Treasure Master

Chapter 228 What else can I fight for?

Chapter 228 What else can I fight for?

No one expected that Saito had actually hid in the body of the giant beetle, and as soon as he appeared at this moment, he succeeded in sneak attacking on the spot.

Another treasure hunter dies, and the others catch a flash of gold on their radar.

Saito naturally didn't want to miss this reward, and reached out to touch the treasure hunter's body.However, Hao Qiang, who had already been on alert, rushed forward as quickly as possible. He originally wanted to rescue his companion, but when he saw that his companion was decapitated, he used Pushing Wind Palm as quickly as possible to blow the corpse away. It flew out out of thin air.

Saito saw the duck in his hand flying away, and after glaring at Hao Qiang, he immediately chased after the dead man. At the same time, a golden light flashed in his hand. It was obvious that he used the "Sucking Card" and wanted to get points from the air. .

At that time, Hao Qiang saw that he could not catch up, so he picked up the Soul Blow Dart, trying to touch the corpse first.Unexpectedly, as soon as he raised the blower, he suddenly discovered that the signal of the treasure hunter in his brain had already-disappeared!

No way?
So fast?
Hao Qiang was very annoyed, you know, if Saito Jing got 3 more rings, he would be a 20-star master!At that time, it is bound to be more difficult to deal with.

However, to Hao Qiang's surprise, as the signal disappeared, Saito Jing, who was covered in beetle mucus, also roared angrily:

Everyone looked up, but saw that there was no one else besides the corpse that had lost its signal, except for a large number of bug corpses.

So... who exactly got the treasure and points of the dead body?

"Yes Yes……"

Li Liya jumped up and came to Hao Qiang's side.

Following Li Liya's gaze, I saw the crew-cut man in superman costume walking over from the pile of bug corpses on the other side, and he was holding a bloody human head in his hand! !

In an instant, everyone understood.It seems that Xiaopingtou was lucky enough, when Saito Kei beheaded the treasure hunter, the head of the corpse flew right in front of Xiaopingtou, allowing him to pick up a big leak!
Now, there are 3 more rings on Xiaopingtou's hand, and he is actually a 7-star treasure hunter like Hao Qiang!

"You hateful, stupid, mediocre scum!!!" Seeing that the duck he cooked flew away, Saito yelled angrily.And following his anger, everyone discovered that this guy's body had undergone tremendous changes.

I saw his body began to emit golden light one after another, his body continued to grow bigger in the golden light, his muscles became tighter and tighter, and the most notable thing was that his hair turned into a kind of glowing hair. The crystals are normal, and there are some angular ones.

Because his body became too strong, the tense muscles suddenly tore his clothes to pieces, leaving only a pair of extremely elastic black panties inside.

"This...this can't be - Super Saiyan!?" Zhang Yaolong exclaimed.

When he said this, the others nodded one after another, and they all felt that Saito's appearance was indeed somewhat similar to the Super Saiyan in "Dragon Ball".

"It's broken! If it's as awesome as it says in the comics, this guy can blow up a planet with one fist!" Zhang Yaolong's eyes widened, "Isn't it so exaggerated!?"

Just as he was speaking, the transformed Saito immediately punched Xiaopingtou who had robbed him of his business.But seeing a dazzling golden light suddenly shot out from the top of his fist, the golden light crackled, like a kind of energy entity, and went straight to Xiaoping's head at lightning speed.

Xiaopingtou saw that it was not good, so he quickly magnified the brick in his hand thousands of times, forming a solid wall to resist.

However, Saito's laser fist was so strong and fierce, as soon as it hit the target, the hard brick exploded in the blink of an eye, and with a loud bang, Xiao Pingtou was immediately sent flying.

Seeing this, Hao Qiang immediately slapped Pushing Wind Palm, and Li Liya and others also attacked Saito Jing at the same time.

However, the transformed Saito didn't care about this, and started shooting at everyone with punches and punches.This kind of laser punch is fast and ruthless, and it can't be resisted at all. Immediately after it is shot, some treasure hunters can't resist it, and fly out backwards.

But after everyone's weapons hit Saito's body, it seemed that they hit some kind of defense net, and they couldn't hurt him at all.

Saito Jing's morale was high, and after leaping five or six meters into the air, he punched the ground.

As a result, with him as the center of the circle, a punch of fierce golden light burst out instantly, and the golden light spread rapidly radially, engulfing all the treasure hunters around in the blink of an eye with unparalleled power.

The treasure hunters couldn't compete with him at all. Even though they resorted to their own life-saving tricks, they still fell to the ground and vomited blood!
At that time, only Hao Qiang, Li Liya and a few higher-ranking people could barely block this fierce blow.However, these people also felt that their pulses were concussed and their vitality was seriously injured.

"a ha ha ha……"

Saito Jing became more and more crazy and smiled up to the sky: "Humble guys! Don't you understand the purpose of the treasure hunting system? It hopes that everyone can become stronger! Come on, my dear fellows, let's The fight has only officially begun!"

Then, after seeing that there were no Zerg attacks around, he laughed even more crazily:
"Did you see it? There are still 20 minutes before the end of the mission. Do you know why the system no longer sends enemies to attack us? That's because, it's time for us to kill each other! Don't take advantage of the time to earn more Ring, when will you wait, everyone? Hahaha..."

"Damn it!" Zhang Yaolong cursed, but he vomited blood again and again because of the heavy load, so he had to use the "Healing Card" for himself.

"He's a 17-star master, and with his own strength alone, he's far surpassed us!" Li Liya showed a bitter face, "If he uses ordinary card skills, he's already above our ace skills! And once Using the ace card, the consequences can be imagined! This... I am afraid it is not a problem that we can solve with a large number of people!"

"How about!" Zhang Yaolong sighed, "Let's run! Run as far as you can, even if you can't complete the task, at least you can save your life!?"

"No!" Hao Qiang shook his head, "In that case, there will always be someone who will become his food, which will make him stronger. Not only will we not be able to complete the mission, but many people will die! If we admit defeat now, we will lose everything. there is none left!"

"Then...then what should we do?" Everyone was very frustrated.

"For the current plan, we can only delay the time as much as possible!" Hao Qiang thought for a while and said, "As long as the time is up, we will all be free!"

"However, if this goes on like this, as long as the Super Saiyan punches us a few more times, we will all be reimbursed, so why delay?" Zhang Yaolong's eyes showed despair.

"What else can I do?" Hao Qiang glared at the arrogant Saito Jing viciously, and said, "Fight with the fucking little Japan!"

(End of this chapter)

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