Treasure Master

Chapter 143 The Crazy Avenger

Chapter 143 The Crazy Avenger

After Hao Qiang clicked on the forging card, he put the two cards together.

The system immediately gave a prompt, saying that the attributes of these two cards match 60.00%, but due to the low level, the success rate of forging is 90.00%!
However, the system also gave a suggestion, that is, the current hit rate of "Precise Card" is only 50.00%, if you want to forge a good effect, you need to strengthen "Precise Card" to the third level.It costs 300 points to strengthen points.


Although the bullets were roaring in front of him, Hao Qiang felt that this combination was very fresh, so he did not hesitate to spend 300 points and clicked OK.

After strengthening the "Precision Card" three times, the card's hit rate has increased to 80.00%, which can be a quite high data.

Next, Hao Qiang continued to try to forge the two cards together.During this time, many bullets fell on his body. Fortunately, the Pixiu God Armor was strong enough to ensure his safety.

At this time, since the "Precise Card" has been strengthened to a certain level, the points consumed for forging have also increased accordingly, and even the success rate has dropped by several points.

However, Hao Qiang had already made up his mind, so he didn't have time to think too much, and immediately clicked the forging button to combine the two cards together.

Soon, the system reminded him that the forging had been successful, and he could use this "Firearms Use Encyclopedia + Accuracy" card!
So, Hao Qiang didn't hesitate anymore, and immediately clicked on this brand new forging card, and used it on himself.

As the golden light flashed, Hao Qiang felt all kinds of gun information appear in his mind, not only how to use it, but even the principle structure, and whether there are bullets.

After using it, the system reminded him that after forging, the usage time of this card was shortened from the original 10 days to 5 days, and the freezing time was correspondingly extended.

However, for Hao Qiang, this time is obviously not very important.He really wants to try it now, to see how effective this forged card is?

So, as soon as he stretched out his hand, he casually took out a gun with a thick barrel from the space.

As a result, as soon as the gun was in his hands, a piece of information about this gun appeared in his mind at once.It turned out that this kind of gun is called a shock gun, and the shock bullets fired can make enemies within a certain range lose their combat capabilities in a short period of time.

In addition to how to use it, Hao Qiang also quickly found out that there were still 4 blast bullets left in the gun.

At this time, Hao Qiang was blocked at the bottom of a huge spaceship.Through the gap, he could see that the enemies in the distance happened to outflank him from four directions.Moreover, these four waves of people are all fully fired, full of ferocity.

Hao Qiang observed the terrain and found a turbine-shaped hole five or six meters above his head, from where he could launch a counterattack against the enemy.

So, he jumped with both feet and rushed upwards.

After he came to the cave, the card of "Complete Use of Firearms + Accuracy" finally showed its effect.Hao Qiang didn't even aim, and with a random shot, he accurately hit a shock bomb into one of the enemies.

As a result, the shock bomb exploded in an instant, shooting out a circle of blue lightning like ripples, and the berserkers who were electrocuted all trembled and fell down as if they were electrocuted.

As soon as the others saw it, they immediately turned their guns and shot towards the turbine-shaped hole, while Hao Qiang had already rushed out from the side, and at the same time another blast bomb hit another group of enemies.

After Hao Qiang landed from the air, the other two blast bombs were fired at the right time, accurately hitting the remaining two groups of enemies.

Looking up, the berserkers who seemed to have an overwhelming advantage just now all fell down in the blink of an eye!
At that moment, Hao Qiang even had the feeling that he was Keanu Reeves in The Matrix.

However, although this shock bomb is powerful, it can only temporarily incapacitate the enemy.Because the berserkers were physically strong, they were only knocked down to the ground, but they didn't lose their will.In a few seconds, someone stood up again and drew their guns to aim.

Naturally, Hao Qiang absolutely could not miss this golden opportunity. Relying on the super fast speed of the Pixiu battle armor, he immediately rushed into the crowd, unleashed the level 5 sword, and immediately killed a blood spatter, leaving a dead body!
More than a dozen berserkers were killed by Hao Qiang just like that!
After killing them, the guns and ammunition in their hands that could be recognized as treasures by the system were immediately sucked away by Hao Qiang's "Sucking Card" and belonged to Hao Qiang.

After killing the airport side, Hao Qiang quickly bypassed several spaceships and several huge flying beasts, and then rushed along a long corridor towards the depths of the Berserker's base camp.

Hao Qiang's revenge this time did not have any clear plan.He only thought about revenge, so naturally he would kill wherever he went!
At that time, after he had killed a few stragglers in the corridor, a message was suddenly received on his watch-shaped receiver.When I opened it, it turned out to be an all-round topographic map of the entire Berserker base camp, marked in great detail.With just one glance, Hao Qiang saw the location of the enemy's final lair.

Needless to say, it must have been sent to him by friends of "Guardians of the Galaxy" after they deciphered it. Hao Qiang couldn't help being moved, and said in his heart, okay, enough buddies!
With this map, he can naturally see this place more clearly.In this case, he no longer detoured, and went directly to the rear lair of the berserker.

Of course, the berserkers are not lambs to be slaughtered. Since Hao Qiang can get the map, those berserkers can also know the specific location of Hao Qiang.

After the initial chaos, the berserkers also began to move quickly in small groups, all of them surrounded Hao Qiang in the direction of Hao Qiang.

No, when Hao Qiang walked through the corridor and came to the square at the main entrance of the city, he soon ran into an army of berserkers gathering there!
At first glance, there are five or sixty people on the other side!And all of them are tall and big, with a burly body.The weapons in their hands are also varied, including primitive giant axes and advanced laser guns, which look very different.

As soon as Hao Qiang saw their evil appearance, he couldn't get angry at all!Before the other party could react, he immediately jumped into the ranks of the berserkers!

Because the distance was too close, those berserkers were afraid of throwing rats, fearing to hurt their companions, so they didn't dare to use guns much, and they all changed to slashing with giant axes and punching attacks.

However, Hao Qiang has no worries and can shoot as he pleases.

At this moment, he was holding a powerful shotgun in one hand and holding a level 5 sword tightly in the other hand.Coupled with the gun card and the Tantric Bagua knife card, the real combination of the sword and gun is watertight.

After joining the battle group, he rushed left and right, striking with swords and guns, and quickly killed more than a dozen berserkers.

However, these berserkers are indeed much more powerful than the Kunjia soldiers, as if they don’t feel pain, many guys whose arms have been cut off by Hao Qiang are still fighting wildly with weapons, Hao Qiang has to make up for it It took several knives to kill them.

In the end, his level 5 short knife actually slashed Rendu! (It’s a great event to drop pie in the sky, cool mobile phones are waiting for you! Follow up~click/Chinese official account (add friends on WeChat-add official account-enter qdread), and participate immediately! Everyone has a prize, now immediately Pay attention to qdread WeChat official account!)

(End of this chapter)

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