The Great Demon King

Chapter 91 Form a good relationship

Chapter 91 Form a good relationship
Jian Ni finally moved into Qian Song's house.

Originally, Nick Fury (Taros) planned to take care of Captain America and Natasha's face and withdraw Janey.

But the two chipmunks (Skrulls) who sneaked into Qian Song's house have not been heard from. Talos is very anxious, so he doesn't rush to withdraw Jane. Are there any chipmunks, and if so, how are the chipmunks doing?

Of course, it was impossible for Talos to tell Jane the true identities of the two chipmunks. In fact, no one in the entire S.H.I.E.L.D.


The living room of Qian Song's house.

Dragging the suitcase, Jian Ni stared at Qian Song, who was lying on the sofa with the cat in his arms, swinging his legs and feet, her eyes widened, and she was too angry to speak.

Her car was loosened by money until it was scrapped.

Natasha later called her privately to say that her car had been towed away and was so damaged it was no longer worth repairing—three times the price of the used car, That's a fart.

This second-hand Ford Mustang V6 cost her a full $6500, which is not cheap for a novice special agent like her who has no habit of saving money.

According to what Qian Song said, with a daily accommodation fee of 250 US dollars, 6500 US dollars is enough for her to stay here for 26 days.

Fortunately, when she bought the car, she had complete procedures and insurance, and with her background in S.H.I.E.L.D., she believed that the claim would be settled soon.

Qian Song saw that Jian Ni was angry like a puffer fish, and couldn't help laughing: "Okay, I'm sorry for ruining your car, and I don't want to. What about a big monster suddenly appearing? Well, in order to compensate you, I decided to reduce your rent... Well, then I will charge you 200 dollars a day."

Listen, is this human?

Scrapping the girl's car, not only not losing money, but continuing to collect money, this is no one.

"Crash into a big monster? Do you think I'm an idiot?" Janey rolled her eyes and said, although she already understood what happened, she knew that her car had indeed hit a monster, but she couldn't show any An expression of knowing, otherwise wouldn't it be revealing?
"Believe it or not is up to you." Qian Song shrugged indifferently: "Your room is a guest room on the south side, which has a separate bathroom, and you can live in it until you find a new job and move away.

I will provide you with free WIFI and gas hot water supply, and your task is to clean the room every morning and evening, go to the supermarket to buy cat food materials every three days, make beds and fold quilts, do laundry and cooking, you have to do everything you can Do... Also, I'm going on a business trip in two days, so I'll take care of my big orange. "

Jane gritted her teeth, for the sake of the mission, she endured it.

Looking around the living room, she finally saw a mouse cage in the corner.

"Qian, what's that?" Jian Ni was acting silly again, her tone was comparable to the phrase "Tututu is so cute, why do you want to eat Tutu".

Walking to the edge of the mouse cage, she squatted down, lifted the towel covering the cage, and saw 6 chipmunks.

Except for one of them who seemed to have pink eye disease, the remaining ones... one by one was worse than the other.

The remaining five chipmunks had bloody backs that looked like hemorrhoids had popped.

Jenny: "???"

At this time, she didn't realize the seriousness of the problem.

She didn't know why Director Fury specifically asked her to check on the chipmunks in Qian Song's house, but judging from the current situation, it seemed that the health of the mice was pretty bad.

"Squeak! Squeak!"

Two of the chipmunks took two steps towards Jenny with difficulty, and squeaked at her. The calls were hoarse and piercing, and they didn't know what was wrong with their throats.

Janie doesn't have superpowers to communicate with animals, so she just takes the behavior of the two chipmunks as some sort of warning—like a wild animal whose territory has been violated.

"Huh... Qian, they look so fierce, they are obviously injured." Jian Ni said to Qian Song.

As soon as she finished speaking, she suddenly realized that her current reaction did not match the persona of the "pet store employee", so she added: "Qian, let's take them to the pet hospital to have a look."

Qian Song didn't respond to her, but was playing with his mobile phone with his head down.

Just now, the black boy Jason sent several tweets in a row. The frequency of these tweets was comparable to that of a certain president:

"It's hard for you to imagine that I will have a white sister. Although we are not related by blood, we are as close as a real family."

"My sister broke down today, I've never seen her cry so sadly."

"I'm not bragging. My sister looks as cute as an angel, and her heart is as pure as an angel. She has been working hard all the time, just to pay for her best friend's medical expenses."

"She cried and said that her terminally ill friend had given up treatment and that she was about to lose a dear friend."

"I envy my sister very much, because I don't even have any friends. From childhood to adulthood, almost no one wants to be my friend."

"I also felt sorry for her friend who was going to die. Hamlet said, 'To live or to die, that is the question', and for the first time in my life I seriously thought about life and death."

At the end of the tweet, a photo of her sister's back, squatting at the door of the hospital and crying, was attached.

Seeing this, Qian Song frowned slightly——Jason's sister Daisy, her best friend, isn't Thor's ex-girlfriend, Jane Foster?

Was she so ill that she was about to die?
The fate of Thor, the lone star of the evil spirit, can still play a role at such a distance?
Maybe it's because he read too many fantasy novels in his previous life. Qian Song always felt that someone as awesome as Thor didn't even know that his woman was terminally ill, let alone save her, which was a bit low.

In other words, if Saul is the male protagonist of a certain website novel, it is guaranteed to be sprayed to pieces by the book friends-the tragic experience of the female protagonist Jane Foster is the most obvious poisonous point, isn't it?
Of course, Sol is not a hero in a novel at all, and his heavy fate, indomitable character and courage are not comparable to those of Long Aotian.

For the members of the Avengers, Qian Song has always followed the policy of "building good karma", so he wondered if he should do something to change the fate of Jane Foster's dying.

If you can meet Thor again in the future, saving Jane Foster should be considered a favor.

Taking advantage of two days before Iron Man's wedding, Qian Song planned to go to the hospital quietly to check on Jane Foster's condition before making plans.

Just do it, he said "please do it yourself" to Jenny, and he wants to go back to the room to "sleep" for a while.

After laying down on the bed, Qian Song directly switched his consciousness to another clone under the ground.

According to the background of the photo in Jason's tweet, Qian Song found the hospital.

To avoid trouble, he turned into a "bee man" and flew into the inpatient department of the hospital from the ventilation duct of the elevator shaft.

 Ask for collection, ask for recommendation ticket


(End of this chapter)

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