two aspects. The first aspect is to drive the villagers into the mountains and repair all the roads in the mountains. Of course, it is just to open up a road for people to walk."

"As for the roads in the village, I will apply for funding from above, so that every household has access to roads."

When he said this, he took another sip of water, then glanced at Zhang Tiezhu, as if he was looking for some ideas from him.

Zhang Tiezhu did not lie, but kept looking at him, hoping that he could continue talking. What he said before was indeed good, and it also made him feel some sincerity.

(End of this chapter)

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