Treasure Master

Chapter 247 No one will give up

Chapter 247 No one will give up
The Indian Aja understood, but Li Xiaoyu's trident had already rushed in front of his eyes.

Don't look at Li Xiaoyu's petite body, but when the trident wielders up, he is majestic and powerful.I don't know where the trident is from, as soon as it fell down, countless white lights shot out from the body of the halberd, and they rushed straight towards the Indians.

Although the Indian was a 12-star master, he didn't dare to smash the trident, so he took out an antique giant sword and stepped forward to block it.

But at the same time, the golden bow and arrow in Amei's hand has also been shot.This bow and arrow was also extraordinary, after shooting the sharp arrow, flames rose from the body of the arrow and shot straight at the Indian's chest.

The Indian had a hard time parrying the heavy trident, but the golden bow and arrow couldn't dodge it anyway. At the critical moment, he had no choice but to summon a dark armor full of sharp horns.

As soon as the golden bow and arrow was shot, a ball of black gas burst out from the dark armor, and it was like a black hole, swallowing the golden bow and arrow.

"Giggle..." The Indian laughed strangely, stretched out his arms, and the giant sword disappeared, but a huge meteor full of spikes appeared out of nowhere.

He deftly threw the meteor, heading straight for Li Xiaoyu.Li Xiaoyu was furious, so he didn't dodge on the spot, and smashed the meteor with his trident.

There was a violent metal crash in the air.

At this time, with a loud roar, the Kuiba monster had already come in front of everyone, it flashed out of the pulse gate again, and shot bright lights at everyone.

Seeing this, Li Liya had no choice but to wave the round light blade against the enemy again, and at the same time shouted to Hao Qiang: "Let me resist the big boss first, you go with them, and kill the attackers as soon as possible!"

While speaking, Li Liya even winked at Hao Qiang.Hao Qiang immediately understood what Li Liya meant. She definitely wanted to ask Li Xiaoyu and A Mei to consume Ajia's combat power first, and then call Hao Qiang to take action when it was almost done!This not only preserves strength, but also avoids future troubles.

However, Hao Qiang is not the kind of person who is content to stand by and watch. Although he understands Li Liya's meaning, seeing the two women step forward, he naturally refuses to be left behind.

Therefore, Hao Qiang used a flying spell that he had stolen from others, and immediately grew wings on his back and flew into the air.Then, he took out a laser gun and waited for an opportunity to shoot a cold arrow, which also gave the Indian a taste of being attacked by someone.

Although the Indian has 12 stars, he is now one against three, and he has to dodge the golden bow and arrows and Hao Qiang's sneak attack. For a while, it is difficult to tell the difference between the two sides.

However, the Indian's dark armor is really powerful. The black energy seems to be able to swallow up everything in the universe. When Li Xiaoyu's trident hits, it is like hitting some kind of air. Nowhere to exert force.

Hao Qiang's laser bullets didn't do much either.So, Hao Qiang had no choice but to put away the laser gun and replace it with the omnipotent soul blowing arrow to deal with it.This time, the armor really didn't work. After Hao Qiang shot the arrow, a small explosion immediately occurred from the Indian's body, beating the Aja so loudly.

But... Although the soul blowing arrow is effective, it is impossible to rely on it to control the enemy and win.The Indian didn't use any cards, and with only 12-star strength, he was able to survive.


Got it!

Hao Qiang thought about it and immediately had an idea.Although this Indian is difficult to deal with, Hao Qiang and the others don't necessarily have to kill him?Now, as long as he followed the example and forced him into the beam of light, he could also be asked to leave this place, completely eliminating the hidden danger.

Thinking of this, Hao Qiang used the soul blowing arrow to shoot puff, forcing the Indian Aja towards one of the beams of light.

Indians are not stupid, and quickly saw Hao Qiang's intentions. Hao Qiang rushed into the air and shouted: "The boss of the system is really unfair. Since he sent me to guard the big boss, why did he send you such a large group of people here?" Attack? Isn't it obvious that you are playing with me?"

"Don't fool the three-year-old child!" Hao Qiang was not soft-spoken, and immediately shot several soul arrows in succession.

"I'm not very good at telling lies!" The Indian continued to fight Li Xiaoyu, "What I entered was not your 'kill' challenge, but another challenge called 'block'! I The purpose of this is to prevent anyone from hurting this darling, my big boss!

"Hey, guy who can use a neutron cannon, tell me, if it were you, what would you do? Would you rather give up your own life than stop those enemies?"

I see……

If the Indians are right, then this system is indeed insidious enough.Hao Qiang said in his heart, if he really encountered such a perverted challenge task, then he really didn't know what to do?
"Just imagine!" the Indian said, "if I can't complete my task, everything I get will be wiped out! Now I have finally changed from 3 rings to 12 rings. Tell me, I will Let it go?"

Hearing this, Hao Qiang's heart tightened. It seems that today's battle in the astrolabe will definitely be a deadly battle - a fierce battle!
As soon as the words were said, the Indian was about to fall into the shroud of the beam of light, but as the golden light flashed on his body, he disappeared suddenly!
At that time, Li Xiaoyu's trident was just about to hit it, but it didn't hit anything. It made a big hole in the ground with a bang!
"Be careful!" Hao Qiang just saw the doorway, but it was already too late.

Unexpectedly, the Indian actually used a "Teleportation Card" worth 3000 points each, and moved behind Li Xiaoyu.When Li Xiaoyu was unprepared, he unfolded the meteor in his hand, and smashed it on Li Xiaoyu's shoulder with a bang, and immediately threw Li Xiaoyu into the strong light.

As a result, as soon as Li Xiaoyu came into contact with the strong light, his body turned into nothingness and disappeared suddenly!
"Light rain!"

A Mei yelled, and quickly shot the golden bow and arrow, but it seemed that four or five arrows had been released just now, but because of time, the whole golden bow and arrow disappeared.

Coincidentally, when the last golden arrow was confiscated by the Indian's dark armor, the Indian's use time was also up. Although the armor was still there, the black devouring smoke could no longer be emitted!
At first glance, it seems that the two sides have returned to the same starting point, but don't forget that Hao Qiang has already lost another person.

"Hehehe...I have hundreds of ultimate killer weapons!" The Indian smiled sinisterly again, "Just now I just practiced with you! Next...the competition officially begins!"

(End of this chapter)

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