Treasure Master

Chapter 116 Are They All Guardians?

Chapter 116 Are They All Guardians?
After running all the way, Hao Qiang and Lang Hui lost their way again and could no longer find the seaside! ?
Hao Qiang gradually slowed down the speed of the motorcycle and looked around, but there were tall and gloomy trees everywhere.These unnamed trees are all black, and there are also some hairy things growing on them, which makes people feel sick when they look at them.

There is a layer of fungus-shaped black moss on the ground, which is also uncomfortable to look at.

"Mr. Hao!" said Langhui who was close to Hao Qiang's chest, "I remember that this black forest is far away from the sea, I'm afraid we have already gone to the depths of the Wan Yao Kingdom!"

Langhui was riding upside down on the front seat of the motorcycle, and at the moment he and Hao Qiang were inseparable. If she hadn't tilted her head a little while talking, their faces would have been pressed tightly together.

Langhui's body was soft and elastic, and he was so close to him that Hao Qiang couldn't help feeling a little distracted.

"I'm convinced!" Hao Qiang retracted his thoughts and sighed while driving the motorcycle seriously, "This Wan Yao Kingdom is really a place where no one can get out alive. There are so many strange monsters on the beach alone. I don't know When we reach the depths of the island, what kind of moths will fly out?"

"Moth?" Langhui obviously didn't understand what it meant, but he continued to say what Hao Qiang said, "I have heard of the evil name of this Ten Thousand Demon Kingdom since I was a child, and the ships passing by on the sea are also famous. Now, I seem to be able to see that the monsters on this island are ferocious, they don’t seem to want us who come from outside to get close at all! Just like those big cats, they know they can’t beat us, but they still want to welcome us. Come up to die? It looks... like..."

Lang Hui didn't know how to describe it for a moment, and there was some hesitation in his words.

"Yes! I understand what you mean!" Before this, Hao Qiang had already discovered this problem.According to the routines in general movies and novels, when the monsters on these islands see strangers, they usually have to test them out.Moreover, when a high-level monster makes a move, other low-level monsters should retreat and avoid it.

But when Hao Qiang and the others arrived, all the creatures here immediately attacked in groups, regardless of their level, without sparing any effort.

From the looks of it, it seems more like they want to protect or guard something!
Hao Qiang expressed his opinion, and Langhui also agreed, and at the same time told Hao Qiang again, saying that there was an extremely wealthy country on the Wanyao Island in the Wanyao Kingdom. It is said that after that country died, the island There are countless treasures on it.

"Could it be...these monsters are all to protect those treasures?" Langhui thought, his big eyes flickering, his thick eyelashes raised and lowered, very attractive.

Let’s not talk about whether there are treasures on this island. For Hao Qiang, the thousands of monsters here are already his treasures.If one day his strength can be higher, then he can definitely take away a lot of points by taking a walk in the Ten Thousand Demon Kingdom.

"Mr. Hao!" Langhui didn't know whether it was tired or on purpose, but he stretched out his arms, hugged Hao Qiang tightly, and tilted his head on his shoulder and said, "Can you call our current magic weapon?" , fly higher? Let's fly up quickly and get out of here!"

"My captain!" Hao Qiang rubbed his shoulders on the opponent's shoulders as if enjoying himself, and said, "If I can fly out, do I need you to remind me? Do you think I am very happy to play here? "

"Then do you have any other magic weapons?" Lang Hui added, "I think if we don't think of a way, we will definitely not be able to get out! I'm afraid we won't even be able to make it until dark!"

"Don't be afraid!" Seeing that the female captain was frustrated, Hao Qiang comforted him, "No matter what, I will definitely make sure nothing happens to you! It's rare that you don't let me bind your feet and prick your ears!"

"En!" Hearing this, Langhui plunged his head into Hao Qiang's shoulder with red eyes, pressed his lips against Hao Qiang's clothes and said, "Don't...don't leave me!"

After saying that, she buried her head deeper, and hugged her arms tighter.

Well... don't worry!
Hao Qiang said in his heart, I would rather die than leave you behind!

The motorcycle was still sticking to the ground, moving forward in the dark forest.The surroundings are completely silent, as if the super giant monster that appeared on the beach just now has nothing to do with this place.

Hao Qiang was still wondering, was it because the appearance of the giant monster scared away all the little monsters here?Or is it because there are many monsters on the outside of Ten Thousand Monster Island, but once they get to the inside of the island, they are not so powerful?

So, Hao Qiang looked towards the radar in his mind.Since the radar can sense biological treasures below level 8, Hao Qiang now has the most ready-made distribution map of the monsters on Wanyao Island, and it is real-time and updated every moment.

As a result, Hao Qiang only glanced at the radar, and his head suddenly grew bigger!

He discovered that at this very moment, there were unexpectedly a large number of shining signals coming towards him and Langhui from all directions at an extremely fast speed.At first glance, there are thousands of them!This does not include those that were not captured by the radar, and creatures over level 8, etc.

Not so exaggerated?

Hao Qiang immediately became nervous, but seeing that the level of these signals may be high or low, and the speed may be fast or slow, but their central targets are all highly consistent, that is, Hao Qiang and Langhui!
Hao Qiang even wondered if there were any radar sensing devices on these creatures. How could they all be able to sense them accurately no matter where Hao Qiang went?
As a result, the situation is hundreds of times worse than what Hao Qiang imagined before!Just imagine, with so many monsters coming one after another, how long can they last?
If the tank is still in hand, Hao Qiang may still have a chance of winning, but now that the tank is gone, can he still withstand it with those cards alone?

Of course, in order not to make Langhui despair, Hao Qiang did not tell her these situations, but turned his brains sharply and actively looked for countermeasures.

Faced with the attack of so many monsters, he naturally cannot choose to fight head-on. Instead, he should rely on the motorcycle under his crotch to deal with them.

So, where should you drive your motorcycle?
Undoubtedly, of course, they opened towards the places with the least signal of monsters?
When he thought of this idea, he immediately looked for it on the radar.Unexpectedly, he found such a suitable place quickly.

It was a circular area, at least six to seven kilometers in area!In such a large area, there is only a dense circle of level 1 and level 2 signals on the periphery, and there is no signal in the center.

Looking at the entire radar, this area without biological signals is very obvious, and the distance from him is not too far.

Of course, Hao Qiang knew very well in his heart that the place he found either had no monsters, or there was a huge monster like the giant giant monster, which was so big that he couldn't even recognize it with his radar.

Now that things have happened, Hao Qiang has no other choice but to try his luck!So, as soon as he turned the direction, he rode his motorcycle and rushed there.

(End of this chapter)

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