Chapter 76

Chapter 76 Relying on the Village Chief

Li Cuilian was also very happy now, she nodded immediately.

"Don't worry, I will definitely be the most diligent one in farming in the future."

Everyone was a little bit greedy when they got the money, because they never thought they could earn so much money in half a month.

"Tie Zhu, did you give Widow Li some secret recipe?"

"No, the way I give everyone is the same, maybe it's because of the fertility of the land, or your way is wrong."

Zhang Tiezhu naturally didn't tell anyone the secret recipe, and he already told everyone what he knew. Basically, everyone got the same thing.

Everyone is joking. Being able to get it is considered a skill of the person, which means that the farming ability is relatively high.

Lin Qingxue quickly stood up.

"If you work hard, you will definitely have such achievements. I think you can all do it. There are also various commissions. Don't you want to get them?"

"This time, I paid for it myself, and each person paid an extra [-], and I didn't have any more."

Lin Qingxue said so, and everyone was in high spirits, but Zhang Tiezhu felt that he should pay the money, so he didn't say anything, and gave the money directly to Lin Qingxue.

Everyone took the money again. After an afternoon, they finally got all the money. Most of the hungry people went back, leaving Wang Mangzi alone.

"Uncle Mangzi, is there anything else? If you do, just tell me directly."

"It's not that there's anything wrong, I just feel that I don't feel at ease with the money. Didn't I borrow some money from you before? I just thought that I wouldn't need to pay me a salary or anything, so I would just deduct it directly."

Zhang Tiezhu understood what Wang Mangzi meant, that was to pay back the money, but Zhang Tiezhu was not in a hurry about the money.

"Uncle Mangzi, the money is for Ke'er's schooling. After she graduates, let her pay it back, or if you have more money, isn't it only a few thousand yuan a month?"

"Give Ke'er a little more money at that time, it will cost a lot to go to college."

Wang Mangzi felt uncomfortable holding the money in his hand, but what Zhang Tiezhu said was indeed right, all the students who go to school now are from the city, and Ke'er should not be ashamed there.

Give more money, spend less for yourself, and try to get the 1 yuan next time, so that you can pay back the money a little faster.

"By the way, Uncle Mangzi, you are the only one in your family, and you have a lot of land to take care of, more than other families. I have left a separate copy for you here."

As he said that, Zhang Tiezhu took out another 1000 yuan and put it in Wang Mangzi's hands.

Wang Mangzi was not polite either, and nodded vigorously.

"Tie Zhu, I don't even know what to say. When Ke'er graduates, I can give you my old life. You really make Ke'er feel a little more comfortable in school."

"How about, Uncle Mangzi, Ke'er will follow me in the future, and I will cover her tuition, how about it?"

In fact, Zhang Tiezhu has always had this idea, because college students only pay a few thousand yuan a month in the city.

If Wang Ke'er can come back, it will definitely benefit the people here.

The more talents there are, the bigger the business will be in the future, especially my own people. I can rest assured that they will not harm my mind.

Wang Mangzi nodded when he heard it, but his expression was not very good.

"Tie Zhu, in fact, I really want my daughter back, because I feel a little safer by my side, but I'm a farmer, and I don't want him to have no future in this place."

"If he is willing to be outside, I will definitely let him outside. I hope you can understand this kind of thing. Of course, these things will depend on his own decision in the end."

Although Wang Mangzi said that he had never read any books since he was a child, his current thoughts are very correct, and everyone should have such thoughts.

No matter who you are, you must respect your children's ideas, because their life arrangements are definitely what you want most.

Of course, there will be many benefits if you stay outside all the time. Under this situation, you can learn more about the outside world.

Compared with Wang Mangzi who has been farming here, he must know a lot more, so some of his opinions are almost meaningless.

"Uncle Mangzi, I understand what you mean, but I just want to briefly tell you about this matter. In fact, I learned a lot outside, and I also hope that he can have a future in the city."

But Wang Mangzi glanced at Lin Qingxue next to him, and felt that all the children of such a big family had gone to the village, but in fact Wang Ke'er might not be better than others.

Finally nodded.

"Tie Zhu, don't worry, even if she doesn't come back, I will still do it for you."

After speaking, Wang Mangzi left.

Lin Qingxue glanced at Zhang Tiezhu.

"Boss, let's calculate the expenses now, and we need to build roads later. I don't know anyone in this area, and the money in your hand is probably not enough."

Lin Qingxue roughly calculated that it was definitely not an easy task to build all the roads in the village and connect them with the county roads.

There is no way to succeed by relying on Zhang Tiezhu alone to do these things, so now it is up to the village chief.

"Village head? The village head has all gone in."

"Next time, is there no village head here? There will definitely be, so bear with it now and don't make too many things happen."

Lin Qingxue said a figure based on calculations, which is almost tens of millions of items. According to the money in his hand, it is estimated that he will have to work for another year or so to save enough money.

And there will be various investments afterwards. In this way, there is no way to solve all these things, and we can only do it bit by bit.

But there will be many things that will happen in this year and a half, so it is definitely not possible to rely on him.

"Well, it seems that I can only pray that the next village head will come sooner. I hope he is a sensible person and not like Li Decheng."

"Why don't I ask Grandpa to inquire about it, maybe I can get some news."

Lin Jianghai does have such an ability, and it is absolutely easy to ask some questions.

Zhang Tiezhu thought for a while, and nodded, because the current situation is like this. There are limited things that one person can do, and they can only be done together.

"Then go and ask tomorrow, I really can't do this kind of thing by myself."

The two had a brief chat and learned a lot of things, including what to do with the money left behind.

After getting up in the morning, Lin Qingxue prepared the seeds and fertilizers early, because someone must have come here to collect them this morning.

(End of this chapter)

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