Treasure Master

Chapter 195 My Flames Are Also Special

Chapter 195 My Flames Are Also Special
"Wait! It's not dawn yet, what's the rush?" Lian stretched out her waist and pulled Hao Qiang back onto the bed, "We've been tossing and tossing for a whole night, aren't we sleepy? Besides, I came a day earlier than you , I should be the one who is anxious, right?"

"No! If we catch up on sleep again, I'm afraid I will be assassinated by you, what should I do?" Hao Qiang said with a smile, obviously joking.

"Don't say it! I really have this idea!" Lian did not show weakness.

The two smiled at each other.

Lian Ze thought for a while and said, "Remind you, if you want to pass the level, this is a level designed for "Absolute Double Blade". Do you have Yanya?"

"Yes!" Hao Qiang nodded, "I defeated that Ka Suo, and the system gave it to me! Is this important?"

"Should be? I think there may be some things that can only be dealt with by flames in the level! Besides, this is just a trial ground after all," Lian said, "If we kill people with weapons, then That’s not so good! Flames are safer. By the way, yours, what is it?”

"Cough! Don't mention it, a broken iron rod!" Hao Qiang was furious when he thought of this.

"Oh? Come on, take it out and have a look!" Lian looked very expectant, and even threw off all the quilts.It turned out that in addition to the butterfly tattoo on the side of her neck, she also had a line of letters in an unknown language tattooed on her lower abdomen.

Hao Qiang swallowed first, then said "Don't make fun of me", and touched his chest with both hands.As the illusory astrolabe appeared impressively, the black iron pipe reappeared in Hao Qiang's hands.

"Here...that's it!"

Hao Qiang stretched out his hand to show Lian, but Lian didn't pick it up, and said, "I can't touch it. Only Triple Blades can touch each other's weapons. We haven't held a ceremony yet, so it's not official Triple Blades!"

"Oh... It seems that you know the plot of this cartoon better?"

"Of course, I've watched all 12 episodes. The girls in it are all bigger here!" Lian pointed to her chest.

Hao Qiang stuck out his tongue, trying to put the iron pipe away.But Lian told him, you might as well blow on the iron pipe, but don't blow on me!
"You mean..."

Hao Qiang seemed to understand what Lian meant, and immediately blew the iron pipe on the sofa.As a result, a black shadow shot out from the iron pipe immediately, and shot through the thick sofa back at an extremely fast speed.

Immediately, a large ball of swirling cotton wool popped out from the back of the sofa, and when I looked again, it was shot through a big hole!
It turned out to be a blowgun!

Hao Qiang let out a cry of surprise, and looked at the iron pipe, but it was empty inside.

"I'll just say it!" Lian said proudly, "In "Absolute Double Blades", except for the protagonist, everyone's fangs are offensive weapons! It's impossible to just give you an iron rod!"

"But, where did the blowing arrow just come from?"

After Hao Qiang asked, he blew an arrow towards the wall, and the black shadow immediately shot out a small hole in the wall, but there was nothing in the hole, as if he had been shot by compressed air!

"Soul Blowing Arrow!" Lian exclaimed, "What you got is not a simple weapon! I really don't know what else can be shot from it after upgrading?"

"Oh...can it still be upgraded?" Hao Qiang weighed the blowpiece, and his mood immediately improved a lot, "Oh...right! What about you? Do you have Yanya?"

Lian nodded and said, "Yes! When I was practicing fighting with those anime characters, I also defeated a person! I also got the flame card like you!"

"Then... what is your flaming tooth?" Hao Qiang seemed impatient, "Take it out and have a look!"

"It seems to be no problem, but..." Lian's expression was a little complicated, "My flaming teeth... are more special than yours!"

"What?" The more he said this, the more Hao Qiang looked forward to it.

As a result, after Lian also summoned the flaming teeth from the astrolabe on his chest, Hao Qiang raised his head suddenly, and couldn't help but exclaim in his mouth: "I'm so big! So big?"

