Treasure Master

Chapter 322 Inescapable Chaos

Chapter 322 Inescapable Chaos

History is always so strikingly similar. Back then, in the mission space of the murderous Jason Voorhees, Hao Qiang snatched the fruit of Amei's labor once in a crooked manner.

However, because of Amei's own mistakes, Hao Qiang was afraid that the storage ring would be snatched away by bad guys, so he used his soul blow arrow to get there first.

And this time, Hao Qiang also had some involuntary elements in it.If he had known that the Indians had already used the "Resurrection Card", I'm afraid he might not have acted so decisively.

Although Amei didn't know that Hao Qiang picked her up last time, but now she saw that the storage ring with more than 120 stars was left behind like this, how could she not be angry?Although Hao Qiang had been kind to her for saving her life, the hatred for taking the ring in front of her couldn't help making Amei angry.

Good on you, Hao Qiang. Amei stared at Hao Qiang coldly and cursed in her heart: I thought you were kind to me in saving my life, so I just saved my life for you, but now you have repaid your favor and robbed me. How can I let go of the fruits of victory...

In fact, Amei is not a bad person. Although her face is full of anger, it would be difficult for her to really fight Hao Qiang.Therefore, she just glared at Hao Qiang from a distance.

Hao Qiang naturally realized something here, and he was really embarrassed to get such a big deal.So, he wanted to explain to Amei, but who knows, when the Indian's ring was worn on his hand, the system in his brain had already heard the voice of authentication:

"Ahem... Congratulations, you have been upgraded. The current level is 205 stars. You will have two blue storage rings. The storage space of this ring is 100 times that of the red ring, and it can hold more treasures... reaching the blue ring After the level, you will be assigned to the next area of ​​the ultimate mission space, good luck!"

In an instant, Hao Qiang remembered Pu Longcheng and the Indian woman from before. They were brought here by the system after reaching the 100-star level.So...he is in this area right now, after reaching 100 stars, where will he be assigned?
While thinking about it, with a flash of golden light, Hao Qiang disappeared in place.

The next second, he suddenly realized that he had been taken to a new place by the system.This place is also surrounded by trees, and judging from the appearance of those plants, they don't seem to be much different from before.But without Ye Fei and A Mei, Hao Qiang was still not sure where he was.

Hao Qiang can't scream, since he has already left the place, then... what should Ye Fei do?
After being poisoned, Ye Fei was already in danger, surrounded by tigers and wolves, if she couldn't rush to her side at this moment, how would she have a chance of survival?

Looking at the endless forest around him, Hao Qiang was immediately annoyed.Blame yourself why didn't you think of this layer earlier?Even if you tell Amei loudly, asking her to help Ye Fei?


Hao Qiang suddenly became anxious and went back and forth.Seeing that the trees were not high, he thought about jumping to a higher place with all his might, so that he could take a closer look and see what it looked like here.
However, as he was preparing for a super jump, an explosion suddenly came from the dense forest on the left.


The sound resounded through the sky, the earth shook and the mountains shook, and a cloud of powerful thick smoke suddenly exploded in the distant sky. The thick smoke was also wrapped with eye-catching thunder and lightning, which looked very spectacular.

Hao Qiang's intuition was very sharp. As soon as the explosion happened, he immediately felt something was wrong, so he lowered his head and ran away.


Just when he suddenly lowered his head, there was another more violent explosion in the distance.Immediately afterwards, some huge tree wreckage, gravel and weeds all spewed and rolled over from the explosion.It felt like an atomic bomb went off.

The scope of the explosion was too large, and Hao Qiang had nowhere to hide. In desperation, he had no choice but to use the real dragon magic skill to resist.Unexpectedly, as soon as the real dragon magic power came out, a circle of green energy nets sprang up from his body, protecting Hao Qiang tightly inside.

As a result, after the fierce stones and trees hit, they were all easily bounced off by this protective net.Although this layer of protective net is not as wide as some magic barriers, it is almost the same when used.

This unexpected surprise also doubled Hao Qiang's confidence. After the potential of this magical skill was stimulated, Hao Qiang found that the true dragon magical skill was indeed full of stamina and unfathomable.

I remember that He Ziyan once said that when the "True Dragon Secrets" is learned to the highest level, the practitioner will have the body of a real dragon, not only the body is indestructible, but even the spirit can reach the indestructible Against the sky state.

It seems that I was absolutely right to choose this secret book in the first place. Maybe as I upgrade in the future, this True Dragon Magic will become even more powerful.

Now, the poison Hao Qiang had been poisoned by had already been forced out of his body by magic power. If he meets that Indian woman again, he is fully sure that he can get rid of her.

Of course, although the explosion in front of him could not hurt him, the impact it brought to Hao Qiang was self-evident.The explosion was extremely violent. After the explosion, the forest around Hao Qiang had been moved to the ground, and even a lot of soil on the ground was blown away.

Although Hao Qiang doesn't know exactly what happened, he can generally guess one, two, three.Presumably, the explosion should have been caused by some treasure hunters, maybe those treasure hunters fought together!

Looking at the scale of the explosion, it can be seen that none of them held back, and all of them used their ultimate nirvana.If it continues, this is destined to be an extremely tragic showdown.

No way... Hao Qiang's thoughts changed abruptly. He felt that in a battle of this scale, the levels of both sides should not be too low. It's too big, Hao Qiang thinks it's better not to get involved.What if we encounter a temporary combination or alliance again?

Therefore, right now, Hao Qiang has only one thought, and that is to find Ye Fei as soon as possible.The longer the time, the lower the probability of Ye Fei's survival.

After making up his mind, Hao Qiang immediately ran in the opposite direction of the explosion, trying to avoid the dispute far away.

Unexpectedly, less than [-] meters away from here, a gigantic rhino suddenly sprang up from the front of Hao Qiang.The rhino was seven or eight meters high, and it plunged into the forest on the other side like a hill. It looked like the rhino was fighting something.

Sure enough, after the rhinoceros plunged into the forest, there were sword lights and roars in the forest, and it was obvious that there was a big battle.Immediately afterwards, there was a muffled sound in the forest, and as the ground shook, an iceberg suddenly rose from the ground, throwing the huge rhinoceros far away.

Seeing this, Hao Qiang had no choice but to turn again.But just as he turned his head halfway, there was another earth-shattering explosion from a farther place. Hao Qiang peeked at it, and his face froze immediately.

Unexpectedly, a terrifying mushroom cloud really rose there!

(End of this chapter)

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