Chapter 45

Chapter 45 Inducement cannot change threats

At this time, everyone has stopped talking, because in their hearts, the two people who came here are very powerful, and their families are very rich.

Even if you haven't seen it, you have seen it on TV, and many people sell some in the mountains and live their lives, so they can naturally know these two people.

Li Decheng was also very happy after hearing this, because in this situation, no one would compete with them, and most of the things would naturally be settled.

"Okay, then you leave, I really want to see what kind of future you can develop."

"Li Decheng, I won't leave. I want to lead the blind daters to get rich. Moreover, I want to do it here. As long as those who follow me do it, at least they can guarantee their wages."

"Behind me, there are such two big companies. I don't believe that no one will do it with me."

Zhang Tiezhu is also very confident now, it is not easy to have such a person behind him, and as long as they follow Zhang Tiezhu, they are indirectly doing things for these two companies, which will definitely be guaranteed.

At this time, some people have already stood up, but there are still not many people, and they don't look very confident.

When Li Decheng saw this, he immediately became unhappy.

"You... you dare."

"I am the head of the village. I have the right. I will apply to the higher authorities. You will not be able to do these things."

Li Ergou also laughed.

"You must know who I am. If you can do it, I will be your son, born to you."

These people felt that the previous methods were useless, so they started threatening.

But the people in the village haven't enjoyed the life of the rich for too long. In their hearts, as long as they can make money, other things basically don't matter.

"Tie Zhu, uncle supports you, even if it's a loss, it doesn't matter."

"Sister-in-law, I will follow you too. Anyway, I like educated people like you."

Wang Mangzi and Li Cuilian stood up, and then even Cai Xiaohua walked to the front and stood behind Zhang Tiezhu.

As long as someone starts, the people behind will continue to stand up.

In about a few minutes, more than a dozen people stood behind Zhang Tiezhu. It was roughly estimated that there were at least [-] acres of land, and it seemed that the start was good.

Li Decheng's complexion has also become very bad now, because he feels that he has lost now.

As a village chief, he couldn't even handle this matter. He even felt that he had lost completely this time, and that he had lost even more.

"Zhang Tiezhu, you wait, and the person behind you this time, I'll see how you make money. I'm the village head, and you want it."

After saying that, Li Decheng laughed and left directly with the others.

Zhang Tiezhu didn't care, but felt that Lin Qingxue and Liang Shiya came at the right time, otherwise, he really didn't have so many people to cooperate with him.

"Thank you both very much, how did you know?"

"Hmph, it's not Xue'er, she said she wanted to see you, why did she miss you, oops, anyway, I'm a little disgusted, and I'm from a big girl's family, so I don't know how to be shy."

When Liang Shiya said this, she kept looking at Lin Qingxue.

Lin Qingxue smiled awkwardly, but kept silent and lowered her head.

This time, Lin Qingxue really tried her best. She always felt uneasy, so she wanted to come and have a look. Unexpectedly, she really encountered such a thing.

At the beginning, I listened from a distance and didn't come in, but then I heard what those guys did was too much, it had to be like this.

After explanation, everyone actually felt that it was a bit of luck.

The people who stayed had many problems, but they never went there, because they believed in Zhang Tiezhu, and even more in the two girls who came later.

Their families are all very rich, and these thousands of dollars are too simple for them.

"Tie Zhu, we went back to clean up the land. Basically, we all understand the process and know what to do next. As long as you say that we have cleaned up the land, we will come again. I hope you can count on your words and lead us to earn more money." A little money."

The villagers are actually very worried about not making money. Under this situation, they have to pay a lot of price.

Before Zhang Tiezhu could speak, the two girls agreed directly, saying that they would definitely do a good job in this kind of thing, and there would be no problems.

After that, they will draw up a contract, which is to protect some interests of everyone, as long as everyone can make money, this is their last thought.

Naturally, the villagers wanted to earn more money, so they wanted to sign the contract quickly.

"By the way, I will find someone to do this contract today, and I will send someone to deliver it tomorrow. Please count the number of people first, and I will make a copy when the time comes. Each of you must sign and press your fingerprints."

Lin Qingxue knew these things very well, and had already discussed them with Liang Shiya.

Liang Shiya didn't say anything, anyway, this matter was very important to her.

After all the villagers left, Zhang Tiezhu finally felt relieved.

"You two are really good, much better than me."

"It's not that we are better than you. Yes, you have experienced less of this kind of thing, so if you don't know as much as we do, it will naturally be very difficult to deal with."

Liang Shiya simply said something, and went to the room to see Liang Yanhong.

Liang Yanhong's mental state is much better now.

Seeing everyone coming in, she also laughed.

"Tie Zhu, you actually performed well today. If you can't solve it, I will help you. I also called my family. They definitely support you. Shiya's father will probably come over in a few days."

"Did you tell my dad?"

Liang Shiya felt that things were a bit sloppy, because she was not ready yet, and these projects were all in the observation stage.

But Liang Yanhong felt that young people should start their own businesses, and they must have something they are good at. Now that they have it, what they lack is the support of noble people. With a little support, maybe they can become a very powerful person in the future.

Liang Shiya couldn't say anything, she was worried about Liang Yanhong's body, so she simply asked about her body.

"You come here every day, and I can't play any role anymore. Don't come here in the future."

"I don't want to come, but some people are too embarrassed to come alone, so they can only drag my light bulb. There is really no way."

(End of this chapter)

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