The Great Demon King

Chapter 40 Bruce Banner

Chapter 40 Bruce Banner

Qian Song almost dropped the broken lens—what the hell?How dare you say that humans are inferior creatures?
After thinking about it, it seems that I am no longer a human being... Oh, that's okay.

At present, it seems that this strange lens should be a part of an instrument, and it cannot be used by ordinary mortals, or ordinary three-dimensional creatures.

Fortunately, Qian Song had obtained the Eye of the Ancient God before, otherwise he would really have thrown the lens away like garbage.

The question is, this thing is obviously not an earth item, so where did it come from?
It is impossible to kill monsters and lose equipment. He just said it casually, just jokingly.

It should be said that this thing was buried in the wall by someone before the demon came.

Qian Song went to the cracks in the wall to observe carefully, and then picked up the cement slag that fell on the ground and rubbed it to make sure it wasn't newly built, which meant it wasn't buried recently.

Or, it was poured in with cement when the house was built.

Or, it is direct space transmission, and the result is embedded inside the wall.

This lens must have other functions or powers, otherwise it would not be able to be used as the coordinates of the arrival by the devil.

Qian Song, who was concentrating on his thoughts, didn't notice that Yuan Devourer was also staring at the lens and licking his lips, just like an ordinary kitten seeing a small dried fish.

As a serious treasure collector, Yuan Devourer is very greedy for this lens.

It has seen similar items before, but missed them last time.

The value of this thing, among all its collections, can be ranked at an upper-middle level.

If it wasn't for Qian Song, it would have swallowed the lens already.

"Obviously Ben Meow discovered it first... Forget it, forget it, let's treat it as a reward for you." Looking at Qian Song's happy expression, Yuan Devourer couldn't bear to spoil his good mood, so he could only squeeze a lemon in his heart. .

On the other side, Qian Song simply grew a wooden lens clip on the skin around the ancient god's eye, which was used to wear glasses for the ancient god's eye.

After putting on the glasses, he doesn't need to close his eyes after using the Eye of the Ancient God, and he won't feel dizzy when he opens his naked eyes, because the contours of the objects seen by the three eyes are now synchronized, nothing more than a few lines of data on the head That's all.

Qian Song crossed the Yuan Devourer's armpit, lifted it up and laid it flat, and the lens began to display its data.

In the first 0.0001 milliseconds, the data displayed on the lens was frighteningly high, and the "evaluation" column was directly a string of "??????"

It's just that Qian Song doesn't have such a powerful dynamic vision, and he can't detect the strings flashing within 0.0001 milliseconds. The data he sees is like this:

"Level: LV1
Attack: 0.3
Rating: Low Creature"

Well, although it is much lower than humans, the evaluation is still "inferior creatures". It seems that ordinary mammals on earth, including humans, are all inferior creatures in the eyes of this thing.

Of course, from another point of view, it can only be said that Yuan Devourer is awesome, and its camouflage skills are MAX.

Or why Qian Song has never doubted the true identity of Yuan Devouring Beast?
It was the same when I got the Eye of the Ancient God last time. I went to the pet clinic to do B-ultrasound and CT in the morning. It was the same when I got the lens just now. Qian Song always observed his cat immediately.

As a result, neither the eyes of the ancient gods, nor the scanning equipment of the hospital, nor the current lens can identify and expose the real body of the devouring beast.

This kind of camouflage technique is much better than any monster's transformation technique. It is estimated that even the legendary golden eyes can't tell the difference.

Qian Song's interest in playing is on the rise, just like buying a smartphone for the first time in his previous life, new things can always stimulate people's curiosity and desire to explore.

He originally planned to go back to the apartment directly, but now he is not in a hurry, let's go shopping on the street for a while.

Maybe, in the vast crowd, you will see some kind of aliens, or people with superpowers.

Even if you can't meet him, then go to Central Park to play again. Many of his clones are lying in the soil of the park to take root and sprout. Get two of them up to see how much attack power they have.


For two months, Bruce Banner has not been able to communicate well with Hulk for a long time since he was beaten to autism by Thanos on the spaceship in Asgard.

To put it bluntly, you can't change your body.

Originally, the former New York citizens didn't like the Hulk very much. Who made him a king of destruction?In one transformation, two streets are gone.

Bruce has also tried many methods before, wanting to "cure" himself and become an ordinary person from then on.

Since the New York defense battle with the Chitauri army a few years ago, people have had some changes in the Hulk. After getting along with the members of the Avengers, especially Natasha, Bruce Banner gradually accepted it. The Hulk in the body, the two barely live in peace.

To be honest, Bruce actually started to miss the grumpy guy inside him now.

Bruce, who has not transformed, is a famous physicist, but no matter whether he is a scientist, or a dancer or martial artist, as a mortal now, he has to eat.

He wanted to live a peaceful life, so he did not continue to work in S.H.I.E.L.D. Instead, he chose a scientific research laboratory and became a high-energy particle researcher again after a long absence.

Next weekend will be Tony Stark's wedding. Bruce is inexplicably agitated. He walks out of the laboratory to relax. After all, he also understands that his irritability comes not only from his inability to transform, but also from Natasha.

He left the earth in a spaceship before, left without saying goodbye, and spent a few years in a distant alien star as a gladiator. Although Hulk dominated his body during those days, his Bruce Banner personality never forgot to miss Natasha.

He was teleported back by the Rainbow Bridge some time ago, and the moment he saw Natasha, apart from embarrassment, he was convinced that he still loved her.

I really want Natasha to be his female companion to attend Tony's wedding together.

However, he couldn't speak.

Bruce Banner, who walked out of the laboratory, was absent-minded until he was hit by a child when he went out after buying a hamburger and spilled his pants of Coke.

Dr. Banner is a very gentle person. He comforted the frightened child, and then he found two eyes staring at him not far away.

One of the gazes came from a cat, and the other from a dark-haired Asian youth.

Instinctively, Bruce Banner felt very uncomfortable. He felt that neither the cat nor the young Asian seemed to be able to see through him.


It was the first word Bruce Banner heard from the young man's mouth.

Bruce looked down at himself in a strange way. Apart from the Coke stains on his pants, he is nothing special now. What's so great about him?

"Level: LV3 (26)

Attack Power: 6 (1800)

Evaluation: Level II life form (self-sealing)"

 ask for a ticket
(End of this chapter)

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