Treasure Master

Chapter 361

Chapter 361
Because Hao Qiang and Xueli were holding hands during the transmission, so when they entered a new area, the two were indeed still close together.

However, as soon as they arrived, something unexpected happened.

Before the two of them could clearly see the environment they were in, a golden object rushed toward them.The golden thing whistled with wind, and the two immediately caught a deep killing intent.

not good!

Xue Li reacted extremely quickly, before his eyes could see clearly, a ferocious ice arrow shot out from his hand.There was a loud bang, and the golden thing was instantly hit by the ice arrow, and it fell backwards.

It wasn't until this moment that the two finally saw clearly what was going on around them.Unexpectedly, what they stepped on under their feet turned out to be soft yellow sand.

Looking up at the thing that attacked him just now, it was just a person in golden armor.Although this person moved quickly, he was not Xue Li's opponent at all. He had already been penetrated by the ice arrow, and fell to the ground on his back and did not move.

However, as soon as the person on this side died, there was a new cry of killing immediately next to him.

Turning their heads, Hao Qiang and Xue Li couldn't help being shocked, but they saw that there was a vast expanse of yellow sand everywhere, and it looked like a vast desert.However, there were hundreds of people standing on the desert, men and women, and all of them had fierce eyes and sharp weapons, and they all looked murderous.

After seeing the man in gold was shot to death with an arrow, these people were actually shocked, and they all rushed towards Hao Qiang and the other with weapons.

How is this going?

Hao Qiang couldn't help feeling dizzy. He had never encountered such a situation before when he was attacked as soon as he moved.It gave him the feeling that these people had been waiting for their arrival.

Seeing this, the two quickly set up a barrier.As soon as the barrier popped out, a bomb fell in front of Xueli, and with a bang, flowers exploded in front of her eyes.

Unexpectedly, the power of this bomb is not small. Even if it is such a high level of snow particles, it was blown back several meters.However, some of the enemies who rushed to the front just now were hit by the bombs, and all of them were blown out by the bombs, and some were even crippled by the bombs on the spot.

Seeing this situation, Hao Qiang was even more confused.Why do these people have no regard for the safety of their companions?And why are they so determined to attack us?
Just as Hao Qiang was thinking, another wave of enemies flooded up again.These people are wearing various armors and holding various weapons. They don't speak or communicate with each other, as if they are all machines that only know how to attack and fight.

Since the enemy had already rushed to the front, Hao Qiang had no time to check carefully, so he could only brandish the Quenching Sword and fight these people together.

Hao Qiang's level is not low, and after long-term cultivation, his cultivation base has improved a lot.During the flickering of the quenching sword, several enemies were already killed.

After the fight, Hao Qiang soon made a new discovery.It turned out that these enemies also wore storage rings on their fingers, and their levels were also uneven. The low ones only had 30 stars, while the high ones could have as many as 170 stars.

Something is wrong?
Are these people all guardians?Can there be such a low-level guardian?

So if they're not Guardians, what are they?
Treasure hunter?

But treasure hunters are all of the same kind, so why attack us?
Hao Qiang thought hard while fighting, although judging from the current situation, even if these people attack him together, they may not be able to do anything to him, but Hao Qiang's heart is getting more and more uncertain, and he feels more and more bad.

Vaguely, he seemed to smell some kind of conspiracy.But as the battle became more and more fierce, he had no time to think too much.

At the same time, Xueli was also besieged by another group of people.However, Xueli's ability was greater than that of Hao Qiang, and he quickly suppressed everyone's attacks with the extremely powerful ice magic.

Although the level of these enemies is not high, everyone has their own unique skills and weapons, such as poisons and bombs abound, and some of them even brought tanks and other chariots.It's not guaranteed, maybe someone here is carrying an atomic bomb.

Hao Qiang and Xue Li saw each other's tricks, although they had a big advantage in strength, they couldn't escape for a while.And, as time went on, more enemies reappeared from farther afield.

These people seem to be endless. From a distance, they look like an army of tigers and wolves.

Hao Qiang and Xueli killed the nearby wave, and the latter immediately added.What surprised Hao Qiang and the others was that these enemies seemed not afraid of death at all. After rushing up one by one, they all used their full strength without holding back.

That is, in just ten minutes, Hao Qiang once again realized that the situation was bad.He took the time to look at the radar in his mind, quickly determined the location of Dayuan Lake from above, and then hurriedly shouted at Xueli:

"It's not an option to fight like this, let's charge towards Dayuan Lake!"

Xueli quickly understood what Hao Qiang meant. If the two rushed to the vicinity of Dayuan Lake, then even if they couldn't defeat these tide-like enemies in the end, they could still get into the lake and hide for a while.At least not like it is now, there is no way out.

After making up their minds, the two rushed towards Dayuan Lake while fighting hard.

The two of them are about ten kilometers away from Dayuan Lake. According to common sense, if they fly by the barrier, it won't take long.

But the trouble is that the place where these enemies are rushing is also in the direction of Dayuan Lake.The closer they approached the round lake, the more enemies they encountered.

What's more, the further you go, the higher the level of the enemy.Gradually, there are fewer people around me who seem to be below 100 stars, and many of them are more than a hundred stars.

Although these people's individual strength is not very good, they all work hard without reservation, but it is indeed enough for them to eat a pot.

Like the four elements of magic, water, earth, fire and wind, plus cannons and guns and various super advanced martial arts skills, Hao Qiang and the two are overwhelmed and can't handle it.

It didn't take long for their barrier to crumble under the constant impact.Since using the enchantment itself requires a lot of physical energy, it is very difficult for the two of them to use the enchantment while fighting.

After persisting for a little while longer, the two had no choice but to put away the barrier, switch to land combat, and continue to move towards the goal.

Although there is no barrier defense, the two's movements are more flexible and their abilities can be better displayed.After the two of them got into the enemy's camp, they were like tigers entering a flock of sheep, and they killed each other like a tiger in a flock of sheep, with a fierce and violent attack.

When they rushed more than 100 meters away, there was already a large mass of tragic corpses behind them.Because the snow particles are good at ice and snow, many people were frozen into icemen, and they didn't know whether they were dead or alive.

However, there were many people falling behind, but there were more enemies coming up in front of him.Going forward, Hao Qiang and the two soon encountered a denser crowd.

Seeing this, the two of them had no other choice but to bite the bullet and continue dashing!

Unexpectedly, when the two of them were fighting with the enemy, a skull as big as a hill suddenly appeared from above the right side of them.

After the skull appeared, it trembled in the sky, and then a powerful ray shot out from the skull's mouth, engulfing a large group of enemies and turning them into nothingness.

As soon as they saw the skull, Hao Qiang and Xueli already knew what was going on.

Ghost Blade Skeleton!

This is Saito Kei's specialty - a unique move!
(End of this chapter)

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