Chapter 8 Buyers
Chapter 8 Buyer

After separating from Li Cuilian, Zhao Tiezhu quickly returned home, took out his mobile phone and started searching for the price of wild blood ganoderma.

However, most of the wild blood ganoderma are of a very short age, no more than three years at most, and the price is not cheap, about three to four hundred and one grams. Like the wild blood ganoderma he picked today with such a high age and such a good quality, No one had noticed at all, which made him a little embarrassed.

Because he wanted to exchange this blood ganoderma for a 50-year-old wild Polygonum multiflorum to save Wang Keer's life.

After much deliberation, Zhao Tiezhu finally took a few photos of the blood ganoderma lucidum, and thinking of something, he also took a photo of the headless hedgehog corpse, and sent it to WeChat, with a line of text.

Today, I went to the mountain to collect herbs, and accidentally found a 20-year-old wild blood ganoderma lucidum and a hedgehog, a guardian animal. If there are interested buyers, I will chat with me privately, and those who are willing to exchange 50-year-old wild Polygonum multiflorum are preferred.

After a while, more than a dozen comments appeared below.

[Tie Zhu, you guys are going to get rich, 20 years of wild blood ganoderma, let alone selling it for 10,000+ is no problem, right? 】

【Oops, Zhao Tiezhu heard that you were fired by the hospital a long time ago, so you went back to your hometown, you are poor and crazy, so you want to sell fake Ganoderma lucidum to cheat money. 】

[Not necessarily, that headless hedgehog is as big as a wild dog and is about to mature. I think this blood ganoderma should be genuine. 】

[I also think it's genuine, but it's too expensive, and few people should be able to afford it. 】

Looking at the space comments, Zhao Tiezhu was a little speechless.

Don't just talk, but come to buy it personally?
But just when Zhao Tiezhu was thinking this, he received a pop-up message.

"Is Zhao Tiezhu here?"

Zhao Tiezhu picked up the phone and took a closer look. The person who sent the message was called Lin Qingxue. He was his college classmate and one of the four school beauties in the school. She had neither appearance nor temperament.

But that's all. Lin Qingxue is not only beautiful and has a good figure, but her family is said to be very rich. She is engaged in drug research and development. After studying, she will go back to inherit the family business.

A poor student like him from the countryside is not qualified to be a licking dog for others.

The reason for being able to add the other party's WeChat ID is very simple. Lin Qingxue is the class monitor and needs to collect class fees.

So he was curious why Lin Qingxue sent him a message suddenly, so he replied with a sentence.

Soon Lin Qingxue returned the message.

"That's right, I saw your space post, saying that you picked a 20-year-old wild blood ganoderma on the mountain, can you take a few more photos for me to see?"

Zhao Tiezhu frowned, without any hesitation, he took a few more photos of the blood ganoderma.


At the same time, it was located in a hot spring villa covering an area of ​​over a thousand square meters in the outskirts of the county seat.

Wearing an off-white long dress, a tall girl with outstanding temperament was staring at the phone screen expectantly. It was Lin Qingxue.

When she received the photo of Blood Ganoderma lucidum sent by Zhao Tiezhu, Lin Qingxue quickly stood up and ran to the garden outside the villa.

At this moment, an old man in Tang suit was sitting in the yard basking in the sun.

"Grandpa, can you see if this is 20-year-old wild blood Ganoderma?"

Lin Qingxue excitedly came to the old man and said anxiously.

"Huh?" The old man nodded, took the phone and looked at it.

After a short silence, a look of joy appeared on the wrinkled old face: "It's really a wild blood ganoderma. I'm really in the sky. No matter how much money is added, this thing must be taken."

"Grandpa, don't worry. The person who got the blood Ganoderma is a college classmate of mine. There should be no problem."

Lin Qingxue nodded, then continued to chat with Zhao Tiezhu, asking how much money can be taken away.

This made Zhao Tiezhu in trouble. He really didn't know the price of the blood ganoderma, so he could only ask Lin Qingxue to give it to him. It would be best if he could exchange it with 50-year-old wild Polygonum multiflorum.

"Need 50 years of wild Polygonum multiflorum? It's a bit interesting, so let's go there in person tomorrow. You go ask for an address, and I'll ask someone to prepare something."

The old man was a little surprised, but he thought of something and said with a smile.

"This...Grandpa, your body..." Lin Qingxue said with some concern.

"It's okay." The old man shook his head.

Seeing this, Lin Qingxue couldn't say anything more, so she asked Zhao Tiezhu for an address.

When they learned that they were from Qingjiang County, they were a little surprised, and immediately said that they would come over early tomorrow morning.

What he needs will be ready.


Time passed, and before we knew it, it was the next morning. Zhao Tiezhu got up and went to the yard, intending to get the hedgehog he killed yesterday to make soup.


At this moment, there was a sound of car horns outside the house, and he couldn't help but look for the sound, and found that there were already two cars at the door of the house, and the leader was a Rolls Royce Curry worth several million South.

The car door opened, and four well-trained bodyguards in suits and sunglasses ran down from the rear car and opened the front and rear doors.

It was Lin Qingxue who came out first.

Immediately afterwards, another white-haired old man wearing a cane and wearing a Tang suit, with a calm and dignified face, slowly got out of the car with Lin Qingxue's support.

"Huh? This old man seems to be seriously ill?"

Zhao Tiezhu couldn't help showing curiosity, because he saw the old man's complexion was very bad, and his footsteps were sloppy, he looked like a seriously ill person, no wonder he needed blood ganoderma.

"Long time no see, monitor."

Thinking of this, Zhao Tiezhu put down the hedgehog corpse, walked over quickly, and greeted him enthusiastically.

"Hi, classmate Tie Zhu."

Lin Qingxue showed a polite smile, then pointed at the old man and introduced: "This is my grandfather Lin Jianghai, he needs the blood Ganoderma lucidum in your hand."

"Lin Jianghai?" Zhao Tiezhu felt that the name was vaguely familiar, but he couldn't remember where he had heard it before, so he smiled and shook hands with the other person and said: "Hello, Mr. Lin, the Blood Ganoderma is in the house and I will take you to see it. "

With that said, he led everyone back home.

But just when he walked to the door, Lin Jianghai stopped for a moment and focused his eyes on the hedgehog. As if he had found some treasure, he was a little surprised and said: "Little brother, can you sell me this hedgehog? I'll pay 15 Ten thousand!"

Zhao Tiezhu, who was leading the way, was taken aback for a moment, did he hear correctly?
Did someone spend 15 on this beast?
Even Lin Qingxue was also surprised. She could only see that the hedgehog was very large, and it should be a mutant species, but there was no need to spend 15 to buy it, right?

As if seeing the doubts of the two, Lin Jianghai explained with a smile: "If I'm not mistaken, this hedgehog should be a guardian spirit beast that guards the blood ganoderma, and it has been nourished by the medicinal properties for many years, and it also has some of the medicinal effects of the blood ganoderma. "

Of course Lin Jianghai would not have said so clearly if it was someone else, but this young man is a classmate of his granddaughter, so there is no need to trick him.

"So it is."

Zhao Tiezhu nodded, fortunately he didn't stew this beast yesterday, otherwise the 15 yuan would be gone.

(End of this chapter)

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