The Great Demon King

Chapter 49 Where is she?

Chapter 49 Where is she?
Every time Peter Parker's hairs stand on end, it heralds the coming of danger, so that he can be prepared to avoid the crisis.

Some people call this ability "Peter's Stirring", and Peter himself called it "Spider Sensation".

Now, his spider sense told him that he must not shoot spider silk at that tall Asian youth, otherwise bad things will happen, even fatal.

Yes, spider sensing is also graded.

Just like the last time Thanos's subordinates drove a spaceship to New York to grab Doctor Strange's time gem. At that time, the little spider was on the school bus, and the hairs on his arms stood up, but that time only one arm stood up, indicating that As long as you are careful, you can deal with it.

But at this moment, every hair on his body, including the hair, stood on end!
Peter trusted his spider sense very much, so he resolutely gave up launching spider silk.

At the same time, I was wondering: Why did S.H.I.E.L.D. only send an ordinary female agent with average skills to investigate such a powerful existence?To die?
Because of the reminder from the spider sensor, the little spider decided to take it seriously, even if his life was in danger, he would not back down.

Although he rejected Stark and did not appear at the press conference joining the Avengers, he is very clear about who he is and his position:

Whether he is a member of the Avengers or not, his ideal will never change - to become the hero of this city.

Whether he is a member of the Avengers or not, what he has to do will never change—do what a hero should do.

Peter let go of the spider web, somersaulted in the air, and landed firmly in front of Qian Song.

"Hey, sir, excuse me... Huh?" Little Spider wanted to start his Spider-Man style opening speech, but suddenly got stuck in the middle of the sentence.

Because of this person, he knows.

Yes, they met in a pet shop in Manhattan not long ago. Although the first conversation was awkward, the little spider with a superb memory still had a strong impression of Qian Song.

"You are... money?" Little Spider asked.

He also asked subconsciously, and when he realized it, he quickly shut up.

Because it would expose his identity.

Think about it, when you are walking at night, you suddenly meet Spider-Man, and then Spider-Man calls out your name, what will be your first reaction?
Of course it's something like "why does Spider-Man know me", right?
Next, anyone with the simplest logical thinking ability can deduce that since Spider-Man knows me, there is a high probability that I know him too. In other words, Spider-Man is probably my acquaintance.

And then further screening based on habits such as voice, height, tone of voice, body movements, etc., to rule out all the impossibilities, and the remaining ones, no matter how unbelievable, are the truth.

"Hello, Peter Parker." Qian Song greeted the boy in front of him with a smile.

Peter Parker: "???"

Is it that exaggerated?Did you immediately deduce my identity based on my words?Only took 1 second?Or is my mask leaking air?Or does he have clairvoyant powers?
Seeing the little spider subconsciously rubbing his head with both hands, Qian Song thought he was cute, so he didn't plan to tease him any more: "Okay, Peter, don't be surprised why I recognized you, I not only know you, but also know complex Others in the league, like this one."

Qian Song took out his mobile phone, skillfully opened the photo album, and found the photo he took with Bruce Banner just this afternoon.

In the group photo, Dr. Banner smiles very naively. It may be because of the beauty function of the mobile phone. His teeth are very white and bright. He even looks like a scissors hand. The whole painting style is pink and very cute. Ghosts would believe he was the Hulk.

"Dr. Banner is a very good buddy of mine." Qian Song "reported himself", and he started again.

When in contact with Bruce Banner before, in order to strike up a conversation, he lied that he and Spider-Man were close friends.

Now that he met Spider-Man, he took out a photo with Bruce, and in turn lied that he and Bruce were friends.

Let me ask who is the most coquettish in the world, please see the New York Purple Potato Demon.

Banner: Smelly shameless.

"Ah, so you are Dr. Banner's friend." The little spider rubbed the back of his head embarrassingly. He felt that the experience tonight was absurd and unreal.

As the "son" of Iron Man, Peter certainly knows a lot about the Avengers, and he also knows all the main members of the Avengers.

Although he has never fought the Hulk, Peter has seen many videos of the Hulk showing off his might on the battlefield, and he doesn't know much about Dr. Banner's state after his transformation.

The real identity of Little Spider is known to everyone inside the Avengers. In order to protect his privacy and keep him from being disturbed on weekdays, everyone has a consensus - not to disclose Spider-Man's real identity to unrelated people.

Now that Qian Song already knows his identity, it shows that Dr. Banner has a very high degree of trust in Qian Song, and it is even possible that Qian Song was originally a peripheral member of Avengers.

However, since everyone is on their own, why did Chief Nick send someone to follow Qian Song?
The little spider was puzzled by this.

Qian Song was not in a hurry to leave, he opened the eyes of the ancient gods to observe the cranky little spider:
"Level: LV13
Attack power: 305 (pure flesh)

Evaluation: Level I life, special genetic variant"

Qian Song saw the word "pure physical" added after the attack power. Does this comment simply refer to the physical attack power of 305, or is it just expressing that Spider-Man can only attack with physical magic and does not use magic or energy? What about the attack?

"Mr. Qian." The little spider couldn't help it, and said, "I don't want to offend, is there any misunderstanding between you and S.H.I.E.L.D.?"

Qian Song frowned: "Why do you say that?"

The little spider was very honest, and told the story about the female agent of the S.H.I.E.L.D. that he had just hoisted up, and then said: "The lady agent said it herself, it is her mission to track you down."

Qian Song was quite surprised. He knew that SHIELD would come to his door sooner or later, but he didn't expect to be bumped into by Spiderman by such a coincidence.

"I don't know why S.H.I.E.L.D. is looking for me." Qian Song said nonsense, "In this case, then take me to find that agent, and let's make it clear in person, otherwise we, 'good neighbors of New Yorkers', should be suspicious." I'm a bad guy."

"No, no, no, I didn't mean that, sir." Little Spider quickly denied that he was a kind person and would not deliberately think the worst about people.

"Let's go, the truth will be revealed when we meet." Qian Song smiled slightly.

The little spider brought Qian Song to the streetlight where Jane was hanged just now, and he just told her to stand there and wait.

Now, she is gone.

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(End of this chapter)

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