But what he saw in Lian's hand was an oversized electric saw! ! !
The gears of the chainsaw are shining, and they are quite sharp at first glance.

"The advantage of this chainsaw is that it does not use electricity, but uses the power of the soul to move it. The speed is all under my control!"

The chainsaw was so big that Lian had to stand up from the bed.Her snow-white carcass, delicate body, plus such a huge chainsaw, really made Hao Qiang dumbfounded.

"I'd better not use it to show you! It's too loud, don't wake everyone up!" Lian said, and slowly put away the chainsaw.

Hao Qiang naturally took the blowgun back.

In this way, the two people who were in high spirits no longer had the mood to rest.After taking a shower together and having a full meal with the food in each other's storage spaces, they walked towards the trial level together.

The trial level is on the fourth floor underground. Since it is an underwater world, there is no such thing as day and night here. The trial level is basically open around the clock.Trialists can participate in the trial at any time. If they succeed, they can advance to a level; if they fail, they will be sent back to the starting point.

As early as yesterday, Hao Qiang, who had been prepared for a long time, had already figured out the situation of this trial level.Hei Ba, the squad leader who has passed three levels, said that the first level here is called Fengyue Bridge.It is necessary for the tester to jump forward and break out of the checkpoint on the constantly moving ground.And there will be a strong wind blowing in the level. Once you stumble and fall, you will fail.

After tidying up their equipment, Hao Qiang and Lian looked at each other. Whether it is a future treasure hunting partner or a current double-edged sword, the first cooperation between the two is already in front of them.

Opening the gate of the trial level, the two came to a corridor about [-] meters long and [-] meters wide.Because it is specially designed for tripping double blades, only two people are allowed to enter each trial level at the same time.

When they stood still, the door behind them closed.The ground in front of me also collapsed, and when I looked down, it turned out to be bottomless, so scary!

Then, a strong wind began to blow from the wall of the corridor, making the two of them a little unsteady.When he looked up again, he saw suspended square tile floors moving continuously from the left and right sides on the ground. Each floor was only one foot square.

"I have the "Light Kung Fu Card" and I have ninja protective gear on me. I should have no problem passing this level! What about you?"

Hao Qiang asked Lian.Lian said that she has the "Dengping Wading Technique" rewarded by the system, which is transformed from a level 5 martial arts secret book, so it should be fine!
"Then... let's go?" Hao Qiang asked, Lian stretched out her hand and clapped hands with Hao Qiang.

Then, the two, one on the left and one on the right, began to break through the barrier.

In fact, Hao Qiang didn't use the card, he just wore the ninja protective gear.He wanted to see how much his strength had improved since he had two storage rings?If you can't support it, it's not too late to use lightness kung fu!
As a result, it was not too different from what he had expected. Relying on his own strength, he could easily jump and run from the high-speed moving bricks without much difficulty.

Looking at Lian again, the Level 5 Lightness Kung Fu card is amazing, her feet are extremely light, as if she has escaped the gravity of the earth.In the meantime, in order to be able to catch up with Hao Qiang, she even vacated into the air, leaping over more than ten square bricks in one breath.

At first, Hao Qiang was able to handle it completely, but as he got to the end of the corridor, the wind became stronger and the floor moved faster and faster!
At this time, Hao Qiang, who didn't use the card, seemed to be struggling, his speed suddenly slowed down a lot, and there were several dangerous situations.

However, Lian's speed did not decrease at all. It didn't take long for her to jump over to the end of the corridor and reach the end safely.

Hao Qiang suddenly saw that the difficulty was increasing, so he thought it would be safer to use the Qinggong card.Unexpectedly, with the flash of golden light on Lian's hand, a super long chain appeared in an instant.

I didn't see much movement from Lian, but the chain seemed to have eyes, and immediately flew over and wrapped around Hao Qiang's arm.

As the chain was quickly retrieved, Hao Qiang landed beside Lian like flying.

"No way? Saint Seiya? Ah Shun?" Hao Qiang looked at the chain and asked, "Is this the legendary - Nebula Chain!?"

(End of this chapter)

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