Treasure Master

Chapter 128 If you get a treasure

Chapter 128 If you get a treasure
When Hao Qiang came back from completing the mission this time, he was thinking about how to save Langhui and others from Wanyao Island.Who would have thought that such a big flower demon would appear on the way and completely disrupt his plan at once.

At first, Hao Qiang thought that if he used the "Taming Card" for the flower demon and told her to obey her advice, everything would be fine.Unexpectedly, this flower demon is obedient, but she comes from another dimension after all, and she knows nothing about this world, not even some basic common sense of life.

In addition, she made big oolongs one after another, which made Hao Qiang even more nervous, as if he was sitting on pins and needles, afraid that this flower demon would cause some trouble again?If so-and-so's life was accidentally killed, then he would be completely unable to eat and walk away!
Because of this, in the last few days, Hao Qiang hardly dared to relax for a moment, except for taking a bath, going to sleep and going to the toilet, he always accompanied the flower demon lady all the time.

Of course, when he was with her, he also kept explaining to her the general situation and rules of the world, especially reminding her that killing people is against the law!

However, what surprised Hao Qiang was that the learning ability of this flower demon lady was far beyond his imagination. As long as Hao Qiang said, she could remember everything accurately and accurately.In terms of memory ability and comprehension ability, it is far beyond ordinary people.

In view of this, Hao Qiang came up with an idea, and tentatively showed her a book about cooking.As a result, after reading it, Meier was able to make some delicious meals very quickly, and the taste was quite authentic.

This time, Hao Qiang finally found a way. He simply bought a lot of life encyclopedia books for her to read, especially some books on etiquette and "How to Be a Good Housekeeper".

Meier's reading speed is also very fast, and she can finish a book in less than half an hour, and she almost has a photographic memory and mastery.

In just a few days, this flower demon lady has made rapid progress. She is proficient in garden repairing, cleaning, housekeeping, purchasing goods, etc., and quickly put this huge manor villa in order.He really has the appearance of a senior butler!

At the same time, her social communication ability is also growing exponentially. Take shopping as an example, from the first time to go out to purchase, then to make phone calls to deliver the goods to the door, and then to the proficient online shopping, all of them can be learned in one go .Even, she even learned how to make a price.

What's even more amazing is that this flower demon can confuse people's hearts. When she goes shopping, if she winks a little, those sellers would like to give her the things for free. How can anyone fool her?
At first, the two Tubiliang tigers raised by Hao Qiang were rebellious, and they only listened to Hao Qiang and Xiaoxue on weekdays. When they saw the flower demon queen, they naturally roared fiercely at her.

In the end, Mei'er just stared at them fiercely, and the two tigers were too frightened to say anything.From then on, every time I saw Meier, she would pretend to be cute, which made Hao Qiang very surprised.

In this way, a butler of the flower demon who can completely dominate the family was finally born!

Because of being under the same roof, Xiaoxue also gradually changed her opinion of this super capable butler Meier, and even began to gradually believe that she was really a professional hired by Hao Qiang with a high salary.

Of course, Meier is not perfect. As a flower demon, she loves beauty very much. Whenever she has free time every day, she will put on makeup and draw eyebrows. She always likes to dress herself up beautifully.

Moreover, she is very fascinated by the cosmetics and clothing in this world. Once she has money, she will buy this and that from the Internet. Sometimes when the money is not enough, she even learns to withhold public funds!
Of course, Hao Qiang, who is not short of money, just turned a blind eye to this. As long as she doesn't go out and cause trouble, I will be very happy!What's more, he is still a competent housekeeper!
After that, Hao Qiang also asked someone to find a relationship, trying to get Meier a legal identity.Otherwise, he will always be suspected of human trafficking.

The matter of the flower demon was finally settled, and nearly a week had passed.

During this period, his plan for a super Internet cafe was also proceeding step by step. At this time, he had already paid the homeowners and bought all the several pieces of land near the Internet cafe.

Next comes the construction phase.Xiaoxue has already found a suitable construction company and managed the relevant departments. Now that the negotiation is successful, the construction can start.


Hao Qiang finally heaved a sigh of relief. Now that there is Meier in the family and Xiaoxue in the company, he can continue his treasure hunting career again.

Of course, for the sake of my promise, the most important thing now is to rescue Langhui and the others from Wan Yao Island.

In the past few days, Hao Qiang went back to Langhui several times.

Just as he imagined, after the initial excitement, Langhui was bored and lazy every day, and had already developed a feeling of boredom.I hope that Hao Qiang can visit her every day, and I have nothing else to think about.

Hao Qiang knew that when Langhui and the others got to that kind of place where they had no desires and no desires, all their will would be exhausted sooner or later.For example, Langhui himself, when Hao Qiang visited her, the smear of paint in the corner of her eyes had disappeared, and her whole eyes were no longer shining like before.

Therefore, while Hao Qiang continued to enlighten her, he also brought her some pleasant entertainment such as mahjong tiles and football, hoping that she would cheer up.Fortunately, everyone is bored, and they are really interested in these new things, and the negative situation has gradually eased.

After returning, Hao Qiang felt that he had to think of a way!How can we send them out safely?
Of course, he had checked with Meier about the situation of Wan Yao Island in detail, but the information Meier knew was very limited.She said that since she was born, she hadn't even stepped out of the flower forest.On weekdays, she and her flower demon sisters know how to dress up, and never think about other things.

Hao Qiang is depressed, they are all a bunch of coquettish housewives!I don't know how to dress up so beautifully, but who to show them to?

It seems that if you want to save Langhui and others, you have to figure out a way yourself!
Hao Qiang felt that the three roads mentioned by the locals were unreliable.If you want to go out, there is only one safest way, and that is - to fly out!

Of course, relying on the "Flying Card" to simply fly out is definitely not enough, because don't forget that there are many flying monsters on Wan Yao Island, except for the bat sunflower and the silk-spinning eagle, there is also the only monster Fire-breathing Phoenix!If you encounter them in the air, you will definitely end up in the same way.

Therefore, Hao Qiang felt that the safest way was to find a flying tool, preferably one with a weapon, so that he wouldn't be afraid of those monsters?

But where on earth can we find such a handy aircraft?


Why don't I ask--her! ?
(End of this chapter)

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