Treasure Master

Chapter 351

Chapter 351
Among the black mayflies flying all over the sky, a sword shining with icy cold light pierced out from behind the guard.

Not only the guardian himself, but even Hao Qiang felt particularly incredible.As the guard's chest was pierced by the ice sword, she let go of the tempered sword, causing Hao Qiang to fall from a height.

"go to hell!"

At the same time, a cold and trembling voice came from behind the guard.Only then did Hao Qiang see clearly that the person who pierced the guard with the ice sword turned out to be—her! ! ?

But behind the guard, a woman with disheveled clothes and scorched body appeared in Hao Qiang's eyes. Unexpectedly, she turned out to be the Ice Witch——Snow Grain!
She is not dead yet! ?

But seeing Xue Li holding the hilt of his ice demon sword with both hands, and after shouting the words "Go to hell", he wanted to pull the ice sword out of the guardian's body.

Unexpectedly, when the guard was about to die, he grabbed the blade exposed on his chest, and at the same time exerted strength with one arm, and let out a heart-piercing roar.

As a result, with the roar, Xue Li's ice sword also started to burn.

"Wow... ah..."

The guard grabbed the blade of the sword and shook his body violently. As a result, the snow particles were thrown out, unbiased, and hit Hao Qiang who had just fallen on the dirt wall.

Hao Qiang was already on the verge of death, but he almost fainted after being hit by Xue Li.Looking at the Frost Witch, she also had no strength. After knocking down Hao Qiang, she was also unable to move again.


In mid-air, Xue Li's icy magic sword had already disappeared into nothingness along with the raging fire. However, the guardian was already on the verge of dying after being so severely injured.

However, a dazzling golden light shot out from the wound on the guard's chest, and as the golden light continued to grow, the guard's body gradually became transparent.

A few seconds later, after the guardian's last scream, her whole body exploded, and a huge and violent fireball exploded.

Hao Qiang was so blinded by the dazzling light that he could barely open his eyes, while the flames of the explosion hit him and Xueli in the blink of an eye, and the violent shock wave caused them both to scream in agony.


Under the unprecedented violent flame explosion, all the black mayflies that were flying in the air fell into the lake.The earthen wall that Li Liya had used her magic power to prop up before also collapsed with the impact of the flames.

The earth wall collapsed, and Hao Qiang fell into the icy lake along with the snow particles.

At that moment, Hao Qiang's eyes were in chaos, and he was too seriously injured, so he couldn't see clearly at all.

In the chaos, the only thing he remembered was to find his captain Li Liya.Li Liya is about to die. If she is not saved quickly, she will definitely die!

Therefore, although Hao Qiang couldn't see clearly, his arms were still waving wildly in the water, delusional to find his captain.

Who knows, after he grabbed a few times, he really grabbed a cold and soft palm.Hao Qiang originally wanted to open his eyes to see, who is the person he caught?
However, he was seriously injured and dying, and he didn't even have the strength to open his eyelids.

At that time, Hao Qiang was already in a semi-comatose state, and his consciousness had gradually declined.In the confusion, he seemed to hear the voice of the system in his head, but he didn't know what it was.

Further down, Hao Qiang felt that he had entered an empty chaos.The entire body and consciousness have completely lost control, only some fragments of the past flashed through his mind.There are Xiaoxue's anger, flower demon's charm, Langhui's boldness, He Ziyan's handsomeness, and Princess Tasia's elegance...

Seeing these intoxicating faces, Hao Qiang stretched out his hands to grab them, but he couldn't.After an unknown amount of time, he seemed to hear the coughing sound of the system again, but this time his eyes still could not be opened, and no matter how much effort he exerted, he just couldn't wake up from this chaotic consciousness.

From then on, Hao Qiang felt that he was caught in some grotesque scenes again, some scenes like a dream, constantly switching from his mind like a lantern.

In it, there was his debauchery with a group of beauties after he raced the car; he was also in danger and fought bloody battles with his teammates; Ye Fei was slowly walking towards him...


Seeing Ye Fei's terrifying appearance, Hao Qiang couldn't help screaming.Unexpectedly, what was different from the past was that this time he actually called out.


A flash of lightning flashed before Hao Qiang's eyes, and he sat up suddenly in shock.

woohoo hoo...

Panting heavily, Hao Qiang looked in the direction of the lightning. The first thing he saw was a window without window frames and glass, and outside the window was darkness. In the darkness, there was heavy rain and thunder. ring.


There was another thunderstorm outside the window, and some raindrops poured in through the window under the gust of wind, making Hao Qiang's feet wet.

What... what's going on... I...

Looking at this scene, Hao Qiang felt as if he had lost his memory, and he couldn't remember anything for a while.The only thing he felt was that his hair was heavy, as if he had been poured with thousands of catties of lead, as if he could fall asleep in the blink of an eye.

At that moment, Hao Qiang was still unable to move his body. After a period of dizziness, he only felt his eyelids sink, and he was about to fall asleep again.

However, just when he was about to faint, the shout of a woman beside him made him suddenly open his eyes.


A woman shouted "Hot", threw Hao Qiang to the ground, and then climbed onto his body.

Hao Qiang originally wanted to see who this woman was, but after being overwhelmed by her, he felt his head became even more dizzy, and his vision was like a violently shaking camera. He couldn't see anything clearly except that the world was spinning.

Unexpectedly, after catching Hao Qiang, the woman pressed Hao Qiang's shoulder hard as if seeing a savior, and shouted impatiently:

"Help me, please help me, I'm so hot, I'm burning to death..."

Sure enough, in the chaos, Hao Qiang did feel the body of the woman pressing on him was very hot!Moreover, that kind of heat is not ordinary heat, it is so hot that it is about to burn, and Hao Qiang is unbearable.

"I'm hot, you have to save me..."

The woman yelled in a daze, while sticking her whole body on Hao Qiang.

There was a stabbing sound, which made Hao Qiang feel as if he had fallen into a burning boiler, and he screamed in pain.However, no matter how much he roared, his body just couldn't move.He could only lie on the ground like that, letting the woman tightly wrap himself around him.

Until this moment, Hao Qiang finally noticed two things.

The first one is that this woman's voice is very familiar, as if she has heard it somewhere before; and the second one is that this woman is not wearing clothes at all! ! !
(End of this chapter)

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