Chapter 252

Invincible Chapter 252
Zhang Tiezhu did need such a long time to cure amenorrhea. The old man is old, and if he uses some too strong medicine, he probably won't be able to withstand it.

The only way to achieve a balance is to use some mild medicines and then adjust slowly.

As long as the body slowly restores its balance, other things will be easy to talk about, and many problems will be solved easily.

But the old man frowned after hearing this, he felt that this matter was a bit different from what he thought.

Others said that his illness could not be cured at all. He really doubted why it only took half a year to heal after arriving here.

"In fact, many people say that my illness is incurable. How do you see that I still have hope?"

"It's actually very simple. They just haven't found your cause. It would be different if they found it. I'm different from them. I study Chinese medicine."

When Zhang Tiezhu said that, the old man nodded immediately.

He had indeed seen many doctors before, but most of them couldn't figure out what his physical condition was like.

It is even said that most doctors think that this disease is almost impossible to cure, and even that it will lead to many problems.

Even if you stay in the ICU at the hospital, it is impossible to completely cure it, it can only delay time.

"Then tell me about the treatment."

"You just need to cooperate with me. You just need to take your medicine on time every day. You don't have to worry about other things. You can't fuck now."

Zhang Tiezhu was afraid that this kind of person would go to work on some things as soon as he woke up, which would be a major blow to him.

Most of the time this kind of person will do a lot of things because they spend too much time in bed.

The old man just nodded slightly after hearing this, but felt that he had to do something.

Because in his heart, he basically has nothing to do when he gets old. If he can do something, he should do it as much as possible. If he can't, he can just die.

"Now I'll go out and prescribe medicine for you, you should rest well, if you want to eat something, just tell me, I will improve something according to what you said, so that you won't have any problems after eating it. "

Zhang Tiezhu also had to take care of such a very weak patient, because he was not an ordinary person.

This old man may be related to many things in the future, even whether he can gain a foothold in a place like the provincial capital.

The old man nodded suspiciously, he didn't seem to trust Zhang Tiezhu very much, and there were many doubts in his eyes.

These doubts are actually very normal. If there are no doubts at all, it means that the old man has become stupid during this time.

Zhang Tiezhu arrived at the door, then picked up the paper and pen, and began to write the prescription.

After writing it, I gave it to Wang Min.

"All the medicines above must be of the best quality, and I must take care of these medicines myself."

"The first time was very troublesome because I had to test the old man's drug resistance to see how much effect he could withstand the drug."

Wang Min glanced at Zhang Tiezhu.

"Is it a little dangerous for you to do this? Take his life to test? He is already so old."

"Each person's drug resistance is different. If he can bear a large dose of medicine, he can recover faster. If he can't bear it, he can only use a small dose, and his recovery will be slower."

Zhang Tiezhu took a deep breath, rang for about a few seconds, and continued talking.

"I'm not saying that I want her to recover faster, but that some people may recover slowly if the dose of the drug is too small, and there will be problems in the middle, and I will control it within a safe range and will not let her recover. She has a problem."

Wang Min still had many doubts in my heart, but I didn't ask them. He felt that it was too early to ask any questions.

If you want to cure your disease, you have to do it slowly, and you have to do these things a little bit better.

So the housekeeper was called immediately.

"All the medicines above are the freshest ones for me, and don't care about the price. You must get them before tonight."

The housekeeper just glanced at the things on it, and then looked embarrassed.

"The medicinal materials here are so rare, it's impossible to get all of them, especially during this day."

In fact, the butler often goes to grab medicines. He also knows the contents of some medicinal materials, and knows which medicinal materials are easy to get and which are not.

It is true that some of these things are very difficult to get, and some things can't even be bought with money. It's not that these medicinal materials are so precious, but that almost no one uses them.

Some of the medicinal materials used now are very effective, but such things with poor medicinal effects are first of all worthless, and secondly, no one buys these things, so those who sell medicinal materials will not buy them at all.

Zhang Tiezhu nodded after hearing this.

"I know a seller of medicinal materials, but don't get me wrong. I don't want to make money from it, but he has more medicinal materials. I can give him a call."

Although Lin Jianghai doesn't have that many abilities, he does have a lot of medicinal materials. Under this special environment, as long as he calls him, he will definitely do his best.

Even if there aren't that many things, he might take out some of the things he thinks are the best, which will make things a little easier.

Wang Min doesn't care what happens to the money now. In his heart, as long as this matter is settled, everything else is easy to talk about.

"What are you talking about with me now about money or not? I basically don't know much about it. You just need to get things done for me."

"And tell me how much it is. If you double the medicinal materials on it, I will give you double the price, even 10 times the price."

In fact, these medicinal materials don't cost much. They only cost a few thousand yuan in total.

Zhang Tiezhu laughed when he heard this.

"Three thousand."


"No, it's 3000 yuan."

After hearing this, Wang Min was basically stunned for three or four seconds.

"Aren't you kidding me? It only takes a few thousand dollars to cure the disease? I'm not kidding you. If something goes wrong, you will be very troublesome."

Wang Min is not saying that he does not believe in his medical skills, but that he does not believe that these medicinal materials are so cheap. If it is 3 million, he still believes it.

(End of this chapter)

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