Treasure Master

Chapter 156 I Can Give You Even More

Chapter 156 I Can Give You Even More
The day when Hao Qiang returned to Princess Tasia with the Stone of Life was forever recorded in the history of the City of Life.That day also became the first year of the Apocalypse in the City of New Life.

As the sole heir to the throne, Princess Astasia officially became the king of the city of new life.

On that day, people stood on the ruins of the ancient city and held a grand founding ceremony.The princess took over the long-awaited stone of life from Hao Qiang's hands, and placed this stone representing endless life on a high altar.

The Stone of Life is dazzling and radiant. Under its light, green leaves sprout and everything revives. A dead city of ruins has bred new vitality.

Under the radiance, Princess Tasia is also radiant, regaining her youth, and finally restored the appearance when Hao Qiang met her back then.

Hao Qiang, who is the God of War of Pixiu, has contributed a lot and was named the number one God of War in the City of Life by the princess.So far, after more than 100 years, the princess finally fulfilled her promise and kissed Hao Qiang's forehead in front of everyone.

After the kiss, the crowd cheered.Everyone was in high spirits and vowed to build the city of life more magnificent and beautiful than before!
After the ceremony, the princess hastily led Hao Qiang into her temporary camp, saying that she was discussing state affairs, but in fact she was having a good time with each other.

The princess who has regained her youthful vitality is as young and beautiful as she was back then.The two asked each other many ambiguous topics, just like a young couple falling in love for the first time.

What the princess is most worried about is of course Hao Qiang's time travel problem, worrying that it will be a long time to wait for him to go.

Hao Qiang hurriedly told her that he had tried many times to eliminate the berserkers and that a similar situation would never happen again.As he said that, he even crossed over once on the spot and made a demonstration, so the princess was relieved.

Hao Qiang said that from now on, he will come back to visit the princess every now and then, and at the same time bring some necessities such as food to her people.Besides, the space flying beast only listened to his greetings, so he had to come over and inspect it more often no matter what.

The two chatted for a long time. Due to time constraints, Hao Qiang couldn't stay any longer, and finally had to reluctantly say goodbye to the princess again.

Before leaving, the princess hugged him tightly and said to him: "I don't know how to thank you! You saved my homeland!"

Hao Qiang stroked the soft back of the princess, and said: "The City of Life is also my home, and we will be a family from now on, so there is no need to be polite to me anymore. It is my duty to protect the City of Life. Besides, , I'm still waiting for what you said, so don't kiss in front of outsiders!"

The princess felt shy and said, "This is simple, I can give it to you now!"

Hao Qiang licked his face and moved his mouth to meet him, but the princess only pressed his lips lightly with her fingers, and said: "Look at your performance, if you call me the princess, oh... no, I am satisfied with the king. If so, maybe I can give you more than just kisses!"

"Really?" Hao Qiang's eyes widened, "Then... it's a deal!?"

"It's a deal!" The princess nodded affectionately.

Hao Qiang stuck out his tongue mischievously at her, and finally clicked to travel and returned to his wine cellar.

After he came back, the words of the princess had to make him dreamy and intoxicated.After being drunk for a long time, he finally realized that he still had a lot of things to deal with!
At this time, there are only two days left before the final time for him to start the next round of missions.This task is no small matter, in order to better complete the task, he must work hard.

The new round of tasks given to him by the system is to complete a "challenge"!
Before, Hao Qiang had read the details about the "challenge" in detail. This thing is equivalent to a dungeon. After completion, although the system cannot be upgraded, it can get rich rewards.

The task description given by the system is to choose a "challenge" task at random. After completing it, in addition to getting all the rewards of the "challenge", you can also upgrade the system again and get system points and material rewards.

And similarly, if the mission fails, you will also receive double punishment.

This time, for Hao Qiang, it was really a "challenge" worthy of the name!He carefully looked at those challenge tasks, and the requirements of each challenge were extremely demanding, and no mistakes could be tolerated.

The system said that you can choose any one of them, but Hao Qiang needs to think carefully about which one to choose.

At this time, more than ten days have passed since Hao Qiang finished eating the ice cream of the flower demon last time.As soon as Hao Qiang came back, in addition to preparing for the next round of tasks, he also had to deal with some household matters.

Fortunately, he has two capable assistants, Hua Yao Meier and Xiaoxue.

The butler of the flower demon has managed his mansion in an orderly and impressive manner.And Xiaoxue is also building his super Internet cafe in full swing, so he doesn't have to worry about it at all!

However, in order to make some contributions to the City of Life, Hao Qiang went to his housekeeper, the flower demon, and asked her to buy more grains like rice and noodles, preferably to fill up the wine cellar.

After receiving Hao Qiang's order, although Mei'er didn't quite understand it, she still followed it and got there quickly.Hao Qiang also sent them to Princess Tasia in batches.

Otherwise, good people will be rewarded!Before Hao Qiang's mission started, his kind deeds were rewarded generously.

That night, Ma Dajun called him.

On the phone, the old man couldn't hide his excitement and told him that the results of the stones he took for identification came out!That is actually a kind of crystal that has never appeared on the earth. If it is really going to be auctioned, it will definitely be a priceless treasure!Maybe, one would cost over [-] million!

After Hao Qiang heard this, he couldn't help being excited.He knew that those crystals were just ordinary currency in the city of life, but he didn't expect that they were so valuable on earth.Immediately, he told Ma Dajun to be the same as before, and just wait for the sale.

Ma Dajun's voice trembled on the phone, and he said that if more than a dozen crystals were auctioned off, he would be able to get almost [-] million yuan in commission alone!

"Old man, [-] million is nothing? Don't be so poor!" Hao Qiang was worried that he would have another cerebral hemorrhage, so he hurriedly nodded, "I still have some good things waiting for you here! Don't worry about it." Xiao Qianer is so happy, can you be more professional? I will hire you as my professional agent later on!"

Hearing Hao Qiang's tone of voice, Ma Dajun was stunned, and began to ask again, "Are you really Hao Qiang?"

After hanging up Ma Dajun's phone call, Hao Qiang did two more things: one was to go back to Wanyao Kingdom to visit Langhui; the other was to contact the author of "Wind and Thunder Shake Kyushu".

No way, who told Hao Qiang to show mercy?In addition to Princess Tasia, there are two beauties here, waiting for him!

(End of this chapter)

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